Florida Administrative Code
65A - Economic Self-Sufficiency Program
Section 65A-4.220 - Amount and Duration of Cash Payment
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) The Department determines the amount of cash assistance payment that a person receives by using the applicable payment standard minus the total net available income. A resulting deficit must be rounded down to the nearest $1.00 in determining the benefit amount. The minimum grant is $10. Persons eligible for benefits of under $10 do not receive Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) but are considered TCA recipients for other purposes, including Medicaid and food assistance coverage.
(2) The eligibility specialist selects the applicable standard for the assistance group based on the size of the assistance group and the assistance group's shelter obligation.
(3) In order for an assistance group to be eligible on the factor of need, the Department must make an initial determination that the assistance group's adjusted gross income does not exceed the applicable Department eligibility standard. The eligibility standard is equal to 185 percent of the Consolidated Need Standard (CNS) and is based on the size of the assistance group. The CNS is equal to 100 percent of the current federal poverty level.
(4) For the purpose of the three tier shelter standard, the definition of a homeless family is one which lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, or one who has a primary nighttime residence that is:
(5) Payments are made in monthly increments throughout the period of eligibility.
(6) The Department may continue assistance for only one month following the month of departure when the recipient moves out of the state and requests the extension.
(7) Residency is not affected during temporary absences.
(8) The Department must designate a protective payee so an application can be approved or TCA can be continued for other assistance group members, when the payee of the TCA group is disqualified due to fraud. Protective payee requirements for TCA are the same as those listed in Section 414.065(2), F.S. Form CF-ES 2635, Protective Payee Agreement, 07/2014, is incorporated herein by reference, https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-05058. The following non-English versions of the Protective Payee Agreement are incorporated by reference: CF-ES 2635H (Creole), 07/2014, available at https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16463, and CF-ES 2635S (Spanish), 07/2014, available at https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16464.
Rulemaking Authority 414.45, 414.095(14)(k), 414.095(18) FS. Law Implemented 414.14, 414.095 FS.
New 1-31-94, Amended 10-9-96, Formerly 10C-1.504, Amended 11-30-98, Formerly 65A-1.504, Amended 2-10-03, 3-10-09, 3-18-15, 3-13-24.