Florida Administrative Code
6A - State Board of Education
Section 6A-5.066 - Approval of Teacher Preparation Programs

Universal Citation: FL Admin Code R 6A-5.066

Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024

This rule sets forth the requirements and implementation of the approval process for each type of teacher preparation program offered by a Florida provider as set forth in Sections 1004.04, 1004.85, and 1012.56(8), F.S.

(1) Definitions. For the purposes of this rule, the following definitions apply.

(a) "Academic year" means the period of year during which program candidates attend or complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. This includes summer term, fall term, and spring term.

(b) "Annual demonstration of experience in a relevant prekindergarten through Grade 12 (P-12) school setting" means P-12 school-based experiences occurring yearly that are related to and in a subject matter and grade level setting that are covered by the certification necessary for the field experience course(s) or internships that the program faculty is assigned to teach or supervise. Examples include, but are not limited to, co-teaching with a P-12 educator or providing P-12 instruction directly to P-12 students.

(c) "Annual Program Performance Report" or "APPR" means the yearly public report card issued by the Florida Department of Education (Department) for a state-approved teacher preparation program that includes results of outcome-based performance metrics specified in subsection (6) of this rule.

(d) "At-Risk of Low-Performing" means an institution identified as At-Risk of Low-Performing by having an average summative annual APPR rating between 1.80 to 1.94. This rating is based upon an average of all APPR scores within the continued approval period and across the provider's state approved teacher preparation programs which is weighted by the total number of completers used in the annual calculation of the APPR and excludes years where the APPR was calculated per paragraph (6)(e) of this rule.

(e) "Candidate Readiness based on passage rates on educator certification examinations under Section 1012.56, F.S., as applicable" means the score that is based on the performance of completers on required assessments for program completion, as measured by first and second attempt pass rates.

(f) "Cohort" means a group of program completers who successfully satisfied all teacher preparation program requirements at any point during the academic year.

(g) "Content major" means the academic discipline to which a postsecondary student formally commits, e.g., mathematics, biology, history.

(h) "Continued approval" means that subsequent to an initial approval, a teacher preparation program has been granted the authority to operate for a seven-year period.

(i) "eIPEP" or "electronic Institutional Program Evaluation Plan" means a Department-maintained web-based tool for collection and reporting of candidate and completer performance data on state-approved teacher preparation programs.

(j) "Educator preparation institutes" or "EPIs" mean all Florida postsecondary or qualified private providers that provide instruction for non-education baccalaureate or higher degree holders under Section 1004.85, F.S., and result in qualification for an initial Florida Professional Educator's Certificate.

(k) "Equivalent program" means a teacher preparation program that is offered by more than one provider that prepares candidates in the same specific educator certification subject area(s).

(l) "Field experiences" mean activities associated with an instructional personnel's role that are conducted in prekindergarten through Grade 12 classroom settings as directed by a state-approved teacher preparation program.

(m) "Florida Educator Accomplished Practices" mean those practices described in subsection (2) of Rule 6A-5.065, F.A.C., which is incorporated herein by reference (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-04963).

(n) "High Demand Teacher Needs areas" mean the specific certification areas in high-need content areas and high-priority location areas that are identified annually by the State Board of Education pursuant to Rule 6A-20.0131, F.A.C., in accordance with Section 1012.07, F.S.

(o) "High-performing schools" mean schools with a school grade of A or B.

(p) "Improving schools" mean schools that have improved a letter grade from the previous year.

(q) "In-field teacher" means an instructional employee assigned duties in a classroom teaching subject matter or providing direct support in the learning process of students in the area in which the instructional personnel is trained and certified.

(r) "Initial approval" means that a new teacher preparation program has been granted the authority to operate for a seven-year period.

(s) "Initial teacher preparation programs" or "ITPs" mean all programs offered by Florida postsecondary institutions that prepare instructional personnel under Section 1004.04, F.S., and result in qualification for an initial Florida Professional Educator's Certificate.

(t) "Instructional position" means any full-time or part-time position held by a K-12 staff member whose function includes the provision of direct instructional services to students or provides direct support in the learning process of students as prescribed in Section 1012.01(2)(a)-(d), F.S., but not including substitute teachers.

