Florida Administrative Code
12A - Sales and Use Tax
Section 12A-19.072 - Certification of Service Address Databases
Current through Reg. 50, No. 249, December 24, 2024
(1) A communications services dealer that develops and maintains its own database for assigning service addresses to local taxing jurisdictions or a third-party vendor that provides a database for sale to communications services dealers or uses such a database in providing billing or other services to communications services dealers may apply to the Department for certification of the database. A database will be certified if it assigns street addresses, address ranges, post office boxes, and post office box ranges to the proper local taxing jurisdictions with an overall accuracy rate of 95 percent with a 95 percent level of confidence, based on a statistically reliable sample. Accuracy must be measured based on the entire geographic area within the state of Florida covered by the database for which certification is sought.
(3) An application for recertification of a database must be submitted on Form DR-700012 when the certification period expires. If an application for recertification is received prior to the stated expiration date of the certification period, the prior certification will not expire until the Department takes final action on the application for recertification. In such cases, if the Department denies recertification, the prior certification will remain in effect until the time for administrative or judicial review of the Department's denial of recertification has expired or, if later, the date fixed by order of the reviewing court.
(4) Certification or recertification of a database is effective upon the date of the Department's notice approving the application. The notice approving the application is in the form of a letter stating that the database is certified and that an application for renewal should be applied for by a specified date. Unless a timely application for recertification has been filed as provided under subsection (3), a certification or recertification is effective through the date stated on the notice.
(5) In determining whether a database qualifies for certification, the Department will consider whether the applicant will implement procedures designed to maintain the accuracy level required for certification throughout the certification period. If the Department obtains information indicating that a certified database is not being properly maintained and updated to ensure on-going accuracy at the required levels, the Department will notify the applicant and review the operation and maintenance of that database. If the Department determines that a database no longer qualifies for certification and remedial steps are not promptly taken, the Department will revoke the certification. The Department will first provide notice to the applicant of its intent to revoke the certification, as provided in Section 120.60, F.S., and afford the applicant a point of entry under Chapter 120, F.S., to contest the notice of intent.
(6) Certification is contingent upon there being no material changes to the database or procedures for its updating and maintenance. If there are such changes, the applicant should inform the Department and request a determination regarding whether a new Form DR-700012 should be submitted. If practicable, the Department will test the effect of the changes rather than require a new certification procedure for the entire database. A material change is any change that could reasonably be expected to affect whether the database would still meet the 95 percent accuracy level required for certification. Examples of changes that could be material would be a substantial expansion of the service area covered by a database, the merger of the certified database with a non-certified database, a change in the sources from which information for the database is obtained, or alteration of the methods by which service addresses are assigned, updated, or corrected. Changes to the assignment of service addresses or address ranges that are made in the course of consistently followed procedures to obtain and incorporate accurate updates and to correct errors in assignments of service addresses as required to satisfy the due diligence standards set forth in paragraph (2)(c) of Rule 12A-19.070, F.A.C., are not material changes that require Department review of a database.
Rulemaking Authority 202.22(3), 202.26(3)(g) FS. Law Implemented 202.22(3) FS.
New 11-14-05.