Florida Administrative Code
61G15 - Board of Professional Engineers
Section 61G15-30.003 - Minimum Requirements for Engineering Documents
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) Engineering Documents are prepared in the course of performing engineering services. When prepared for inclusion with an application for a general building permit, the Documents shall meet all Engineer's Responsibility Rules, set forth in Chapters 61G15-31, 61G15-32, 61G15-33, and 61G15-34, F.A.C., and be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that the proposed work will conform to all applicable standards, codes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations in effect at the time the Documents are sealed, signed and dated, as determined by the AHJ. The Documents shall include:
(2) Engineers shall legibly indicate their name and business address on Engineering Documents. Engineering Documents which are issued for preliminary or conceptual use shall clearly note the intended purpose of such Documents.
(3) When elements of the project are shown on an Engineering Document only for information or clarification and the Engineer does not intend to accept responsibility for the elements, the engineer shall clearly note on the Documents the extent of his responsibility.
(4) Engineering Documents shall be legible and clearly define and delineate the work in the project. They must also comply with the requirements of Chapter 61G15-23, F.A.C., Seals.
(5) Engineers shall clearly note on any preliminary Engineering Documents that such Documents are not in final form, but are being transmitted to the AHJ to receive agency reviews, comments and interpretations. The Documents may subsequently be revised by the engineer to reflect resolution of issues with the AHJ prior to final action by the AHJ. Changes, revisions and modifications to a project may prompt additional Document submittal for AHJ approval action on the same project.
Rulemaking Authority 471.033(2), 471.008 FS. Law Implemented 471.033(1)(g), 471.025(3) FS.
New 1-26-93, Formerly 21H-30.003, Amended 11-13-08, 12-11-16.