(u) "Low-Performing Institutions" means an institution who is identified as low-performing by having an average summative annual APPR rating that is at or below a 1.79. This rating is based upon an average of all APPR scores within the continued approval period and across the provider's state approved teacher preparation programs and excludes years where the APPR was calculated per paragraph (6)(e) of this rule.

(v) "Professional education competency program" or "PEC program" means a program under Section 1012.56(9), F.S., in which instructional personnel with a valid temporary certificate employed by a school district, or private school, or state-supported public school with a state-approved program, may demonstrate mastery of professional preparation and education competence through classroom application of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices and instructional performance.

(w) Performance of Prekindergarten-12 students on statewide assessments using results of student learning growth formula per Section 1012.34, F.S., or "Impact on Student Learning" means that the score is based on the performance of P-12 students assigned to in-field program completers from the previous one-year period who received a student learning growth score from the most recent academic year for which results are available.

(x) "Professional learning certification program" or "PLCP" means a program in which a school district, charter school or charter management organization may provide instruction for members of its instructional staff who are non-education baccalaureate or higher degree holders under Section 1012.56(8), F.S., and results in qualification for an initial Florida Professional Educator's Certificate.

(y) "Program candidate" means an individual who has been admitted into and is currently enrolled in, but has not yet completed a teacher preparation program that prepares instructional personnel to meet the qualifications for a Florida Professional Educator's Certificate.

(z) "Program completer" means an individual who has satisfied all teacher preparation program requirements and who meets the qualifications for the Florida Professional Educator's Certificate.

(aa) "Program completer in need of remediation" means an individual who is employed in an instructional position in a Florida public school during the first two (2) years immediately following completion of the program or following initial certification, whichever occurs first, and who earns an evaluation result of developing or unsatisfactory on the school district's evaluation system implemented under Section 1012.34, F.S.

(bb) "Provider" means a Florida postsecondary institution, private provider, school district, charter school, or charter management organization.

(cc) "Reading endorsement competencies" mean those standards described in Rule 6A-4.0163, F.A.C.

(dd) "Results of program completers' annual evaluations as specified in Section 1012.34, F.S.," mean that scores are based on program completers from the previous one-year period who received an annual evaluation rating from the most recent academic year in accordance with Section 1012.31(3)(a)2., F.S.

(ee) "Teacher preparation program" means a state-approved course of study, the completion of which signifies that the candidate has met all training and assessment requirements for initial certification to provide direct instructional services to P-12 students.

(ff) "Two-year guarantee" means that an initial teacher preparation program (ITP) must provide assurance of the high quality of its program completers during the first two (2) years immediately following completion of the program or following the initial certification of the program completer, whichever occurs first, as specified in Section 1004.04(4)(d), F.S.

(gg) "Uniform Core Curricula" means the set of standards and practices for which all state-approved teacher preparation programs must provide instruction in corresponding Sections 1004.04(2), 1004.85(3), and 1012.56(8), F.S. Uniform Core Curricula also includes scientifically researched and evidence-based reading instructional strategies that is grounded in the science of reading. The primary instructional strategy for teaching word reading is phonics instruction for decoding and encoding. Instructional strategies for foundational skills may not employ the three-cueing system model of reading or visual memory as a basis for teaching word reading.

(hh) "Workforce Contribution rate" means the number of program completers placed in Florida public and private schools and out-of-state P-12 schools in the first academic year subsequent to program completion with additional weight given to production of program completers in statewide High Demand Teacher Needs areas.

(2) Standards for approval of teacher preparation programs.

(a) The following standards must be met for a provider to receive initial and continued approval of a teacher preparation program:
1. Institutional program providers must meet accreditation requirements per subsection (1) of Rule 6A-4.003, F.A.C.;

2. Private, non-institutional EPI program providers must receive approval from the Commission For Independent Education, under Chapter 1005, F.S., or demonstrate that the program is exempt from the Commission's approval under Section 1005.06, F.S., to operate in the State of Florida to offer a degree, diploma or certificate program;

3. The program admits high-quality teacher candidates who meet state-mandated admission requirements and show potential for the teaching profession;

4. The program ensures that candidates and completers are prepared to instruct prekindergarten through grade 12 (p-12) students to meet high standards for academic achievement including:
a. The use of high-quality instructional materials as defined by the curricular materials on the Commissioner of Education's state-adopted list of materials for any adoption cycle as found at www.fldoe.org/academics/standards/instructional-materials/; and

b. Candidates in a state-approved teacher preparation program must utilize the materials on lesson preparation and implementation to positively impact student outcomes.

