Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 6 - Temporary Traffic Control
Section 6F.79 - Temporary Raised Pavement Markers
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
01 Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers, or non-retroreflective raised pavement markers supplemented by retroreflective or internally illuminated markers, may be substituted for markings of other types in TTC zones.
02 If used, the color and pattern of the raised pavement markers shall simulate the color and pattern of the markings for which they substitute.
03 If temporary raised pavement markers are used to substitute for broken line segments, a group of at least three retroreflective markers shall be equally spaced at no greater than N/8 (see Section 3B.14). The value of N for a broken or dotted line shall equal the length of one line segment plus one gap.
04 If temporary raised pavement markers are used to substitute for solid lines, the markers shall be equally spaced at no greater than N/4, with retroreflective or internally illuminated units at a spacing no greater than N/2. The value of N referenced for solid lines shall equal the N for the broken or dotted lines that might be adjacent to or might extend the solid lines (see Section 3B.11).
05 Temporary raised pavement markers may be used to substitute for broken line segments by using at least two retroreflective markers placed at each end of a segment of 2 to 5 feet in length, using the same cycle length as permanent markings.
06 Temporary raised pavement markers used on 2- to 5-foot segments to substitute for broken line segments should not be in place for more than 14 days unless justified by engineering judgment.
07 Raised pavement markers should be considered for use along surfaced detours or temporary roadways, and other changed or new travel-lane alignments.
08 Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers, or non-retroreflective raised pavement markers supplemented by retroreflective or internally illuminated markers, may also be used in TTC zones to supplement markings as prescribed in Chapters 3A and 3B.
09 (DE Revision) Due to their prior poor performance within Delaware, internally illuminated raised pavement markers shall only be permitted on state-maintained roads with DelDOT Traffic approval.