Florida Administrative Code
65C - Family Safety and Preservation Program
Section 65C-46.010 - Child Records and Confidentiality Requirements
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) The child-caring agency shall maintain a permanent record of all resident children and document efforts to obtain the information which shall be made available to the Department upon request. The record shall include the following:
(2) The child-caring agency shall maintain individual records for each child and document efforts to obtain the information. The child's record shall include the following:
(3) Information in case records shall be kept confidential. This includes sharing information with other children in the group home.
(4) Staff entries in case records shall be dated and signed.
(5) The case record shall be maintained for a minimum of five (5) years after a child has been discharged.
(6) The child-caring agency shall dispose of confidential records in a manner that protects the clients privacy and security of their protected health information.
(7) The identity of any child who has tested positive for the HIV virus shall be disclosed to an employee of the Department or child-caring or child-placing agency directly involved in the placement, care, or custody of such child and only when the employee needs to know such information in order to safely perform job duties. An employee has a need to know the identity of a child and the child's test results if:
(8) The identity of a child who has tested positive for the HIV virus must be disclosed to a foster family, or child-caring or child-placing agency licensed pursuant to Florida Statutes, who is directly involved in the care of such child and has a need to know such information. The identity of the child shall be disclosed only after the following conditions have been met:
(9) The child-caring, child-placing agency, foster home or adoptive home who has accepted an HIV infected child for care shall be given a statement in writing which includes the following language: "This information has been disclosed to you from confidential records. The confidentiality of this record is protected by state law. State law prohibits you from making any further disclosure of such information without the specific written consent of the person to whom such information pertains, or as otherwise permitted by state law. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is NOT sufficient for this purpose."
(10) The child's record shall contain documentation that the written statement was given to the child-caring, child-placing agency or to the foster or adoptive parents.
(11) The case files shall not be segregated or flagged in any way which would permit their identification as case files of HIV infected children.
Rulemaking Authority 409.175(5), 381.004(2)(e)11. FS. Law Implemented 409.175(5)(b)1., 9., 13., 381.004(2)(e)11., (f) FS.
New 7-1-87, Formerly 10M-9.031, Amended 10-20-16, 5-26-21, Formerly 64C-14.022.