5. The program ensures that candidates satisfy the following additional requirements:
a. Beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year, candidates entering a teacher preparation program in a coverage area identified in Rule 6A-4.0051(7), F.A.C., must successfully complete all competencies required for a reading endorsement, which consists of reading endorsement competencies one (1) through five (5), to complete the program.

b. Candidates entering a teacher preparation program in exceptional student education (K-12) must be prepared in reading endorsement competencies one (1) through four (4). Beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year, candidates entering a teacher preparation program in exceptional student education (K-12) must successfully complete all competencies required for a reading endorsement to complete the program.

c. Candidates in teacher preparation programs not included in sub-subparagraphs (2)(a)5.a.-b. of this rule, must be prepared in reading endorsement competencies one (1) and two (2).

d. ITP candidates in prekindergarten-primary (age 3-Grade 3), elementary (K-6), middle grades English (5-9), English (6-12) and exceptional student education (K-12) certification programs must have completed the requirements for teaching limited English proficient students in Florida public schools by meeting the requirements specified in Rule 6A-4.0244, F.A.C., Specialization Requirements for the Endorsement in English for Speakers of Other Languages.

e. ITP candidates in teacher preparation programs not included in sub-subparagraph (2)(a)5.d. of this rule, must have completed a college or university level 3-credit hour overview or survey course which addresses the areas specified in Rule 6A-4.02451, F.A.C., Performance Standards, Skills, and Competencies for the Endorsement in English for Speakers of Other Languages.

6. The program ensures high-quality field and clinical experiences, including feedback and support for each program candidate, and provides candidates with opportunities to demonstrate the ability to positively impact student learning growth. Beginning with candidates entering an EPI program in the 2023-2024 academic school year:
a. A candidate who is not serving as a teacher of record upon admittance into an EPI program must complete a minimum of sixty (60) hours of field experiences, as defined in paragraph (1)(l) of this rule, prior to serving as the teacher of record; or

b. A candidate who is serving as a teacher of record upon admittance into an EPI program must complete a minimum of sixty (60) hours of field experiences as defined in paragraph (1)(l) of this rule. The candidate may complete these experiences within the candidate's school setting and the candidate must demonstrate competency in all program requirements; and

7. The program supports continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based and that evaluates the effectiveness of its candidates and completers.

(3) Processes for initial approval of teacher preparation programs.

(a) At least thirty (30) days prior to an application submission, the president, chief executive officer, or superintendent of a provider who seeks initial approval to offer a teacher preparation program, must notify the Florida Department of Education of its intent to submit an application for state-approval of a teacher preparation program.

(b) A provider must submit an application by January 15, April 15, July 15, or October 15, using the Florida Department of Education Initial Program Approval Standards, Form IAS-2023.

(c) The Department will conduct a review of the application submitted to the Department and notify the provider in writing of the following:
1. Receipt of the application.

2. Missing or deficient elements within thirty (30) days of receipt and provide a period of ten (10) business days for the provider to submit supplemental information or documentation to address the deficit(s).

3. Within ninety (90) days of receipt of a completed application, the approval or denial of each program.
a. An approval notice will provide the program with an initial approval period of seven (7) years.

b. A denial notice must identify the reason(s) for the denial and the deficiencies. A program that receives a denial may reapply for initial approval in accordance with this subsection.

(4) Reporting requirements for state-approved teacher preparation programs.

(a) State-approved teacher preparation programs must report the following data to the Department:
1. Each provider must annually submit program candidate and completer data to the Department's secure management information system.

2. All state-approved teacher preparation programs referenced in Sections 1004.04, F.S., must annually report via the Department's eIPEP platform results of employer and completer satisfaction surveys measuring the preparation of completers for the realities of the classroom and the responsiveness of the program to local school districts.

