Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 4 - Highway Traffic Signals
Section 4G.04 - Emergency-Vehicle Hybrid Beacons
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
01 Emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons shall e used only in conjunction with signs to warn and control traffic at an unsignalized location where emergency vehicles enter or cross a street or highway. Emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons shall be actuated only by authorized emergency or maintenance personnel.
02 Emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons should only be used when all of the following criteria are satisfied:
03 Except as otherwise provided in this Section, an emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon shall meet the requirements of this Manual.
04 An emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon face shall consist of three signal sections, with a CIRCULAR YELLOW signal indication centered below two horizontally aligned CIRCULAR RED signal indications (see Figure 4G-1).
05 Emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons shall be placed in a dark mode (no indications displayed) during periods between actuations.
06 Upon actuation by authorized emergency personnel, the emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon faces shall each display a flashing yellow signal indication, followed by a steady yellow change interval, prior to displaying two CIRCULAR RED signal indications in an alternating flashing array for a duration of time adequate for egress of the emergency vehicles. The alternating flashing red signal indications shall only be displayed when it is required that drivers on the major street stop and then proceed subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a STOP sign. Upon termination of the flashing red signal indications, the emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons shall revert to a dark mode (no indications displayed) condition.
07 The duration of the flashing yellow interval should be determined by engineering judgment.
08 The duration of the steady yellow change interval shall be determined using engineering practices.
09 The steady yellow change interval should have a minimum duration of 3 seconds and a maximum duration of 6 seconds (see Section 4D.26). The longer intervals should be reserved for use on approaches with higher speeds.
10 A steady red clearance interval may be used after the steady yellow change interval.
11 Emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons may be equipped with a light or other display visible to the operator of the egressing emergency vehicle to provide confirmation that the beacons are operating.
12 Emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons may be supplemented with an advance warning sign, which may also be supplemented with a Warning Beacon (see Section 4L.03).
13 If a Warning Beacon is used to supplement the advance warning sign, it should be programmed to flash only when the emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon is not in the dark mode.
14 At least two emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon faces shall be installed for each approach of the major street and a stop line shall be installed for each approach of the major street.
15 On approaches having posted or statutory speed limits or 85th-percentile speeds in excess of 40 mph, and on approaches having traffic or operating conditions that would tend to obscure visibility of roadside beacon faces, both of the minimum of two emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon faces should be installed over the roadway.
16 On multi-lane approaches having posted or statutory speed limits or 85th-percentile speeds of 40 mph or less, either an emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon face should be installed on each side of the approach (if a median of sufficient width exists) or at least one of the emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon faces should be installed over the roadway.
17 An emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon should comply with the signal face location provisions described in Sections 4D.11 through 4D.16.
18 (DE Revision) Stop lines and EMERGENCY SIGNAL-STOP WHEN FLASHING RED (R10-14 or R10-14a) signs (see Figure 2B-27) shall be used with emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons.
19 If needed for extra emphasis, a STOP HERE ON FLASHING RED (R10-14b) sign (see Section 2B.53) may be installed with an emergency-vehicle hybrid beacon.