Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) General Requirements - The year-round
water conservation measures contained in this section are applicable to all
Users, including end Users served by public or private water systems and shall
be effective throughout all geographical areas within the District. Any
restrictions or other measures declared pursuant to Chapter 40D-21, F.A.C., or
any Board or Executive Director order that is more restrictive than a water
conservation measure contained within this chapter, shall supersede the water
conservation measure for the duration of the applicable order.
(2) Wasteful and Unnecessary Use - In
addition to the specific restrictions enumerated below, the following wasteful
and unnecessary water uses are prohibited:
(a) Allowing water to flow from an unattended
hose, unless that water is discharged from a functional water-to-air air
conditioning unit, residential reverse osmosis treatment system, or similar
(b) Hand Watering a Lawn on
an otherwise restricted day or more than once a day, except when used for Spot
Treatment or other practices specified in this rule.
(c) Hosing-down a driveway or other
impervious surface to remove grass clippings or other debris that can be
removed with a broom or other dry methods.
(d) Hosing-down a building or other structure
to remove cobwebs or other material that can be removed with a broom or other
dry methods.
(e) Allowing water to
flow from a broken sprinkler head, outdoor faucet, or other malfunctioning
plumbing or irrigation system component, after receiving verbal or written
notice of the malfunction from the District, water utility, or local
Irrigation Uses - The following requirements shall apply to all Irrigation
except Agriculture.
(a) Irrigation shall be
prohibited daily between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., except as
otherwise provided herein.
Irrigation systems may be operated during restricted days and/or times for
cleaning and maintenance purposes with an attendant on site in the area being
tested. Irrigation systems may routinely be operated for such purposes no more
than once per week, and the total run time for each zone shall not exceed 10
minutes during the test.
Irrigation for the purpose of chemigation, fertigation or watering-in of
applied fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, where such
Irrigation is required by the manufacturer or by federal, state or local law or
by applicable best management practices shall not be restricted. In the absence
of specific alternative instructions from the manufacturer, such Irrigation
shall be limited to one application of one-quarter inches within 24 hours of
the application; and, such Irrigation shall be accomplished during allowable
watering hours unless a professional applicator has posted a temporary sign
containing the date of application and the date(s) of needed Irrigation and has
also provided instructions listing the chemicals used and stating that the
Irrigation must occur immediately rather than during allowable watering
(d) Landscape may be watered
using Low-Volume Irrigation methods on an as-needed basis instead of being
restricted to certain days or times.
(e) Lawns may be Irrigated by Spot Treatment
without regard to the normally allowable watering days. Lawns may only be
irrigated by Spot Treatment by Hand-Watering or other targeted, manual means.
Spot Treatment shall only be accomplished during allowable watering
(f) In order to promote
necessary rhizome repair, extra watering of Turfgrass may occur on any day of
the week for a 14-day period after Core Aerification or Vertical Mowing has
occurred. An entire zone of an Irrigation system, may only be used for rhizome
repair watering if the zone in question is for an area that contains at least
50% Turfgrass recovering from Core Aerification or Vertical Mowing. If a zone
contains less than 50% recovering Turfgrass, or if the recovering Turfgrass
area is typically not watered by an Irrigation system, only the recovering
Turfgrass is eligible for this 14-day exemption. Spot-Treatment, Hand Watering,
or any appropriate method which isolates and waters only the recovering
Turfgrass may be used.
(g) New
Plant Material shall only be irrigated as follows:
1. Any New Plant Material may be irrigated
during a 60-day establishment period for the purpose of maintaining plant
health and encouraging root growth. From day 1 through day 30 of this
establishment period, irrigation may occur on any day of the week. From day 31
through day 60 of this establishment period, irrigation is limited to one
application on each of three specified days, except as otherwise provided
herein. The three allowable days shall be as follows: Even Numbered Addresses
may provide establishment period irrigation on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday and
Odd Numbered Addresses may provide establishment period irrigation on Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday. Cemeteries and other properties two acres or greater
are permitted to use an alternative schedule to provide three days of
establishment irrigation per week from day 31 through day 60 so long as a
written schedule of establishment period watering is maintained at the
property. From day 31 through day 60, properties with no discernable address,
such as common areas and rights of way, are permitted to provide establishment
period irrigation on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.
