Florida Administrative Code
12D - Property Tax Oversight Program
Chapter 12D-7 - EXEMPTIONS
Section 12D-7.0055 - Exemption for Deployed Servicemembers
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) This rule applies to the exemption provided in section 196.173, F.S., for servicemembers who receive a homestead exemption and who were deployed during the previous tax year. For the purposes of this rule the following definitions will apply:
(3) After receiving an application for this exemption, the property appraiser must consider the application within 30 days of its receipt or within 30 days of the notice of qualifying deployment, whichever is later. If the application is denied in whole or in part, the property appraiser must send a notice of disapproval to the taxpayer no later than July 1, citing the reason for the disapproval. The notice of disapproval must also advise the taxpayer of the right to appeal the decision to the value adjustment board.
(4) This exemption will apply only to the portion of the property which is the homestead of the deployed servicemember or servicemembers.
(5) The percentage exempt under this exemption will be calculated as the number of days the servicemember was deployed during the previous calendar year divided by the number of days in that year multiplied by 100.
(6) If the homestead property is owned by joint tenants with a right of survivorship or tenants by the entireties, the property may be granted multiple exemptions for deployed servicemembers. The following provisions will apply in the event that multiple servicemembers are applying for the exemption on the same homestead property:
(7) When calculating exemptions and taxes due, the property appraiser must first apply the exemptions listed in section 196.031(7), F.S., in the order specified, to produce school and county taxable values. The percentage exempt calculated under this exemption must then be applied to both taxable values producing final taxable values. The taxes due must then be calculated and the percentage discount for disabled veterans under section 196.082, F.S., should then be applied.
(8) If the property is owned by either tenants in common or joint tenants without right of survivorship, the percentage discount allowed under this rule will only apply to the taxable value of the qualifying servicemembers' interest in the property.
Rulemaking Authority 195.027(1), 213.06(1) FS. Law Implemented 196.001, 196.031, 196.082, 196.173, 213.05 FS.
New 11-1-12.