Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
The requirements of this section must be met before loading
(1) Panoramic irradiators
shall meet the following construction requirements:
(a) Shielding. The licensee shall monitor the
construction of the shielding to verify that it meets design specifications and
generally accepted building code requirements for reinforced
(b) Foundations. The
licensee shall monitor the construction of the foundations to verify that they
meet design specifications.
Source Rack. The licensee shall test the movement of the source racks for
proper operation before source loading. Testing must include source rack
lowering due to simulated loss of power. For all irradiators with product
conveyor systems, the licensee shall observe and test the operation of the
conveyor system to assure that the requirements in Rule
64E-5.1412 and paragraph
F.A.C., are met for protection of the source racks and the mechanism which
moves the rack. Testing must include any limit switches and interlocks used to
protect the source rack and the mechanism which moves the rack from moving
product carriers.
(d) Access
Control. The licensee shall test the access control system to assure that it
functions as designed and that all alarms, controls, and interlocks work
(e) Fire Protection. The
licensee shall verify the ability of the heat and smoke detectors to detect a
fire, to activate alarms, and to cause the source rack to become fully shielded
automatically. The licensee also shall verify the operability of the fire
suppression or extinguishing system.
(f) Source Return. The licensee shall
demonstrate that the source racks can be returned to their fully shielded
position without off-site power.
(g) Computer Systems. If a computer is used
to control the access control system, the licensee shall demonstrate that the
computer and the access control system will operate as planned if off-site
power is lost by attempting to defeat the access control system in as many ways
as possible. The computer must have suitable security features which prevent an
irradiator operator from commanding the computer to override the access control
system when it is required to be operable.
(h) Wiring. The licensee shall verify that
the electrical wiring and electrical equipment that were installed meet the
design specifications.
(2) Pool irradiators shall meet the following
construction requirements:
(a) Pool Integrity.
The licensee shall test the integrity of the pool and verify that the pool
meets the design specifications. The licensee shall verify that penetrations
and water intakes meet the requirements of subsection
(b) Water Handling System.
The licensee shall verify that the water purification system, the conductivity
meter and the water level alarms operate properly.
(3) Radiation Monitors. For all irradiators,
the licensee shall verify the proper operation of the monitor to detect sources
carried on the product conveyor system and related alarms and interlocks
required by subsection
F.A.C. For pool irradiators, the licensee shall verify the proper operation of
the radiation monitor on the water purification system and the related alarms
and interlocks required by subsection
F.A.C. For underwater irradiators, the licensee shall verify the proper
operation of the pool monitor, alarms, and interlocks required by subsection
Rulemaking Authority 404.051(4) FS. Law Implemented
404.051(1), (5), (6), 404.061, 404.081, 404.141
New 8-14-96, Formerly