Florida Administrative Code
6A - State Board of Education
Section 6A-3.0141 - Employment of School Bus Operators
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) School bus operators are defined as any persons employed or contracted to the school district to transport prekindergarten through grade 12 students in school buses as defined in Section 1006.25, F.S.
(2) At the time of initial employment the school board shall assure that the operator of a school bus meets the following requirements:
(3) Prior to transporting students on a school bus each operator shall meet the following requirements:
(4) Each district school board shall obtain a driver's history record from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for each regular school bus operator, substitute operator, or any other individual certified to drive a school bus by the district. The schedule for reviewing these records shall be:
(5) Driver history records shall be requested in a manner prescribed by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles using the agency's Motor Vehicle Operator Tracking and Reporting System (MOTRS). All school districts shall obtain and review records for school bus operators using MOTRS. For any operator licensed in another state, the district shall obtain and review the driver's history record from the appropriate state.
(6) Each school district shall establish a school board policy that specifies which infractions of the traffic code deem an applicant unqualified for employment and which causes any employee to be subject to a prescribed follow-up action. At a minimum, this policy shall state that any district school bus operator or contracted operator who should have known that his or her license has expired or has been suspended or revoked shall be subject to prescribed disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal by the school board.
(7) At least annually, the school district shall assure that the operator of a school bus meets the following requirements:
(8) At the time of reemployment, the school board shall assure that each school bus operator meets all of the requirements of subsection (2) and paragraphs (3)(a) and (d) of this rule. If not more than a twelve continuous calendar month break in service has occurred, an operator shall be required to complete eight (8) hours of inservice training related to their responsibilities for transporting students prior to driving a school bus with students. If a period exceeding twelve (12) calendar months has occurred, the operator shall be required to successfully complete all of the requirements of subsections (2) through (6) of this rule.
(9) All school bus operators shall be subject to the Federal requirements of 49 C.F.R., Parts 382 and 391 related to the substance abuse testing and alcohol detection program.
(10) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (3)(d) of this rule, a school district may accept a Medical Examiner's Certificate that specifies a medical variance, waiver or exemption for a condition existing prior to March 23, 2016, if the school bus operator:
Rulemaking Authority 316.615(3), 1001.02(1), 1006.22, 1012.45 FS. Law Implemented 316.615, 1006.22, 1012.32(2)(a), 1012.45 FS.
New 8-1-86, Amended 7-5-89, 11-15-94, 4-18-96, 6-24-03, 11-26-06, 4-25-07, 3-23-16, 11-29-16, 8-20-19, 11-23-21.