Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) General
Eligibility Requirements. To receive aid, a student shall meet the provisions
of Sections 1009.21,
1009.40, and
1009.505, Florida Statutes
(F.S.), and Rules 6A-20.001,
6A-20.003, and
6A-20.0371, F.A.C., and:
(a) Be enrolled at a Florida College System
institution as set forth in Section
F.S., or a career center operated by a school district as set forth in Section
1001.44, F.S., in a certificate
program as defined in Section
(b) Be enrolled full-time,
three-quarter-time, or half-time, as defined in Rule
6A-20.001, F.A.C., at the end of
the drop-add period for each academic term in which the award is received, with
award amounts commensurate with the level of enrollment;
(c) Be a United States citizen, permanent
resident, or eligible noncitizen pursuant to regulations established by the
U.S. Congress or the U.S. Department of Education for the receipt of federal
student financial assistance;
Meet the measurable progress standards of the institution;
(e) Have applied for a Pell Grant and not owe
a repayment of a grant under the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grant, or any state grant or scholarship program, unless
satisfactory arrangements to repay the grant have been made; and
(f) Not be in default on any state loan
program or any federal Title IV loan program, unless satisfactory arrangements
to repay the loan have been made.
(2) Reinstatement awards. A student who met
the requirements for renewal provided in Section
1009.40, F.S., but did not
receive an award for a full academic year shall be eligible to apply for
reinstatement during a subsequent application period. Each such student may be
eligible for reinstatement if the student has earned a cumulative grade point
average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale at the last institution attended.
(3) Restoration awards. A student who fails
to meet the renewal provisions of Section
1009.40, F.S., shall be eligible
to apply for restoration during a subsequent application period. Each such
student may be eligible for restoration if the student has earned an
institutional cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
(4) Appeals. An applicant may appeal the
denial of an award pursuant to Section
1009.42, F.S., and Rule
6A-20.0371, F.A.C.
(5) Period of the award. An award is made for
the two (2) semesters or three (3) quarters or the equivalent of an academic
year. An award may be made for an additional term in the summer if the student
was enrolled during one of the prior two (2) semesters or three (3) quarters or
the equivalent within an academic year.
(6) Award procedures.
(a) The institution must make preliminary
determinations of student eligibility based on information it receives from the
need analysis processor, cumulative grade point average, and earned credit
(b) The institution
must prioritize students within one term of certificate completion for summer
(c) A student's award shall
not exceed the demonstrated unmet need.
(d) When estimating individual award amounts,
institutions shall take into consideration a standard cost of education budget,
expected family contribution, and estimated Pell Grant award amounts.
(e) Each institution shall verify the
eligibility of such students and provide individual award notices to the
Institutional responsibilities.
(a) Reporting.
Within thirty (30) days of the end of the institution's regular drop/add period
for each term, institutions shall report to the Florida Department of
1. The social security number and
amount awarded to each student; and
2. The social security number of each student
who is eligible for the grant, but who was not awarded grant
(b) Refunds.
Institutions must remit refunds with accompanying documentation to the
department within sixty (60) days of the end of the institution's regular
spring term registration period or within sixty (60) days of the date of the
transmittal of supplemental warrants. Exceptions to the refund deadline may be
granted to institutions if the institution submits documentation of plans to
disburse subsequent summer term awards to the department within sixty (60) days
of the end of the intitution's regular spring term registration
(c) Summer Term Reporting
and Refunds. Each institution using summer term funds must report to the
department within thirty (30) days of the end of institution's regular drop/add
period, the social security number and amount awarded to each student.
Institutions using funds for the summer term must remit refunds and submit
accompanying documentation to the department within thirty (30) days after the
end of the summer term.
(8) Allocations. Each institution will
receive a minimum base allocation of ninety (90) percent of disbursements for
the prior fiscal year or a proportional amount when funds are insufficient to
make such allocation. From remaining funds, each institution will receive a
proportional amount based on the average number of FTE disbursed students and
total unduplicated number of otherwise eligible students reported for the prior
three (3) years.
Rulemaking Authority
1009.505(5) FS.
Law Implemented 1009.40,
New 5-3-22, Amended