General Information.
(a) Applicability of
Traffic Rule. This rule shall be applicable to all vehicles operated or parked
on the Florida State University (FSU) campus at any time, including examination
periods, semester breaks, and registration periods. The fines, penalties and
other sanctions provided herein may be imposed against any person who shall
cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered either at the Florida
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or at the University Office of
Parking and Transportation Services in the name of or operated by such person
to be parked or operated in violation of any provision of this rule. It is the
policy of FSU to enforce the provisions of this rule and seek to impose the
fines, penalties or other sanctions provided herein:
1. In the case of a vehicle registered with
the Office of Parking and Transportation Services, against the person in whose
name such vehicle is so registered.
2. In the case of a vehicle not so
registered, if it is determined that the operator at the time of the violation
is affiliated with FSU and, in fact, should have registered the vehicle with
the Office of Parking and Transportation Services, against the person
affiliated with FSU.
3. In the case
of a vehicle not so registered and whose operator at the time of the violation
cannot be identified, against the title holder of said
Applicability of Florida Statutes and Ordinances of the City of Tallahassee.
All ordinances of the City of Tallahassee relating to traffic which are not in
conflict or inconsistent with this rule shall extend and be applicable to the
grounds of the University. A copy of said ordinances shall be available for
inspection at the Office of the Director of Parking and Transportation
Services. In addition, the provisions of chapter 316, F.S., shall extend and be
applicable to the grounds of the University.
(c) Responsibility for Implementation. Unless
otherwise noted, the Director of Parking and Transportation Services shall be
responsible for the supervision and implementation of this rule. All requests
for individual consideration with regard to the parking and traffic regulations
contained in this rule must be directed to that person at the Office of Parking
and Transportation Services.
Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this rule, shall
have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except where
the context otherwise requires:
1. Access
Lane. Any area that is not designated as a parking space and that provides an
avenue for traffic flow and emergency vehicles.
2. Automobile. Any motor vehicle having 4 or
more wheels.
3. Permit Registration
Year. The period from September 1 of one year to August 31 of the succeeding
4. Designated Parking Space.
Areas governed by FSU parking rules and regulations with parking spaces
delineated by red, white, or blue striping, a parking meter, or other physical
barriers to include, but not be limited to railroad ties and bumper blocks
intended to delineate parking parameters.
5. Director of Parking and Transportation
Services. An FSU employee who has been assigned the specific duties of
supervising and managing the Office of Parking and Transportation
6. Employee. Any employee
of FSU including faculty, administrative and professional personnel, university
support personnel system staff, and OPS staff, employed/contracted for 40 or
more hours per week.
7. Employees
of recognized FSU organizations or Contracted Services. Personnel who work
full-time on campus, but who are not University employees, e.g. bookstore
employees, beauticians, barbers, food service personnel, credit union
employees, staff of religious houses, and employees of the Greek
8. Financial Aid
Disbursement. That period of time defined each semester by the Controller's
office for the disbursement of financial aid checks.
9. Fire Lanes. Those areas of campus that
must be kept clear of all obstructions so as not to interfere with the movement
of fire-fighting equipment and which are marked as fire lanes by signs and red
painted curbing or fluorescent red and white painted areas, or both.
10. Loading Zones. Areas specifically
designated for the sole purpose of loading or unloading materials or equipment.
Properly identified service vehicles, commercial vehicles, vehicles bearing
valid FSU decals or vehicles properly displaying loading zone permits issued by
the Office of Parking and Transportation Services are authorized to use loading
zones. Loading zones are delineated by signs or pavement marking. Use of these
areas is limited to 20 minute periods. Vehicles exceeding the 20 minute maximum
period may be issued additional citations every hour after the original
11. Loading Dock. Areas
specifically designated for the sole purpose of loading or unloading materials
or equipment at the delivery entrance or designated location to a building.
Properly identified service vehicles, commercial vehicles, or vehicles properly
displaying loading dock permits issued by the Office of Parking and
Transportation Services are authorized to use loading docks. Loading docks are
delineated by signs or pavement marking. Vehicles without proper authorization
will be issued a citation for permit not authorized for space and/or towed at
owner's expense (fine code - 01).
12. Motorcycle, Moped, or Motor Scooter. Any
motor vehicle having less than 4 wheels.
13. Parking. The standing of a vehicle,
whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily, for the purpose of and
while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers, as
may be permitted by law under the State Uniform Traffic Control Law, Chapter
316, F.S., or this rule pursuant to section
240.264 or
240.265, F.S.
14. Parking Violations Appeals Board. The
University traffic authority established pursuant to section
240.266, F.S., to review
disputes regarding citations and to render decisions regarding the appropriate
penalty to be imposed, including the restriction, removal, or restoration of
driving or parking privileges on campus. The Parking Violations Appeals Board
will consist of 2 or more divisions of equal authority. Each shall be composed
of 4 members appointed for a period of 1 year. There shall also be appointed a
pool of alternate members who shall be eligible to serve when called upon by
the Appeals Coordinator, when a regular member is unavailable. All appointments
shall be made by the Vice President for Finance and Administration from a list
of persons nominated from the University Committee on Appointments. The
positions on each division of the Board shall be occupied by faculty, staff (A
& P or USPS) and student members. The Chairperson shall be elected annually
from among the members of the Board and shall have full voting rights. This
Board shall function on a year-round basis. A quorum shall consist of at least
2 members of the Board. When a quorum is not available, and the appellant has
arrived on time for their scheduled hearing, the citation(s) will be
15. Part-Time
Non-Student Employee. Any person employed/contracted by FSU for less than 40
hours per week who is also not enrolled as a student at Florida State
16. Permit. Vehicle
registration document which allows the registered vehicle to be parked on the
grounds of the University, as set out in this rule. The words permit and decal
are used interchangeably in this rule.
17. Persons Affiliated with FSU. Employees or
students of FSU or employees of recognized FSU on-campus
18. Restricted
Hours. Between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday on all class
days, examination periods, semester breaks, and registration periods.
19. Service Vehicle Area. Areas reserved for
properly identified service or emergency vehicles performing maintenance or
repair of University owned or leased equipment or facilities, commercial
vehicles, or vehicles bearing proper authorization from the Office of Parking
and Transportation Services. Non-Service State vehicles are prohibited from
parking in service vehicle spaces. Service vehicle areas are reserved during
restricted hours and are delineated by signs or pavement marking. Vehicles
without proper authorization will be issued a citation and/or towed at owner's
expense for parking in a reserved space without authorization (fine code -
20. Short Term Parking - Those
spaces designated by signage with a two-hour maximum stay. Appropriate permits
must be obtained from the Office of Parking and Transportation
21. Student. Any person
not classified as faculty, administrative and professional personnel or
university support personnel system staff who is enrolled and carrying 1 or
more credit hours of undergraduate or graduate work at FSU.
22. Vehicle. Any automobile, motorcycle,
moped or motor scooter as defined.
23. Visitors. Persons who are not employees
or students of FSU and who do not work on campus for other
24. Working Day. Any
day that the University is officially open. This does not include official
25. Commuter Lot.
Designated lot(s) that prohibit the parking of vehicles between the hours of
midnight and 6:30 a.m, except on Friday and Saturday evenings or as posted on
the entrance of the lot.