Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 9 - Bicycle Facilities
Chapter 9B - SIGNS
Section 9B.21 - Bicycle Route Signs (M1-8, M1-8a, M1-9)
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
01 To establish a unique identification (route designation) for a State or local bicycle route, the Bicycle Route (M1-8, M1-8a) sign (see Figure 9B-4) may be used.
02 The Bicycle Route (M1-8) sign shall contain a route designation and shall have a green background with a retroreflectorized white legend and border. The Bicycle Route (M1-8a) sign shall contain the same information as the M1-8 sign and in addition shall include a pictograph or words that are associated with the route or with the agency that has jurisdiction over the route.
03 Bicycle routes, which might be a combination of various types of bikeways, should establish a continuous routing.
04 Where a designated bicycle route extends through two or more States, a coordinated submittal by the affected States for an assignment of a U.S. Bicycle Route number designation should be sent to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (see Page i for the address).
05 The U.S. Bicycle Route (M1-9) sign (see Figure 9B-4) shall contain the route designation as assigned by AASHTO and shall have a black legend and border with a retroreflectorized white background.
06 If used, the Bicycle Route or U.S. Bicycle Route signs should be placed at intervals frequent enough to keep bicyclists informed of changes in route direction and to remind motorists of the presence of bicyclists.
07 Bicycle Route or U.S. Bicycle Route signs may be installed on shared roadways or on shared-use paths to provide guidance for bicyclists.
08 The Bicycle Route Guide (D11-1) sign (see Figure 9B-4) may be installed where no unique designation of routes is desired.