Florida Administrative Code
64B8 - Board of Medicine
Section 64B8-30.019 - Fees Regarding Physician Assistants
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
The following fees are prescribed by the Council and adopted by the Boards:
(1) The application fee for a person applying to be licensed as a physician assistant shall be $100.00.
(2) The initial licensure fee for any person who is issued a physician assistant license as provided in Section 458.347 or 459.022, F.S., shall be $200.00.
(3) All persons obtaining licensure or re-licensure as a physician assistant shall pay an unlicensed activity fee of $5.00 in addition to the fee in Rule 64B8-3.009, F.A.C.
(4) The biennial renewal fee for an active or inactive physician assistant licensed pursuant to Section 458.347 or 459.022(7), F.S., shall be $275.00. Licenses not renewed at the end of a biennial period shall automatically become delinquent.
(5) Physician assistants with prescribing authority shall pay an additional biennial renewal fee of $150. This additional biennial renewal fee is reduced to $10 through January 31, 2026.
(6) The reactivation fee for an inactive or retired status physician assistant license shall be $100. Reactivation shall require payment of all the applicable renewal fees and the reactivation fee.
(7) The duplicate license fee shall be $25.00.
(8) Any licensed physician assistant who fails to renew his/her licensure by the end of the biennium shall pay a delinquent fee of $100.00 upon application for either active or inactive status.
(9) The fee for processing any changes in the licensure status at any time other than the biennial renewal period shall be $100.00.
(10) The fee for a retired status license shall be $50.00 for a physician assistant.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036, 458.309, 458.347 FS. Law Implemented 456.036(3), (5), (7), 458.347 FS.
New 8-11-98, Amended 7-30-03, 7-27-04, 12-6-04, 11-11-07, 8-25-10, 1-27-13, 3-22-23.