Florida Administrative Code
64E - Division of Environmental Health
Section 64E-5.1510 - Air Transport of Plutonium
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
Notwithstanding the provisions of any general license and notwithstanding any exemptions stated directly in this part or included indirectly by citation of the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations, as may be applicable, the licensee shall assure that plutonium in any form is not transported by air or offered to a carrier for air transport unless:
(1) The plutonium is contained in a medical device designed for individual human application, or
(2) The plutonium is contained in a material in which the specific activity is not greater than 0.002 microcuries (74 Bq) per gram of material and in which the radioactivity is essentially uniformly distributed, or
(3) The plutonium is shipped in a single package containing no more than an A02 quantity of plutonium in any isotope or form and is shipped in accordance with Rule 64E-5.1502, F.A.C., or
(4) The plutonium is shipped in a package specifically authorized for the shipment of plutonium by air in the Certificate of Compliance for that package issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Rulemaking Authority 404.051, 404.061, 404.141, 404.20 FS. Law Implemented 404.022, 404.051(1), (4), (6), (11), 404.061(2), 404.141, 404.20(1) FS.
New 7-17-85, Formerly 10D-91.2011.