Training requirements. All stewardship training shall be conducted by the
registrant or their designated representative including distributors and
contractors, for all fumigation employees that perform fumigation using the
registrant's residential fumigant.
1. There
shall be an Initial Stewardship Training and an Annual Stewardship Training.
All related courses, sessions, and instruction must be identified
2. The Initial
Stewardship Training shall include:
a. Proper
use, handling, and storage of the registrant's residential fumigant;
b. The proper use and calibration
requirements for label-approved clearance detection devices;
c. The proper use of label-required safety
equipment including the self contained breathing apparatus;
d. Review of the label, manual, Safety Data
Sheets, safety procedures, and Stewardship Policy for the registrant's
residential fumigant; and,
Dosage calculation for the registrant's residential
3. The Annual
Stewardship Training shall include:
a. Review
of the proper use, handling, and care of safety equipment and clearance
detection devices;
b. Review of
labeling and registrant stewardship requirements for worker protection and
public safety;
c. Review of any
updates to registrant's residential fumigant labeling; and,
d. Review of any updates to registrant's
residential fumigant Stewardship Policy.
(b) Quality assurance reviews (QAR): QARs
must be conducted by the registrant or their designated representative at least
once per calendar year for each licensee using the registrant's residential
fumigant. The QAR shall include an on-site observation of the licensee's
fumigation employees conducting a structural fumigation using the registrant's
residential fumigant. The QAR may be conducted at different sites and on
different fumigation employees of the licensee in order for the registrant to
complete subparagraphs 1. and 2.
1. The QAR
shall include observations of:
a. Preparation
of structure for fumigation;
Introduction of chloropicrin and registrant's residential fumigant;
c. Initiation of aeration and active
aeration; and,
d. Final clearance
2. The QAR shall
include verification that the following items are at the fumigation site:
a. Two (2) self-contained breathing apparati
according to the product label;
Secondary locks;
c. Proper signage
in accordance with Rule
5E-14.112, F.A.C.;
d. Registrant's residential fumigant
label-approved clearance devices;
e. Registrant's residential fumigant
label-required personal protective equipment.
3. The registrant or designated
representative must document the date, licensee's name, fumigation employee(s)
observed, phase of fumigation process observed, and registrant representative
conducting the QAR. These records shall be maintained for a two-year period
from the date of the fumigation and are subject to department
(c) Probation
and Stop Sale. The Stewardship Policy shall include procedures for the issuance
of probation or stop sale notices to licensees who use the registrant's
residential fumigant. The Stewardship Policy shall also describe options for
corrective actions to be completed by a licensee in the event the registrant
places a licensee on probation or issues a stop-sale notice and shall describe
how corrective actions shall be determined.
1. The registrant shall place a licensee on
probation or issue a stop-sale notice to a licensee if the registrant receives
verifiable documentation of an observation by the registrant's employee or
designated representative or a report of an inspection conducted by the
department that the licensee has failed to follow critical safety procedures
including the proper use of the following as determined by the registrant's
residential fumigant label and Rule Chapters 5E-2 and 5E-14, F.A.C.:
a. Chloropicrin;
b. Self-contained breathing
c. Approved clearance
d. Secondary locks and
barricades, or
e. Any other safety
procedure critical to the protection of workers, bystanders, homeowners, or the
public as prescribed by the residential fumigant's label and Rule Chapters 5E-2
and 5E-14, F.A.C.
2. The
registrant shall notify in writing, the licensee, all Florida distributors of
the registrant's residential fumigant, and the department of a decision to
place a licensee on probation or stop the sale and distribution of a
residential fumigant to the licensee, within 15 business days of the registrant
receiving confirmation that the licensee has failed to follow a critical safety
procedure as outlined in subparagraph (2)(c)1., of this rule.
3. Notification to the department shall be
made by utilizing the department's electronic fumigation notification website,
http://fumigation.freshfromflorida.com, or by submitting a completed Registrant
Notification of Stewardship Compliance Action (FDACS-13001, 01/17), which is
hereby adopted and incorporated by reference and available online at
by email to biirfumigation@freshfromflorida.com or by facsimile to
4. The registrant
shall place a licensee on probation for no less than six months if the licensee
fails to follow one or more critical safety procedures as outlined in
subparagraph (2)(c)1., of this rule while using the registrant's residential
fumigant. Probation may be terminated at any time during the probationary
period if the licensee completes all corrective actions recommended by the
registrant and submits to a QAR in compliance with paragraph (1)(b).
5. The registrant shall issue an extended
stop sale and stop the distribution of its residential fumigant to a licensee
if within a six-month period, the licensee fails to follow two or more critical
safety procedures as outlined in subparagraph (2)(c)1., while using a
residential fumigant, or if the licensee fails to follow one or more critical
safety procedures while on probation. The registrant shall lift the extended
stop-sale only if the licensee completes all corrective actions recommended by
the registrant. Once the extended stop-sale is lifted, the registrant can
resume the sale and distribution of the registrant's residential fumigant to
the licensee. Upon resuming the sale and distribution of the residential
fumigant to the licensee, the registrant shall place the licensee on probation
for no less than six months. If the licensee fails to follow at least one
critical safety procedure while on probation after the extended stop-sale, the
registrant shall notify the department and recommend suspension or revocation
of the licensee's license to perform residential fumigations. The registrant
shall re-issue the extended stop-sale notice to the licensee if the department
suspends the licensee's license to perform residential fumigations. The
extended stop-sale shall remain in place until the department lifts the
6. The registrant shall
issue a permanent stop-sale notice when the department revokes a licensee's
license to perform residential fumigations.
7. The registrant shall notify all Florida
distributors of the registrant's residential fumigant in writing when probation
or a stop-sale is lifted.
(d) The Stewardship Policy shall require
licensees to return any unused residential fumigant and all residential
fumigant containers to the registrant upon notification of a permanent or
extended stop-sale and shall require all Florida distributors of the
registrant's residential fumigant who are no longer contracted by the
registrant for distribution of the registrant's residential fumigant to return
any unused residential fumigant and any and all residential fumigant containers
to the registrant. At the request of the registrant, a department
representative shall be present at the site of the licensee during the removal
of the registrant's residential fumigant containers.