3. All PLCP programs approved per Section 1012.56(8), F.S., must annually report via the Department's eIPEP platform located at https://www.florida-eipep.org/ program performance management data based on information provided by the program on the Florida Department of Education Initial Program Approval Standards Form IAS-2023.

(5) Requirements and processes for continued approval of teacher preparation programs.

(a) Continued approval entails requirements that are scored and requirements that are not scored. The requirements for continued approval that are not scored are as follows:
1. Except for programs in High Demand Teacher Needs areas as defined in paragraph (1)(n), the program has at least one completer within the last three (3) years of the continued approval period;

2. Since initial approval, the provider has annually met the reporting requirements under subsection (4);

3. A provider has submitted the Florida Department of Education Continued Approval, Form CA-2023, during the last year of approval and at least sixty (60) days before a site visit; and

4. Based upon the information provided on Continued Approval Form CA-2023, the provider demonstrates that it meets the following requirements:
a. The provider admits candidates that meet the state-mandated requirements;

b. A provider with a state-approved initial teacher preparation program or an educator preparation institute provides a certification ombudsman;

c. The provider only authorizes program candidates as completers if the individual has demonstrated positive impact on student learning growth in their certification subject area and satisfied all portions of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations;

d. A provider with an initial teacher preparation program monitors and remediates program completers who are referred by the employing school district during the first two (2) years immediately following program completion (2-year guarantee);

e. The provider ensures that personnel who supervise, instruct, or direct candidates during field experience courses and internships meet the state-mandated qualifications;

f. The provider collects and uses multiple sources of data to monitor program progress and performance, including a formal system for continuous program improvement that includes stakeholders;

g. A provider with a state-approved initial teacher preparation program uses the results of employer and program completers' satisfaction surveys designed to measure the sufficient preparation of program completers and measuring the institution's responsiveness to local school districts, to drive programmatic improvement; and

h. Any state-approved teacher preparation program approved per Section 1012.56(8), F.S., uses program performance management data to drive programmatic improvements based on information provided by the program on the Florida Department of Education Initial Program Approval Standards Form IAS-2023.

(b) The requirements for continued approval that are scored are the Annual Program Performance Report (APPR), Continued Approval Site Visit and Evidence of Programmatic Improvement.

(6) Annual Program Performance Report (APPR).

(a) The Department must annually issue an APPR. The APPR is composed of Candidate Readiness, Workforce Contribution, Impact on Student Learning, and Annual Evaluations. Performance metrics not applicable to a program will not be rated. ITPs will receive annual APPR summative rating scores, known as Initial Teacher Preparation Summative APPR, averaged across all of the provider's state-approved initial teacher preparation programs. The rating score is then weighted by the total number of completers used in the annual calculation of the APPR summative rating. The Initial Preparation Summative APPR ranges between 1.0 and 4.0.

(b) For the Workforce Contribution rate metric, included completers employed in Florida public schools are identified by the Department's Staff Information System, as prescribed in Section 1008.385(2), F.S. Program completers employed in a private or out-of-state P-12 school are included in the metric if data are reported by the program and have been verified by the Department. The total number of completers will be reduced if a program provides documentation of a completer's death or disability.

(c) Each performance metric appropriate for a program will receive a performance level score ranging from one (1) to four (4) that is based on the performance level target points established as follows:

Performance Metrics

Level 4


Target (4 points)

Level 3


Target (3 points)

Level 2


Target (2 points)

Level 1


Target (1 point)

Candidate Readiness based on passage rates on educator certification examinations, as applicable, under Section 1012.56, F.S.

Program completer pass rates on Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) without subtests are at or above 90% on first and second attempts. If a program has multiple FTCE, the performance level is averaged.

Program completer pass rates on FTCE without subtests are at or above 80% and less than 90% on first and second attempts. If a program has multiple FTCE, the performance level is averaged.

Program completer pass rates on FTCE without subtests are at or above 65% and less than 80% on first and second attempts. If a program has multiple FTCE, the performance level is averaged.

Program did not meet criteria for Level 2, 3, or 4.

