Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 6 - Temporary Traffic Control
Section 6G.12 - Work Within the Traveled Way of a Multi-Lane, Non-Access Controlled Highway
Current through Reigster Vol. 28, No. 6, December 1, 2024
01 Chapter 6D and Sections 6F.74 and 6G.05 contain additional information regarding the steps to follow when pedestrian or bicycle facilities are affected by the worksite.
02 Work on multi-lane (two or more lanes of moving motor vehicle traffic in one direction) highways is divided into right-lane closures, left-lane closures, interior-lane closures, multiple-lane closures, and closures on five-lane roadways.
03 When a lane is closed on a multi-lane road for other than a mobile operation, a transition area containing a merging taper shall be used.
04 When justified by an engineering study, temporary traffic barriers (see Section 6F.70) should be used to prevent incursions of errant vehicles into hazardous areas or work space.
05 Figure 6H-34 illustrates a lane closure in which temporary traffic barriers are used.
06 When the right lane is closed, TTC similar to that shown in Figure 6H-33 may be used for undivided or divided four-lane roads.
07 If morning and evening peak hour vehicular traffic volumes in the two directions are uneven and the greater volume is on the side where the work is being done in the right-hand lane, consideration should be given to closing the inside lane for opposing vehicular traffic and making the lane available to the side with heavier vehicular traffic, as shown in Figure 6H-31.
08 If the larger vehicular traffic volume changes to the opposite direction at a different time of the day, the TTC should be changed to allow two lanes for opposing vehicular traffic by moving the devices from the opposing lane to the center line. When it is necessary to create a temporary center line that is not consistent with the pavement markings, channelizing devices should be used and closely spaced.
09 When closing a left lane on a multi-lane undivided road, as vehicular traffic flow permits, the two interior lanes may be closed, as shown in Figure 6H-30, to provide drivers and workers additional lateral clearance and to provide access to the work space.
10 When only the left lane is closed on undivided roads, channelizing devices shall be placed along the center line as well as along the adjacent lane.
11 When an interior lane is closed, an adjacent lane should also be considered for closure to provide additional space for vehicles and materials and to facilitate the movement of equipment within the work space.
12 When multiple lanes in one direction are closed, a capacity analysis should be made to determine the number of lanes needed to accommodate motor vehicle traffic needs. Vehicular traffic should be moved over one lane at a time. As shown in Figure 6H-37, the tapers should be separated by a distance of 2L, with L being determined by the formulas in Tables 6C-3 and 6C-4.
13 If operating speeds are 40 mph or less and the space approaching the work area does not permit moving traffic over one lane at a time, a single continuous taper may be used.
14 When a directional roadway is closed, inapplicable WRONG WAY signs and markings, and other existing traffic control devices at intersections within the temporary two-lane, two-way operations section shall be covered, removed, or obliterated.
15 When half the road is closed on an undivided highway, both directions of vehicular traffic may be accommodated as shown in Figure 6H-32. When both interior lanes are closed, temporary traffic controls may be used as provided in Figure 6H-30. When a roadway must be closed on a divided highway, a median crossover may be used (see Section 6G.16).
16 TTC for lane closures on five-lane roads is similar to other multi-lane undivided roads. Figure 6H-32 can be adapted for use on five-lane roads. Figure 6H-35 can be used on a five-lane road for short duration and mobile operations.