Florida Administrative Code
40E - South Florida Water Management District
Chapter 40E-3 - WATER WELLS
Section 40E-3.517 - Grouting and Sealing
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
Wells shall be grouted and sealed in accordance with paragraph 62-532.500(3)(i), F.A.C., incorporated by reference in subsection 40E-3.036(2), F.A.C., to protect the water resource from degradation caused by movement of waters along the well annulus either from the surface to the aquifer or between aquifers, and to prevent loss of pressure in artesian aquifers.
(1) All wells that are constructed in a manner which creates an annular space between the casing and the naturally occurring geologic formations shall be grouted and sealed in accordance with the methodologies listed in paragraph 62-532.500(3)(i), F.A.C., incorporated by reference in subsection 40E-3.036(2), F.A.C.
(2) Wells obtaining water from unconsolidated formations, using a method other than jetting or driving a casing, and creating an annular space, shall be grouted from no more than ten (10) feet above the top of the screen to the upper terminus. Borehole cuttings shall not be reintroduced into the annular space.
(3) For jetted wells or sand point wells obtaining water from an unconsolidated formation of a naturally caving nature in which the annular space is completely filled with formation material, only the upper three (3) feet shall be grouted to provide protection from possible contaminated surface water.
(4) For jetted wells or sand point wells circulating drilling fluids to the surface, and obtaining water from a consolidated formation, shall be grouted bottom to top prior to being seated into water bearing formation.
(5) For wells constructed by driven casing, dry bentonite, with an average mesh size of between 4 and 20 U.S. standard sieve size or grain size between 5mm and .85mm, must be added to the continuous casing string at land surface at the beginning and during construction of the well.
(6) All other wells shall be grouted from the bottom of the casing to land surface.
(7) Unless a variance has been granted by the District, grouting and sealing of water wells shall be accomplished in the following manner:
(8) Water wells constructed using Bentonite grouts shall meet all the following requirements:
Rulemaking Authority 373.044, 373.171, 373.309 FS. Law Implemented 373.113, 373.306, 373.308, 373.309 FS.
New 1-1-85, Amended 3-16-05, 9-26-12, 6-8-15.