Program completer pass rates on FTCE with subtests are at or above 75% on first and second attempts. If a program has multiple FTCE, the performance level is averaged.

Program completer pass rates on FTCE with subtests are at or above 65% and less than 75% on first and second attempts. If a program has multiple FTCE, the performance level is averaged.

Program completer pass rates on FTCE with subtests are at or above 50% and less than 65% on first and second attempts. If a program has multiple FTCE, the performance level is averaged.

Program did not meet criteria for Level 2, 3, or 4.

Workforce Contribution- Rate

Workforce contribution rate is at or above 90% following the first year of completion with a .5-point value for out-of-state employment, a 1.0-point value for in-state employment, and 1.5-point value for completers of High Demand Teacher Needs certification areas employed in-state.

Workforce contribution rate is 89% to 60% following the first year of completion with a .5-point value for out-of-state employment, a 1.0-point value for in-state employment, and 1.5-point value for completers of High Demand Teacher Needs certification areas employed in-state.

Workforce contribution rate is 59% to 30% following the first year of completion with a .5-point value for out-of-state employment, a 1.0-point value for in-state employment, and 1.5-point value for completers of High Demand Teacher Needs certification areas employed in-state.

Program did not meet criteria for Level 2, 3, or 4.

Impact on Student Learning

The average student learning growth score among students taught by program completers (Value-Added Model [VAM] score) is rated as highly effective as described in Rule 6A-5.0411, F.A.C.

Program did not meet criteria for level 4 or level 1.

Not calculated.

The average student learning growth score among students taught by program completers (VAM score) is rated as unsatisfactory as described in Rule 6A-5.0411, F.A.C.

Results of program completers' annual evaluations as specified in Section 1012.34, F.S.

At least 50 percent of the program's completers received a highly effective rating and 100 percent of the program's completers received either highly effective or effective ratings, and no completers were rated unsatisfactory.

Program did not meet criteria for Level 4, but at least 90 percent of the program's completers received either highly effective or effective ratings.

Program did not meet criteria for Level 3, but at least 70 percent of the program's completers received a highly effective or effective ratings.

Program did not meet criteria for Level 2, 3, or 4.

(d) Each APPR will include a summative rating score between 1.0 and 4.0 that is weighted between all performance target level scores received by a program. The summative rating score for the program is weighted and calculated as follows: Candidate Readiness (30%), Impact on Student Learning (20%), Workforce Contribution (30%), and Annual Evaluations (20%). If a program does not receive a score in one or more of the performance metrics, the weight of the unscored metric(s) will be evenly distributed among the scored metrics. The minimum requirements to receive a score for each performance metric are as follows:
1. For the Candidate Readiness metric, the program must have one (1) or more completers in the cohort;

2. For the Impact on Student Learning metric, the program must have three (3) or more completers in the cohort;

3. For the Workforce Contribution metric, the program must have three (3) or more completers in the cohort; and

4. For the Annual Evaluation metric, the program must have three (3) or more completers in the cohort.

(e) An ITP program that does not earn a score in the Candidate Readiness and Workforce Contribution metrics will receive an APPR of 1.0 except an ITP in its first two (2) years of initial approval. An ITP program in the first two (2) years of initial approval will receive an APPR if the program does not earn a score in Candidate Readiness and Workforce Contribution metrics.

(f) EPIs and PLCPs that do not earn a score in the Workforce Contribution metric will receive an APPR of 1.0 except EPIs and PLCPs in their first two (2) years of initial approval. EPIs and PLCPs in the first two (2) years of initial approval will receive an APPR if the program does earn a score in the Workforce Contribution metrics.

(g) The provider must have thirty (30) business days from the date the Department transmitted the APPR data to review the data on its program completers and summative rating scores, and provide the Department with documentation supporting an error or omission. The Department must review the documentation and notify the provider within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the supporting documentation of any change to the APPR data and scores.

(7) Continued Approval Site Visit.

