Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) Radiation
(a) The registrant shall ensure that
a survey, as defined in subsection
64E-5.101 (151), F.A.C., of all
new facilities and existing facilities not previously surveyed, is performed
with an operable radiation measurement survey instrument according to the
requirements of Part III of Chapter 64E-5, F.A.C.
(b) The survey shall be performed by, or
under the direction of, an authorized medical physicist or radiation safety
officer who shall determine and record whether radiation levels are in
compliance with the dose limits of Part III of Chapter 64E-5, F.A.C. Portable
shielding may be used to comply with these radiation dose limits. Such surveys
shall be conducted with the electronic brachytherapy device controls, source
position, portable shielding and site-specific scattering phantom all set so as
to produce the highest radiation exposure level that could occur during
(c) The survey record
shall include: the date of the measurements; the reason the survey is required;
the manufacturer's name, model number and serial number of the electronic
brachytherapy device; the instrument(s) used to measure radiation levels; a
plan of the areas surrounding the treatment room that were surveyed; the
measured dose rate at several points in each area expressed in microsieverts or
millirems per hour; the calculated maximum level of radiation over a period of
1 week for each restricted and unrestricted area; and the signature of the
individual responsible for conducting the survey.
(d) A survey shall also be performed prior to
any subsequent medical use, when:
1. Making
any change in the portable shielding,
2. Making any change in the location where
the electronic brachytherapy device is used within the treatment room,
3. Relocating the electronic
brachytherapy device.
The registrant shall maintain the record of each survey for the duration of the
Dosimetry Equipment.
(a) For electronic
brachytherapy devices, the calibration of the dosimetry system shall be for the
source and energy or energies in use according to a current published protocol
from a nationally recognized professional association with expertise in
electronic brachytherapy, such as the AAPM. In the absence of such a published
protocol, the manufacturer's current protocol shall be followed.
(b) The registrant shall have available for
use a dosimetry system for quality assurance check measurements. The quality
assurance check system may be the same system used to meet the requirement for
(c) The registrant
shall maintain a record of each dosimetry system calibration, intercomparison,
and comparison for the duration of the registration. Each record shall include:
the date; the model numbers and serial numbers of the instruments that were
calibrated, inter-compared or compared; the names of the individuals who
performed the calibration, intercomparison, or comparison, and; evidence that
the intercomparison was performed by, or under the direct supervision and in
the physical presence of, an authorized medical physicist of
(3) Quality
Management Program.
(a) Each registrant under
this part shall establish and maintain a written quality management program to
provide a high confidence that electronic brachytherapy devices will be used as
directed by the authorized user. The quality management program must include
written policies and procedures to meet the following objectives:
1. Except where a delay to provide a written
directive as defined in subsection
64E-5.101 (173), F.A.C., would
jeopardize the patient's health as specified in subparagraphs
2. and 3., F.A.C., a written directive is prepared prior to administration of a
therapeutic radiation dose,
2. An
oral directive is only acceptable when a delay to provide a written directive
would jeopardize the patient's health because of the emergent nature of the
patient's condition. The information contained in the oral directive must be
documented immediately in the patient's record and a written directive prepared
within 24 hours of the oral directive,
3. An oral revision to an existing written
directive is only acceptable when a delay to provide a written revision to an
existing written directive would jeopardize the patient's health. The oral
revision must be documented immediately in the patient's record and a revised
written directive must be signed by the authorized user within 48 hours of the
oral revision,
4. A written
directive that changes an existing written directive for any therapeutic
radiation procedure is only acceptable if the revision is dated and signed by
an authorized user prior to the administration of the therapeutic electronic
brachytherapy dose, or the next electronic brachytherapy fractional dose,
5. The patient's identity is
verified by more than one method as the individual named in the written
directive prior to administration,
6. The final plans of treatment and related
calculations agree with the respective written directives,
7. Each administration agrees with the
written directive; and,
8. Any
unintended deviation from the written directive is identified and evaluated and
appropriate action is taken.
