Florida Administrative Code
5M - Division of Agricultural Water Policy
Chapter 5M-1 - Office of Agricultural Water Policy
Section 5M-1.008 - Implementation Verification
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) are individual practices or combinations of practices that, based on scientific research, field-testing, and expert review, have been identified as the most effective and practicable means for improving water quality and water conservation, which include nutrient management, irrigation management, and water resource management. The Department has adopted in this Rule Title BMP manuals for many of Florida's agricultural commodities. At least every two years, the Department will perform an implementation verification site visit of each Enrollee to verify the proper implementation of all Applicable BMPs or, in the case of Equivalent Programs pursuant to subsection 5M-1.001(7), F.A.C., confirmation of the criteria in subsection (8) below. The Department will use the data from the site visit, supplemented as needed, by information from other sources including county property appraisers, DEP, and water management districts. The Department will provide the Enrollee any materials needed to complete the implementation verification site visit at least seven days prior to the date of the visit. The Department will notify DEP of any Enrollee that fails to cooperate with the Department to complete an implementation verification site visit.
(2) Upon completion of the implementation verification site visit, the Department will provide the Enrollee notice as to the requirement of any changes in Applicable BMPs to be implemented on the subject parcel(s) through issuance of an updated NOI. Other updates to the NOI, such as changes to contact information, the enrollment area, or parcel information must also be documented on the updated NOI form at the time of the implementation verification site visit. The Department will provide the Enrollee a separate, written notice of any necessary corrective or remedial measures pursuant to the requirements of Rule 5M-1.009, F.A.C.
(3) During the implementation verification site visit, the Department will collect and review any records required by this rule or the manual under which the parcel(s) is enrolled to verify the proper implementation of the Applicable BMPs. All required records, including nutrient source and application records, shall be maintained for a minimum of five years and must be presented to a Department representative upon request.
(4) he Department will collect and retain records regarding the application of nitrogen and phosphorus on the Enrolled parcel(s) as part of any implementation verification site visit conducted to confirm proper implementation of Applicable BMPs as described in subsection (3). Enrollees shall provide the required nutrient application records for the preceding two years to the Department by completing and submitting a Nutrient Application Record Form (FDACS-04005, rev. 06/24), adopted herein by reference and available at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-17088. Unless it is demonstrated that utilization of an electronic version is technically infeasible, Enrollees shall utilize and submit an electronic version of the form or a substantially similar form to Department representatives during the implementation verification site visit or within ten days after completion of the visit. Any substantially similar form imust include the following information for the Enrolled parcel(s):
(5) Enrolled areas subject to a permit or license for biosolids application issued by DEP in accordance with Chapter 62-640, F.A.C., must comply with the nutrient limitations in the permit or license. The Department will utilize DEP's nutrient records regarding those areas of any enrollment subject to a biosolids application permit or license.
(6) Section 403.067(7)(c)6., F.S., provides that agricultural records, defined therein, are confidential and exempt from public records disclosure.
(7) For Enrollees participating in any of the Equivalent Programs described in subsection 5M-1.001(7), F.A.C., the Department's implementation verification regarding the area(s) of the NOI property subject to the Equivalent Program instrument will consist of confirming that the Enrollee is:
(8) In the event of an emergency declared in a Governor-issued Executive Order, Enrollees are authorized to apply replacement fertilizer on enrolled areas located within a county identified in the Executive Order.
Rulemaking Authority 403.067(7)(c)2., 403.067(7)(d)2.c., 570.07(10), 570.07(23) FS. Law Implemented 403.067(7)(c)2., 403.067(7)(d)2.c., 403.067(7)(d)3. FS.
New 11-1-17, Amended 9-12-21.