2. This establishment period begins the day
the New Plant Material is installed, and is limited to areas containing New
Plant Material only. An entire zone of an Irrigation system may only be used
for establishment period watering if the zone in question is for an area that
contains at least 50% New Plant Material. If a zone contains less than 50% New
Plant Material, or if the New Plant Material is in an area that will be
typically not be watered by an Irrigation system, only the New Plant Material
is eligible for this 60-day exemption. Spot Treatment, Hand Watering, or any
appropriate method which isolates and waters only the New Plant Material may be
3. On the day any New Plant
Material is installed, it may be irrigated once without regard to the normally
allowable watering times. Irrigation of the soil immediately prior to the
installation of New Plant Material is also allowable without regard to the
normally allowable watering times.
4. Irrigation of Sprigged turf area is
allowable without regard to the normally allowable watering times for the
entire 60-day establishment period.
5. Irrigation of new Turfgrass areas or other
New Plant Material associated with a public works project, when and where
conducted using tanker trucks or other vehicles, is allowable without regard to
the normally allowable watering times for the entire 60 day establishment
6. Landscape may continue
to be irrigated on an as-needed basis without regard to the normally allowable
watering days or times after the establishment period ends if Low-Volume
Irrigation technology is used, pursuant to paragraph
7. Except as otherwise
provided herein, all other establishment period watering shall occur during
normally allowable watering times.
(h) Irrigation using Reclaimed Water shall
not be restricted except as further restricted by a local government or other
Reclaimed Water provider, as necessary, to promote conservation of this
alternative water source. However, Users are encouraged to voluntarily conserve
Reclaimed Water by not irrigating between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4 p.m. In
addition, if Irrigation is accomplished with a source that contains a blend of
Reclaimed Water and potable water, ground water, pond water or some other
supply, the use of this blended water shall be subject to the restrictions that
apply to that other supply, except for the following circumstances:
1. The other supply is incidental stormwater
runoff that enters a Reclaimed Water storage pond;
2. The other supply is a withdrawal regulated
by a Water Use Permit, provided that the quantity being blended with the
Reclaimed Water is specifically authorized for blending purposes, such as
withdrawals from an un-augmented stormwater system or water recovered from a
permitted ASR well that stores seasonal diversions from a surface water body,
including ASR well testing authorized in preparation for permit
3. The other supply is
water recovered from a Reclaimed Water ASR well permitted by the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection, including Reclaimed Water ASR well
testing authorized in preparation for permit issuance; or
4. The applicable Reclaimed Water provider is
implementing a District-authorized variance from the provisions of Rule
40D-22.201, F.A.C., which
addresses use of the reclaimed water blend.
(i) The operation of an Irrigation system for
the discharge of water from a water-to-air air conditioning unit or other
water-dependent cooling system shall not be subject to the provisions of this
(j) Irrigation of established
Turfgrass and Landscape associated with a public works project, when and where
conducted using tanker trucks or other vehicles, may occur without regard to
the normally allowable watering days and times, except that Irrigation of
Turfgrass by this method is limited to a maximum of two applications of 3/4
inches of water in any seven-day period after conclusion of the establishment
period exemption specified above.
(k) One extra irrigation application may
occur within 72 hours of the conclusion of a named tropical storm or hurricane
warning, if needed, to flush salt from plant material that was inundated or
subjected to spray from saltwater or brackish water.
(4) Lawn and Landscape Use - The following
additional requirements or exceptions to subsections
-(3), F.A.C., shall apply to Irrigation of Lawns and Landscape.
(a) Except as otherwise specified in this
chapter, Even Numbered Addresses may accomplish necessary Lawn and Landscape
Irrigation on only Thursday and/or Sunday.
(b) Except as otherwise specified in this
chapter, Odd Numbered Addresses may accomplish necessary Lawn and Landscape
Irrigation on only Wednesday and/or Saturday.