(b) The registrant shall retain for 3 years
each written directive in an auditable form.
(c) The registrant shall develop procedures
for and conduct a review of the quality management program including an
evaluation of the following:
1. A
representative sample of patient administrations within the review period, as
described in a procedure submitted to the Department,
2. All recordable events, as defined in
subsection 64E-5.101 (123), F.A.C., within
the review period; and,
3. All
medical events within the review period to verify compliance with all aspects
of the quality management program.
(d) The review of the quality management
program shall be conducted at intervals not to exceed 12 months. The registrant
shall maintain a record of each dated review for inspection by the department
in an auditable form for 3 years and shall include evaluations and findings of
the review.
(e) The registrant
shall evaluate each of these reviews to determine the effectiveness of the
quality management program and make modifications to meet the objectives of the
(f) The registrant may
make modifications to the quality management program to increase the program's
efficiency as long as the program's effectiveness is not diminished. The
registrant is required to submit any modifications to the quality management
program to the department within 30 days after the modifications have been
(g) Within 30 days of
discovery of each recordable event, as defined in subsection
64E-5.101 (123), F.A.C., the
registrant shall:
1. Assemble the relevant
facts including the cause,
Identify and implement any corrective action required to prevent recurrence;
3. Retain a record in an
auditable form for 3 years of the relevant facts and any corrective action
(h) Each
registrant shall maintain records and reports of medical events until the
termination of the registration.
(4) Quality Assurance Program.
(a) Each registrant shall develop and
administer a written quality assurance program as a method of minimizing
deviations from facility procedures and to document preventative measures taken
prior to serious patient injury or medical event. The quality assurance program
must include written procedures for performing:
1. Treatment planning, chart and treatment
field parameters,
2. Patient
simulation, verification of catheter placement and device exchange,
3. Dose calculation and review; and,
4. Review of daily treatment
(b) Deviations
from the prescribed treatment or from the facility's quality assurance and
operating procedures shall be investigated and brought to the attention of the
authorized user, authorized medical physicist and radiation safety
(c) A review of the
quality assurance program shall be conducted at intervals not to exceed 3
months and shall include all the deviations from the prescribed treatment. A
signed record of each dated review shall be maintained for inspection by the
department in an auditable form for 3 years and shall include evaluations and
findings of the review.
(5) Authority and Responsibilities.
(a) Radiation Safety Officer.
1. A registrant shall appoint a radiation
safety officer responsible for implementing the radiation safety program. The
registrant, through the radiation safety officer, shall ensure that radiation
safety activities are performed in accordance with approved procedures and
regulatory requirements in the daily operation of the electronic brachytherapy
2. The radiation safety
officer shall promptly investigate and implement corrective actions as
necessary regarding:
a. Incidents as defined
in Rule 64E-5.344, F.A.C.,
b. Reportable events as defined in Rule
64E-5.345, F.A.C.;
c. Other deviations from
approved radiation safety practice. A written report of these investigations
and the corrective actions taken shall be given to management within 30 days of
the incident, event or deviation.
3. The radiation safety officer shall
implement written policies and procedures to:
a. Use electronic brachytherapy devices
b. Perform radiation
surveys whenever necessary,
Perform checks of survey instruments and other safety equipment,
d. Train personnel who work in or frequent
areas where radiation is present; and,
e. Keep a copy of all records and reports
required by department regulations, a copy of these regulations, and a copy of
each registration correspondence to the department, and the written policies
and procedures required by the regulations.
4. The radiation safety officer shall review
at least every 3 months the occupational radiation exposure records of all
personnel working with radiation therapy devices.
(b) Authorized User. Authorized users shall:
1. Be physically present during the
initiation of each patient treatment,
2. Be physically present during the
continuation of each patient treatment or identify in writing a physician under
the supervision of the authorized user who is trained in the operation of and
emergency response for the device who will be physically present during the
continuation of each patient treatment,
3. Personally review the patient's case to
assure that the therapeutic radiation procedure is appropriate; and,
4. Review the progress of the patient
receiving therapy and modify the originally prescribed dose, if
(c) Visiting
Authorized User.
