Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) In addition to
the rules that exist under Rule
Florida Administrative Code, the following procedures are promulgated under and
emergency basis.
(2) Designating
Greyhounds for Sampling-
Prior to the race, all greyhounds scheduled to race shall
report to the detention enclosure for examination by an authorized
representative of the division for the taking of urine and/or other such
samples as shall be directed for the monitoring and detection of both
permissible and impermissible substances. An authorized division representative
shall attempt to collect a urine sample from the first two greyhounds that
urinate. If the authorized representative is not able to collect a sample from
both of the first two greyhounds that urinate, they shall continue to attempt
collecting a sample from the next greyhound, or greyhounds, that urinate until
either they have collected a total of two samples or there are no other
greyhounds urinating from which they can collect a sample.
(3) Collection of Samples-
(a) Urine and/or other samples shall be
collected by an authorized representative of the division in an unused sample
container supplied by the division, or its agent. Authorized representatives of
the division shall wear unused gloves supplied by the division, or its agent,
during sample collection until the sample container is sealed with its
(b) Authorized representatives
of the division shall use a sample card with a unique identifier to record the
date of sample collection and the identification tattoo, microchip or name of
the greyhound sampled or attempted to be sampled.
(c) The owner, trainer of record, or other
authorized person is permitted to witness when the sample is collected from
their greyhound. Failure of an owner, trainer of record or other authorized
person to witness and/or sign the sample card shall not preclude the division
from proceeding with sample analysis.
(4) Sealing and Labeling of Samples-
(a) As soon as possible after a sample is
collected, the sample container shall be sealed with its lid.
(b) The sample container shall be labeled
with the sample card's unique identifier.
(c) Evidence tape shall be placed over both
the sample container and lid on at least two sides.
(d) The authorized representative of the
division that sealed the sample container shall initial the evidence tape on
the sample container.
(5) Storing and Shipping of Samples-
(a) After being sealed and labeled, the
samples shall be stored in a locked freezer in a restricted area that is
accessible by only authorized representatives of the division until the time of
shipment. Samples shall be stored in a frozen state.
(b) The samples shall be shipped in an
insulated container and, upon the completion of packing the samples for
shipment, the shipping container shall be locked. All appropriate forms for
shipment shall be completed and included with the shipment to ensure correct
delivery and identification of the contents.
(c) The samples shall be shipped to the
laboratory under contract with the division for testing of the samples via the
laboratory's contracted common carrier.
(6) Authority of the Division-
(a) The division investigator or other
authorized representative is authorized to confiscate any legend or proprietary
drugs, medications, unlabeled medication, medication with altered labels,
medicinal compounds (natural or synthetic) or other materials which are found
on the grounds of greyhound race tracks and kennel compounds or in the
possession of any person participating in or connected with greyhound racing,
including veterinarians and trainers, and which are suspected of containing
improper legend or proprietary drugs, medications, medicinal compounds (natural
or synthetic) or other materials which are illegal or impermissible under these
rules. Such legend or proprietary drugs, medications, unlabeled medication,
medication with altered labels, medicinal compounds (natural or synthetic) or
other materials shall be delivered to the laboratory under contract with the
division for analysis.
(b) The
division investigator or other authorized representative is authorized to
confiscate any evidence that an illegal or impermissible legend or proprietary
drug, medication, or medicinal compound (natural or synthetic) may have been
administered to a racing animal.
(c) Confiscated drugs, medications, compounds
or other evidence shall be collected by an authorized representative of the
division and sealed in an unused bag supplied by the division or its agent. The
authorized representative of the division shall seal the bag opening with
evidence tape and shall initial the evidence tape after sealing the bag. The
authorized representative of the division shall label the bags collected with
the collector's name, the date of collection, the address or location where the
evidence was collected, and, if there are multiple bags collected in the same
location, the bags shall be numbered in sequential order. The sealed bag shall
be stored in a locked area, cabinet or container accessible by only authorized
representatives of the division. When necessary to determine the contents, the
sealed evidence bag shall be sent to the laboratory under contract with the
division for analysis.
(d) It is a
violation of these rules for a licensee to threaten to interfere, actually
interfere or prevent the taking of urine, blood, saliva or other samples
authorized by Chapter 550, F.S. For such a violation, the division may impose
any disciplinary penalties authorized by Chapter 550, F.S., or the rules
promulgated thereunder.
Rulemaking Authority 550.0251(3), (11) 550.2415 (12) FS.
Law Implemented 550.0251, 550.2415 FS.