Florida Administrative Code
59A - Health Facility and Agency Licensing
Chapter 59A-16 - ADULT DAY CARE
Section 59A-16.107 - Participant and Program Data, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

Universal Citation: FL Admin Code R 59A-16.107

Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024

(1) The Owner or Operator shall establish, maintain and make available and ready for immediate use to the Agency, complete and accurate social, medical and fiscal records which fully disclose the extent of services to be maintained by the Center for a period of two years.

(2) The Participant File shall include a Participant Data Sheet which shall be completed for each Participant within forty-five days prior to or twenty-four hours after admission to the Center and which shall include:

(a) Full name, birthday, address;

(b) Date admitted as a Participant and services to be provided;

(c) Next of kin, and address and phone number of such person;

(d) Guardian or Responsible Person and address and phone number of that person;

(e) Medicaid and Medicare identification and other health insurance numbers;

(f) Emergency contact person, home or office address and phone numbers of such person;

(g) Name and telephone number of attending physician to be contacted when there appears to be significant deviation from normal appearance or state of well-being of a Participant; physician's or hospital discharge statement no older than forty-five days indicating prescribed medications and dosage which is updated as changes are made by physicians or, until a statement is received, a dated and signed statement by the Participant, guardian or responsible person, stating that specific medication may be given as ordered by the attending physician; notation of physical and emotional conditions requiring care and medications administered; diet and mobility restrictions; and a statement that the Participant is free from tuberculosis in a communicable form;

(h) The Participant File shall be updated when there is a Significant Change in the Participant, or at least quarterly;

(i) The Owner or Operator or Staff designated by the Owner or Operator shall review and approve each Participant care plan.

(3) The Operator shall be responsible for the recording, reporting and availability of Participant data, including those records required for each Center Participant, and program data, including those records required for services made available to and provided to Participants by the Adult Day Care Center. Such records shall include:

(a) Number of Participants enrolled to current date;

(b) Average Daily Attendance as defined in this rule chapter, based upon attendance through the end of the preceding month;

(c) Hours of travel time current through the previous month, if Transportation Services are provided or arranged by the Center.

(d) Business hours of operation shall be posted in a conspicuous place. Business hours shall mean a time period established by the Center, as defined in its policies, and shall be no less than five hours per day on week days of Center operation and may include a reduced schedule of weekend hours.

(4) Documentation shall be made of services, medication and special diets provided or administered to the Participants and shall be kept current in the Participant's File. Such documentation shall consist of a written, signed and dated notation or statement.

(5) A record shall be kept of Staff assignments.

(6) If the Center accepts fee-for-service Participants, there shall be a signed agreement documenting the amount of fee, hours and days of attendance, services to be provided, and frequency of payment. This agreement shall be signed by the Owner, Operator, or the Owner or Operator's designee, the Participant or Responsible Person, and recorded in the Participant's File. Financial records shall be maintained and shall be current through the last payment period.

(7) A written record shall be kept of Major Incidents affecting Participants, Staff, Volunteers or the Center.

(8) Major Incidents, as defined in this rule chapter shall be reported immediately to the Agency's Complaint Administration Unit at the following website: http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Field_Ops/CAU.shtml. Reports shall be made by the individual having first-hand knowledge of the incident and performing functions and responsibilities as an authorized agent and may include paid, emergency and temporary Staff, Volunteers and student interns.

(9) In case of emergency, such as acute illness, if family or Responsible Person cannot be reached, a signed release shall be on file stating that the Participant may be sent to the nearest hospital emergency room for treatment.

(10) Pursuant to section 429.929(1)(g), F.S., as a part of the licensure process, each Center shall develop and follow a written Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan for emergency care during an internal or external disaster in accordance with Emergency Management Planning Criteria for Adult Day Care Facilities, dated July 2001, incorporated by reference. A copy of the July 2001 Emergency Management Planning Criteria for Adult Day Care Facilities may be obtained from the Agency's website at: http://www.fdhc.state.fl.us/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Assisted_Living/docs/adcc/ADCC_CEMP_2008.pdf.

(a) The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan shall include the following:
1. Provisions for both internal and external disasters and emergencies which could include hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, power outages, floods, bomb threats, acts of terrorism, bio-terrorism, hazardous materials and nuclear disasters.

2. Provisions for care and services to Participants during the emergency including: pre-disaster preparation, notification of family members or responsible parties, securing the Center, supplies, staffing and emergency equipment.

3. Provisions for care and services, including emergency evacuation transportation, to Participants who must remain in the Center and those who must evacuate during the emergency.

4. Identification of Staff positions responsible for implementing each aspect of the Plan.

5. Identification of and coordination with designated agencies including the Red Cross and the local emergency management agency.

6. Post-disaster activities including responding to family inquiries, obtaining necessary emergency medical attention or intervention for Participants, transportation and re-entry to the Center.

(b) The Plan shall be available for immediate access by Center Staff.

(c) The initial Plan shall be reviewed by the local Emergency Management Agency to ensure compliance with the Emergency Management Planning Criteria for Adult Day Care Facilities, dated July 2001.

(d) The local emergency management agency has 60 days in which to review and determine if the Plan satisfies the Emergency Management Planning Criteria or advise the Center of necessary revisions. Any revisions must be made and resubmitted to the local emergency management agency within 30 days of receiving notification from the local emergency management agency that the Plan must be revised.

(e) The Center shall review and update its Plan on an annual basis. The Plan shall be submitted annually, or more often if needed, to the local emergency management agency.

(11) Fire safety protection shall be governed by the local fire code applicable to Adult Day Care Centers. In areas where no local fire code applies, the standards contained in chapter 69A-40, F.A.C., Uniform Fire Safety Standards for Assisted Living Facilities, may be used to determine compliance with fire safety standards. In every instance, a Center shall comply with local and state standards before a license may be issued.

(a) A fire evacuation drill shall be conducted once a month for the Staff and once every three months for Participants;

(b) A written record of each fire drill, indicating the date, hour and general description of each drill, the extent of Staff involvement, and the name of the person in charge shall be maintained and available for review;

(c) Evacuation routes shall be posted conspicuously in the Center.

Rulemaking Authority 429.929 FS. Law Implemented 429.929 FS.

New 7-8-81, Amended 2-27-84, Formerly 10A-6.11, 10A-6.011, 59A-16.011, Amended 11-9-95, 3-29-98, 10-23-01, 8-3-15, Formerly 58A-6.011, 7-1-19.

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