Delaware Administrative Code
Title 9 - Services for Children Youth and Their Families
Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services
701 - Qualifications for Juvenile Mental Health Screeners
Section 701-2.0 - Definitions
As used in this regulation:
"Crisis services" means services provided by the staff or contractors of the DPBHS Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) program or a psychiatric hospital contracted by the DSCYF, in the course of their employment.
"Department" and "DSCYF" means the Department of Services for Children Youth and Their Families.
"Division" and "DPBHS" means the Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services.
"DSAMH" means the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health of the Department of Health and Social Services.
"Eligible entity" means a facility operated by the DSCYF, DSCYF crisis services provider, a Delaware licensed mental health hospital under contract with the DSCYF, or a Delaware licensed medical hospital.
"Emergency detention" and "detainment" mean the process whereby a minor who appears to have a mental condition, and whose mental condition causes the person to be dangerous to self or dangerous to others, and whose parent or legal guardian is unwilling, or unavailable, to have the minor admitted to a facility voluntarily for assessment or care, is involuntarily detained for such evaluation and treatment for 24 hours unless the parent or legal guardian is unavailable to the Department during that 24 hour period; in such instances the time period may be extended to 72 hours.
"Juvenile Mental Health Screener" means an individual who has applied for and been approved to be credentialed as a Juvenile Mental Health Screener under Chapter 50, by the DPBHS.
"Psychiatric Facility" means a Delaware licensed mental health hospital under contract with the DSCYF.
"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Department of Services for Children Youth and Their Families.