1. A registrant may permit
any visiting authorized user to use an electronic brachytherapy device for
medical use under the terms of the registrant's registration and radiation
protection program for 60 days each year if:
a. The visiting authorized user has the prior
written permission of the registrant's management,
b. The registrant has a copy of an electronic
brachytherapy device registration issued by the department or another state
that identifies the visiting authorized user by name as an authorized user for
medical use of an electronic brachytherapy device; and,
c. The visiting authorized user performs only
those procedures for which he is specifically authorized by the registration
described in sub-subparagraph
1.b., F.A.C.
2. A
registrant shall retain copies of the records specified in subparagraph
1., F.A.C., for 5 years after the last visit of the visiting authorized
(d) Authorized
Medical Physicist. The authorized medical physicist shall:
1. Be physically present during the
initiation and continuation of each patient treatment,
2. Evaluate the output from the electronic
brachytherapy source,
3. Generate
the necessary dosimetry information,
4. Review treatment calculations prior to
initial treatment of any treatment site,
5. Establish the quality assurance spot
checks and review the data from those checks as required by the submitted
6. Consult with the
authorized user in treatment planning, as needed; and,
7. Perform calculations and assessments
regarding patient treatments that may constitute medical
Operating Procedures. The registrant shall ensure compliance with the following
(a) An electronic brachytherapy
device shall only be used as approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
for human use.
(b) When not in
operation, the electronic brachytherapy device shall be secured from
unauthorized use.
(c) When a
patient must be held in position for radiation therapy, mechanical supporting
or restraining devices shall be used.
(d) A copy of the current operating and
emergency procedures shall be kept in close proximity to the electronic
brachytherapy device and easily accessible to the operator.
(e) No individual other than the patient
shall be exposed during the treatment.
(f) The radiation safety officer or his/her
designee, and an authorized user, shall be notified as soon as possible but no
later than 24 hours after a patient's, or human research subject's, medical
emergency or death.
(g) Only
individuals approved by the authorized user, radiation safety officer, or
authorized medical physicist shall be present in the treatment room during
treatment and a written log shall be kept of all personnel present during
(h) Simultaneous
operation of more than one radiation-producing device in a treatment room shall
be prohibited; and,
(i) The
registrant shall develop, implement, and maintain written procedures for
responding to any situation in which the operator is unable to complete the
treatment in compliance with the written directive. These procedures must
1. Instructions for responding to
equipment failures and the names of the individuals responsible for
implementing corrective actions,
The process for restricting access to, and posting of, the treatment area to
minimize the risk of inadvertent exposure; and,
3. The names and telephone numbers of the
authorized users, the authorized medical physicist, and the radiation safety
officer to be contacted if the device operates
Possession of a Survey Instrument. Each facility location authorized to use an
electronic brachytherapy device shall possess portable monitoring equipment. At
a minimum, such equipment shall include a portable radiation measurement survey
instrument capable of measuring dose rates over the range 0.1 microsievert
(0.01 millirem) per hour to 10 millisievert (1000 millirem) per hour. All
survey instruments shall be operable and calibrated annually.
(8) Calibration.
(a) Validation of the electronic
brachytherapy source output shall be performed by an authorized medical
(b) Calibration
validation measurements shall be made for each x-ray tube, or after any repair
affecting the x-ray beam generation, or when indicated by the spot
(c) Calibration validation
must include determination of:
1. The output
within 2% of the expected value, or determination of the output if there is no
expected value,
2. Timer accuracy
and linearity over the typical range of use,
3. Proper operation of back-up exposure
control devices,
4. Evaluation that
the relative dose distribution about the source is within 5% of that expected;
5. Source positioning accuracy
to within 1 millimeter within the applicator,
(d) The validation of the output shall use a
dosimetry system as described by the facility's procedures to measure the
output. Such procedures shall use a current published protocol from a
nationally recognized professional association with expertise in electronic
brachytherapy, such as the AAPM. In the absence of such a published protocol,
the manufacturer's current protocol shall be followed.