(c) Except as otherwise specified in this
chapter, all properties not included in paragraphs (4)(a) and (b) above,
including rights-of-way and common areas not associated with a specific
property and other locations without any discernable address, may accomplish
necessary Lawn and Landscape irrigation on only Tuesday and/or
(d) Cemeteries and other
Users irrigating property two acres or greater may water one-half of the
property on the days allowed for Even Numbered Addresses and may water the
remaining one-half on the days allowed for Odd Numbered Addresses. Each such
User is required to maintain a map or sketch on site that indicates which days
each part of the property will be watered, and the District or applicable local
government may require that a copy of this same map or sketch be provided for
verification or enforcement purposes.
(e) Any automatic Irrigation system in use
must include a properly installed, maintained and operating device or system
that inhibits or interrupts operation of the Irrigation system during periods
of sufficient moisture. Examples of such technology include a rain sensor, a
soil moisture sensor or an evapotranspiration based controller with local
weather station.
(5) Golf
Course Use - The following additional requirements or exceptions to subsections
-(3), F.A.C., shall apply to Golf Course Irrigation as appropriate:
(a) Users who possess a WUP are required to
maintain compliance with all WUP conditions and terms, including those designed
to require the utilization of water conserving practices. Compliance with all
WUP conditions and terms shall constitute compliance in lieu of other measures
specified in subsections
-(5), F.A.C.
(b) Except as excluded
by paragraph 40D-22.201(5)(a),
F.A.C., all Users for Golf Course Irrigation shall use:
1. Best Management Practices for Florida Golf
Courses, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Environmental Horticulture, 1993,
as amended; or
2. The following
a. Irrigation shall be limited to
the times specified in subsection
b. Fairways, roughs and
Driving Ranges shall be watered no more than two times per week.
c. Tees and greens shall be watered no more
than three times per week.
d. The
Irrigation of tees and greens shall not be restricted when such Irrigation is
for plant protection, including Frost/Freeze or Heat Stress, except as limited
by subsection 40D-22.201(2),
e. Spot Treatment and
Syringing are not restricted.
Irrigation related to overseeding that is a component of a fall transition
program shall not be restricted to a certain number of applications each
(6) Athletic Play Area Irrigation - The
following additional requirements or exceptions to subsections
-(3), F.A.C., shall apply to Athletic Play Areas:
(a) Operation of an Irrigation system for
plant protection of Athletic Play Area Turfgrass fields, including Frost/Freeze
or Heat Stress prevention, shall not be restricted, except in accordance with
subsection 40D-22.201(2),
(b) The wetting of clay
tennis courts, baseball/softball infields, livestock or rodeo areas and other
non-Turf-grass Athletic Play Areas immediately prior to play is allowable to
ensure athlete/animal safety, comply with sport standards and control
(c) Baseball, softball,
football, soccer, polo and other similar Turfgrass playing field surfaces may
receive one extra Irrigation application immediately after heavy league play if
necessary to encourage turf repair needed to maintain safe play
(d) Spot Treatment and
Syringing are not restricted.
One-half of Athletic Play Areas may be irrigated on Mondays and/or Thursdays;
the other half may be irrigated on Tuesdays and/or Fridays for the purpose of
meeting normal supplemental Irrigation needs. A map or sketch shall be
maintained on site that indicates which days each part of the property will be
watered, and the District or applicable local government may require that a
copy of this same map or sketch be provided for verification or enforcement
(7) Agriculture
Use - The following additional requirements or exceptions to subsection
F.A.C., shall apply to Agriculture as appropriate:
(a) Users who possess a WUP are required to
maintain compliance with all WUP conditions and terms, including those designed
to require the utilization of water conserving practices. Compliance with all
WUP conditions and terms shall constitute compliance in lieu of other measures
specified in subsections
-(2) and (7), F.A.C.
(b) Except as
excluded by paragraph
F.A.C., all Irrigation for Agriculture shall follow these measures:
1. Use of Micro-irrigation and other
Low-Volume Irrigation methods shall not be restricted.
2. Operation of an Irrigation system for
plant protection, including Frost/Freeze or Heat Stress prevention, shall not
be restricted.
3. Irrigation for
the purpose of watering-in fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and
herbicides, where such watering-in is required by the manufacturer, or by
federal, state or local law, shall not be restricted.
4. All other Irrigation shall be prohibited
daily between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00
Rulemaking Authority 373.044, 373, 113,
373.171 FS. Law Implemented
New 3-15-92, Amended 9-15-03, 11-5-09, 12-7-10,