(a) Each approved program must receive a site visit during the final year of the continued approval period. If a provider has state-approved ITP and EPI programs, each type will receive a site visit. A program with fewer than ten (10) candidates will receive a virtual or hybrid site visit due to program size unless the provider has additional programs receiving an in-person site visit. For programs with ten (10) or more candidates a site visit may be conducted in-person, virtual, or hybrid. A provider may utilize an accrediting entity nationally recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) site visit if the following conditions have been met:
1. The provider's continued approval summative average APPR rating is at or above 3.0;

2. The provider received a site visit in 2019 or later by the Department and received an average site visit rating at or above Good on the Florida Site Visit Framework; and

3. The provider has been accredited for at least two (2) years by the accrediting entity nationally recognized by CHEA.

(b) Each approved program provider identified either as a low-performing program as defined in paragraph (1)(u) of this rule for two (2) consecutive years or as at-risk of low-performing for three (3) consecutive years as defined in paragraph (1)(d) of this rule must receive a site visit using the Florida Site Visit Framework, Form FSVF-2024, create an evidence-based improvement plan and submit annual evidence via the eIPEP platform in order to maintain state approval.

(c) Site visits will be conducted utilizing the Florida Site Visit Framework, Form FSVF-2024. Review Areas 3 (Quality of Clinical Placement, Feedback, and Candidate Performance) and 4 (Quality of Program Performance Management) will be conducted at the provider level. Review Area 2 (Quality of Content Knowledge and Teaching Methods) will be conducted at the program level. The programs for review will be selected based on the following criteria:
1. Elementary Education program;

2. Largest enrolled program;

3. Second largest enrolled program; and

4. Low performing programs based on APPR performance metrics.

(d) At least sixty (60) days prior to the site visit, the provider must submit a self-assessment report to the Department via the eIPEP platform located at https://www.florida-eipep.org/ that describes the program's strengths, areas for improvement and programmatic improvement efforts for the areas noted in paragraph (7)(c).

(e) During the site visit for state-approved ITP and EPI programs, using the Florida Site Visit Framework, Form FSVF-2024, the provider will be reviewed and scored to determine the extent to which it:
1. Ensures that candidates and completers are prepared to instruct prekindergarten through grade 12 (p-12) students to meet high standards for academic achievement (Review Area 2 on Form FSVF-2024);

2. Ensures high-quality field and clinical experiences, including feedback and support for each program candidate, and provides candidates with opportunities to demonstrate the ability to positively impact student learning growth (Review Area 3 on Form FSVF-2024); and

3. Supports continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based and that evaluates the effectiveness of its candidates and completers (Review Area 4 on Form FSVF-2024).

(f) Each of the three site visit review areas found in paragraph (7)(c), must be scored. If multiple ITP programs are being reviewed, Review Area 2 will be averaged in order to obtain the final score for this area. A score of one (1) indicates the review area is inadequate, a score of two (2) indicates the area is needs improvement, a score of three (3) indicates the area is good, a score of four (4) indicates the area is strong.

(g) Prior to issuance of a final site visit report by the Department, a preliminary site visit report will be provided to the provider in order to afford the provider the opportunity to provide clarifying information.

(h) If providers utilize the nationally recognized accrediting entity for the site visit option, providers must submit the final site visit report to the Department's eIPEP platform at https://www.florida-eipep.org/ within thirty (30) business days of receipt.

(8) Evidence of Programmatic Improvement.

(a) Within thirty (30) business days of the provider's receipt of the final site visit report, the provider must submit an improvement plan to the Department via the eIPEP platform located at https://www.florida-eipep.org/. The improvement plan must specify at least three (3) improvement goals strategies for achieving these goals and describe the evidence that will be used to measure progress towards these goals.

(b) By June 1 for providers with fall site visits, or December 1 for those with spring site visits, the provider must provide to the Department a progress report that includes evidence measuring progress towards the goals identified in the improvement plan. The progress report will be submitted via the eIPEP platform located at https://www.florida-eipep.org/.

(9) Continued Approval Summative Score and Ratings.

(a) The Department must determine the Continued Approval Summative Score for all programs based on the following components:
1. APPR Average Summative Rating: The annual APPR summative rating scores are averaged across all of the provider's state-approved teacher preparation programs within the continued approval period; each rating score is then weighted by the total number of completers used in the annual calculation of the APPR summative rating. The APPR Average Summative Rating ranges between 1.0 and 4.0.

