Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
PLAN COMPONENTS. Pursuant to Section
429.41, F.S., each facility must
prepare a written comprehensive emergency management plan using "Minimum
Emergency Management Planning Criteria for Assisted Living Facilities, " AHCA
Form 3180-5006, September 2023, incorporated by reference and available at
The form is also available at:
The emergency management plan must, at a minimum, address the following:
(a) Provision for all hazards;
(b) Provision for the care of residents
remaining in the facility during an emergency, including pre-disaster or
emergency preparation; protecting the facility; supplies; emergency power; food
and water; staffing; and emergency equipment;
(c) Provision for the care of residents who
must be evacuated from the facility during an emergency including
identification of such residents and transfer of resident records; evacuation
transportation; sheltering arrangements; supplies; staffing; emergency
equipment; and medications;
Provision for the care of additional residents who may be evacuated to the
facility during an emergency including the identification of such residents,
staffing, and supplies;
Identification of residents with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders, and
residents with mobility limitations who may need specialized assistance either
at the facility or in case of evacuation;
(f) Identification of and coordination with
the county emergency management agency;
(g) Arrangement for post-disaster activities
including responding to family inquiries, obtaining medical intervention for
residents, transportation, and reporting to the county emergency management
agency the number of residents who have been relocated, and the place of
relocation; and,
(h) The
identification of staff responsible for implementing each part of the
(a) The facility must review and
submit its emergency management plan on an annual basis in accordance with
section 408.821(1),
1. A significant modification to a
previously approved plan must be submitted within 30 days after the change. For
the purposes of this rule, "significant modification" means a change to the
information provided in support of the minimum required plan criteria,
procedures, memorandums of understanding, contracts, or agreements identified
in the plan, or appendices that alters the execution of the plan and the
required arrangements made therein. Changes in spelling or grammar are not
considered significant modifications for the purposes of this rule.
2. Changes in the name, address, phone
number, email address or position of staff identified in the plan are not
considered significant modifications for the purposes of this rule. Changes to
that information must be submitted to the county emergency management agency as
part of the emergency management plan submitted annually.
3. If a change to the emergency management
plan is required to be submitted due to a significant modification, the change
must be identified and described.
4. A change to the emergency management plan
due to a significant modification does not alter the annual review date unless
the change is due to a change of ownership of the facility.
(b) The county emergency management agency is
the final administrative authority for emergency management plans prepared by
assisted living facilities.
(c) Any
plan approved by the county emergency management agency is considered to have
met all the criteria and conditions established in this
(3) PLAN
(a) All staff must be trained
in their duties and are responsible for implementing the emergency management
plan. New staff must be trained on the plan within 30 days of
(b) If telephone
service is not available during an emergency, the facility must request
assistance from local law enforcement or emergency management personnel in
maintaining communication.
(4) FACILITY EVACUATION. The facility must
evacuate the premises during or after an emergency if so directed by the county
emergency management agency.
(a) The facility
must report the evacuation to the county emergency management agency or
designee and to the agency within 6 hours of the evacuation order. If the
evacuation takes more than 6 hours, the facility must report when the
evacuation is completed.
(b) The
facility must not be re-occupied until the area is cleared for reentry by the
county emergency management agency or its designee and the facility can meet
the immediate needs of the residents.
(c) A facility with significant structural
damage must relocate residents until the facility can be safely
(d) The facility is
responsible for knowing the location of all residents until the residents have
been relocated to another facility.
(e) The facility must provide the agency with
the name of a contact person who must be available by telephone 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, until the facility is re-occupied.
(f) The facility must assist in the
relocation of residents, and must cooperate with outreach teams established by
the Department of Health or emergency management agency to assist in relocation
efforts. Resident needs and preferences must be considered to the extent
possible in any relocation decision.
(5) EMERGENCY SHELTER. In the event a state
of emergency has been declared and the facility is not required to evacuate the
premises, the facility may provide emergency shelter above the facility's
licensed capacity provided the following conditions are met:
(a) Life safety will not be jeopardized for
any individual;
(b) The immediate
needs of residents and other individuals sheltered at the facility can be met
by the facility;
(c) The facility
reports the number of individuals over its licensed capacity and the conditions
causing it to the Agency Field Office within 48 hours or as soon as practical.
As an alternative, the facility may report to the Agency Central Office at
(850)412-4304. If the facility will continue to be over capacity after the
declared emergency ends, the agency will review requests for excess capacity on
a case-by-case basis; and,
(d) The
facility maintains a log of the additional individuals being housed in the
facility. The log must include the individual's name, usual address, and the
dates of arrival and departure. The log must be available for review by
representatives of the agency, the department, the local emergency management
agency or its designee. The admissions and discharge log maintained by the
facility may be used for this purpose provided the information is maintained in
a manner that is easily accessible.
Rulemaking Authority 429.41, 408.821, FS. Law Implemented
429.41, 408.821, FS.
New 10-17-99, Amended 7-30-06, 4-17-14, Formerly
58A-5.026, Amended 7-1-19,