Florida Administrative Code
64E - Division of Environmental Health
Chapter 64E-11 - FOOD HYGIENE
Section 64E-11.015 - Afterschool Meal Program
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) Facilities participating in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Afterschool Meal Program, which are not used for any other food service operation or for multiple USDA Afterschool Meal Programs, shall comply with all applicable sanitary requirements of this chapter when minimum standards are not specified in this section.
(2) Food preparation sink - The sanitizing compartment of a two or three compartment sink may be used as a food preparation sink provided that the Afterschool Meal Program entity has a written procedure of use, which has been approved by the Department prior to the implementation of the procedure. At minimum, the written procedures shall:
(3) Hot and Cold Holding Equipment - In order to comply with holding temperature requirements, electronic hot and cold holding equipment shall be used for food storage; however, controls for the adjustment of temperature are not required.
(4) Cleaning facilities - Food operations restricted to the receipt of pre-portioned catered meals or service of prepackaged food items may use a self-contained mopping apparatus, provided it is used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and always available for use.
(5) Manual washing, rinsing and sanitizing - Sinks, drainboards and dishtables must be cleaned prior to use. A two-compartment sink may be used when warewashing is limited to a batch operation in which cleaning of kitchenware and tableware is suspended until the end of the service period. For batch cleaning, the following process applies:
(6) Drains - For an existing building with an existing food service operation, all drainage connections are considered acceptable if in good working order and capable of being maintained in a sanitary condition. Replacement materials and repairs must meet the requirements specified in rule 64E-11.007, F.A.C.
(7) Handwashing Facilities - For sites that receive pre-portioned catered meals or only serve prepackaged food items and employees do not open prepackaged items or otherwise come into contact with exposed food, a designated lavatory, equipped with hand cleansing soap or detergent and individual single use sanitary towels or a heated-air hand drying device is required but need not be in the same room. However, where food is served, dispensed, or otherwise unpackaged, a designated handwashing lavatory, equipped with hand cleansing soap or detergent and individual single use sanitary towels or a heated-air hand drying device, shall be located in the same room and within 20 feet of the area where food is served or dispensed.
(8) Hot Water - Food operations restricted to the receipt of proportioned catered meals or service of prepackaged food items and do not require ware washing are not required to have hot water.
(9) Manager Certification - manager certification standards in accordance with Rule 64E-11.012, F.A.C., shall be required for the following Afterschool Meal Program sites:
(10) Time as a public health control - Time may be used in lieu of the holding temperature requirements of subsection 64E-11.003(2), F.A.C., provided that time/temperature control for safety foods are cooked or reheated in accordance with subsection 64E-11.003(2), F.A.C.; the Department is notified at least 14 days prior to the implementation of time as a public health control; and the Afterschool Meal Program:
(11) During transport between food service establishments or while being transported from a food service establishment to another location, all food must be in covered containers or otherwise wrapped or packaged to ensure protection from contamination. Time/temperature control for safety food products must be kept at safe temperatures during all periods of transportation and delivery. Food utensils must be completely wrapped or packaged to protect them from contamination. Any time/temperature control for safety food product that does not meet these requirements must not be accepted or served by the Afterschool Meal Program Site.
Rulemaking Authority 381.0072 FS. Law Implemented 381.0072 FS.
New 2-18-14, Amended 9-26-18.