2. Continued Approval Site Visit Rating: The average of all scores issued for each review area as specified in paragraph (7)(e). The continued approval site visit rating ranges between 1.0 and 4.0.

3. Evidence of Programmatic Improvement Rating: A progress report that includes evidence of progress towards achieving the goals set by the provider in its improvement plan will receive a rating of four (4); lack of evidence of progress will yield a rating of one (1).

(b) In order to calculate the continued approval summative score, the weights for each component of the continued approval summative score are 50% for the APPR Average Summative Rating, 20% for the Continued Approval Site Visit Rating, and 30% for Evidence of Programmatic Improvement Rating. For example, if a program received the following three (3) scores in each of the components: APPR Average Summative Rating of 3.2, Continued Approval Site Visit Rating of 3, and Evidence of Programmatic Improvement Rating of 4, the continued approval summative score would be (.50 * 3.2)+(.20 * 3)+(.30 * 4) = 3.4. If providers utilize a nationally recognized accrediting entity for the site visit option, the weights for each component of the continued approval summative score are 70% for the APPR Average Summative Rating and 30% for Evidence of Programmatic Improvement Rating.

(c) The continued approval summative score rating scale is as follows:
1. Full Approval with Distinction rating: the program has earned a continued approval summative score of above 3.5.

2. Full Approval rating: the program has earned a continued approval summative score of 2.4 to 3.5.

3. Denial of Approval rating: the program has earned a continued approval summative score that is below 2.4. A program that receives a denial of approval rating may reapply for initial approval as specified in subsection (3) of this rule.

(10) Professional Training Option for Content Majors.

(a) A postsecondary institution with an approved initial teacher preparation program (ITP) pursuant to subsection (3) of this rule, must obtain the approval of the Department in order to offer a Professional Training Option program for content majors attending its institution. An institution seeking approval must submit its request in writing to the Department.

(b) Upon completion of the Professional Training Option, the individual must have satisfied professional preparation course work as prescribed in subsection (2) of 6A-4.006, F.A.C., as well as:
1. Received training in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices;

2. Received training in reading endorsement competencies one (1) and two (2); and,

3. Completed integrated school-based observation/participation field experiences associated with all competencies covered in the Professional Training Option.

(c) To receive approval, the institution must provide evidence of a series of courses that accomplish the required training and field experiences listed in paragraph (10)(b) of this rule. Upon receiving approval, an institution will not be required to resubmit its Professional Training Option for re-approval unless the competencies in subparagraphs (10)(b)1.-2. of this rule, or the requirements in subsection 6A-4.006(2), F.A.C., are changed.

(d) In order to maintain approval, an institution must:
1. Report to the Department annually the number of participants enrolled in the program and the number of program completers;

2. Provide an endorsement of transcripts for each individual who completes the Professional Training Option; and,

3. Maintain compliance with the requirements pursuant to paragraph (10)(b) of this rule.

(11) Notwithstanding an applicant's deficiency in meeting the requirements for continued approval set forth in subsections (5) - (8) of this rule, the Commissioner is authorized to grant continued approval of a teacher preparation program where the applicant demonstrates that all statutory requirements are met; the failure to meet a requirement found in subsection (5) of this rule, is temporary or beyond the control of the applicant; and the Commissioner determines that the deficiency does not impair the ability of the provider to prepare effective instructional personnel.

(12) The following forms are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this rule. Copies may be obtained from the Florida Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 124, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400.

(a) Florida Department of Education Initial Program Approval Standards, Form IAS-2023 (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-15905) effective September 2023.

(b) Florida Department of Education Continued Approval, Form CA-2023 (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-15906) effective September 2023.

(c) Florida Site Visit Framework, Form FSVF-2024, effective August 2024, (http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16844).

Rulemaking Authority 1001.02, 1004.04, 1004.85, 1012.56 FS. Law Implemented 1004.04, 1004.85, 1012.56 FS.

New 7-2-98, Amended 8-7-00, 3-19-06, 2-17-15, 1-1-18, 4-30-18, 10-24-19, 11-23-21, 6-27-23, 9-26-23.

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