(e) The registrant shall make calibration
measurements required by this section according to a current published protocol
from a nationally-recognized professional association with expertise in
electronic brachytherapy, such as the AAPM. In the absence of such a published
protocol, the manufacturer's current testing protocol shall be
(9) Routine and
Day-Of-Use Periodic Spot Checks for Electronic Brachytherapy Devices and
Dosimetry Equipment.
(a) A registrant
authorized to use electronic brachytherapy devices shall have a program to
perform spot checks on each unit:
1. At the
beginning of each day of use of an electronic brachytherapy unit,
2. Each time the unit is moved to a new room
or site; and,
3. After each x-ray
tube installation.
The authorized medical physicist shall:
Establish written procedures for performing the spot checks,
2. Supervise the making of the spot checks
and review the spot check results within 2 days of completion; and,
3. Notify the registrant in writing of any
failures detected during the spot checks, within 24 hours of the identification
of the spot check failure.
(c) The authorized user will prevent the
clinical use of a malfunctioning device until the malfunction identified in the
spot check has been evaluated and corrected or, if necessary, the equipment
(d) The spot checks must,
at a minimum, assure proper operation of:
Radiation exposure indicator lights on the electronic brachytherapy device and
on the control console; and,
2. The
integrity of all cables, catheters or parts of the device.
(e) Spot checks of dosimetry must include
checks that the output of the electronic brachytherapy source falls within 3%
of expected values, which include:
1. Output
as a function of time, or output as a function of setting on a monitor chamber;
2. Verification of the
consistency of the dose distribution to within 3% of that found during
3. Validation of the
operation of positioning methods to assure that the treatment dose exposes the
intended location within 1 mm; and,
4. Inspection of all treatment components
(e.g., connecting guide tubes, transfer tubes, transfer-tube-applicator
interfaces, treatment spacers) on the day of use for any
(f) A
registrant shall retain a record of each spot check for 3 years. The record
shall include:
1. The date of the check,
2. The manufacturer's name, model
number, and serial number of the electronic brachytherapy source,
3. Notations indicating the operability of
electronic brachytherapy source exposure indicator lights, applicators,
source-transfer tubes, transfer tube-applicator interfaces, and
source-positioning accuracy; and,
4. The name and signature of the individual
who performed the check.
(10) Mobile Electronic Brachytherapy Devices.
A registrant providing mobile electronic brachytherapy services shall:
(a) Check all survey instruments before
medical use at each address of use and on each day of use;
(b) Account for the x-ray tube in the device
before departure from the client's address; and,
(c) Perform, at each location, all of the
required periodic spot checks specified in subsection
F.A.C., to assure proper operation of the device.
(11) Treatment Planning.
(a) The authorized medical physicist shall
perform acceptance testing on the treatment planning system of therapy related
computer systems according to a current published protocol from a nationally
recognized professional association with expertise in electronic brachytherapy,
such as the AAPM. In the absence of such a published protocol, the
manufacturer's current protocol shall be followed. At a minimum, the acceptance
testing shall include verification of:
1. The
electronic brachytherapy source specific input parameters required by the
dose-calculation algorithm,
2. The
accuracy of dose, dwell-time, and treatment-time calculations at representative
3. The accuracy of isodose
plots and graphic displays,
4. The
accuracy of the software used to determine source positions from images; and,
5. If the treatment-planning
system is different from the treatment delivery system, the accuracy of
electronic transfer of the treatment-delivery parameters to the treatment
delivery unit from the treatment planning system.
(b) The authorized medical physicist shall
compare the position indicators in the applicator to the actual position of the
source or planned dwell positions at the time of commissioning.
(c) Prior to each patient treatment regimen,
the authorized medical physicist shall confirm the accuracy of the treatment
parameters and dose.
Rulemaking Authority 404.051(4), 404.22 FS. Law Implemented
404.051, 404.081(1), 404.22 FS.
New 3-12-09.