Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 2 - Signs
Section 2H.02 - General Information Signs (I Series)
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
01 Of interest to the traveler, though not directly necessary for guidance, are numerous kinds of information that can properly be conveyed by General Information signs (see Figure 2H-1) or miscellaneous information signs (see Section 2H.04). They include such items as State lines, city limits, other political boundaries, time zones, stream names, elevations, landmarks, and similar items of geographical interest, and safety and transportation-related messages. Chapter 2M contains recreational and cultural interest area symbol signs that are sometimes used in combination with General Information signs.
02 General Information signs should not be installed within a series of guide signs or at other equally critical locations, unless there are specific reasons for orienting the road user or identifying control points for activities that are clearly in the public interest. On all such signs, the designs should be simple and dignified, devoid of any advertising, and in general compliance with other guide signing.
Table 2H-1. General Information Sign Sizes
(Delaware Revision)
Sign | Sign Designation | Section | Conventional Road | Freeway or Expressway |
Reference Location (1 digit) | D10-1 | 2H.05 | 10 x 18 | 12 x 24 |
Intermediate Reference Location (2 digits) | D10-1a | 2H.05 | 10 x 27 | 12 x 36 |
Reference Location (2 digits) | D10-2 | 2H.05 | 10 x 27 | 12 x 36 |
Intermediate Reference Location (3 digits) | D10-2a | 2H.05 | 10 x 36 | 12 x 48 |
Reference Location (3 digits) | D10-3 | 2H.05 | 10 x 36 | 12 x 48 |
Intermediate Reference Location (4 digits) | D10-3a | 2H.05 | 10 x 48 | 12 x 60 |
Enhanced Reference Location | D10-4 | 2H.06 | 18 x 54 | 18 x 54 |
Intermediate Enhanced Reference Location | D10-5 | 2H.06 | 18 x 60 | 18 x 60 |
Acknowledgement | D14-1 | 2H.08 | 36 x 30* | 72 x 48* |
Sponsor A Highway | D14-1-DE | 2H.08 | 60 x 48 | 60 x 48 |
Acknowledgement | D14-2 | 2H.08 | 36 x 30* | 72 x 48* |
Acknowledgement | D14-3 | 2H.08 | 42 x 24* | 96 x 36* |
Adopt A Highway | D14-3-DE | 2H.08 | 24 x Varies | - |
Delaware Byways | D14-4-DE | 2H.08 | 24 x 24 | - |
Signals Set for XX MPH | I1-1 | 2H.03 | 24 x 36 | - |
Jurisdictional Boundary | I-2 | 2H.04 | Varies x 18** | Varies x 36** |
Entering Corporate Limits | I-2-DE1 | 2H.04 | 36 x 24 | - |
Now Leaving Corporate Limits | I-2-DE2 | 2H.04 | 36 x 24 | - |
Geographical Features | I-3 | 2H.04 | Varies x 18** | Varies x 36** |
Airport | I-5 | 2H.02 | 24 x 24 | 30 x 30 |
Bus Station | I-6 | 2H.02 | 24 x 24 | 30 x 30 |
Train Station | I-7 | 2H.02 | 24 x 24 | 30 x 30 |
Library | I-8 | 2H.02 | 24 x 24 | 30 x 30 |
Vehicle Ferry Terminal | I-9 | 2H.02 | 24 x 24 | 30 x 30 |
Recycling Collection Center | I-11 | 2H.02 | 30 x 48 | - |
Light Rail Transit Station | I-12 | 2H.02 | 24 x 24 | - |
Welcome to Delaware | SI-1-DE | 2H.04 | 108 x 54 | 180 x 90*** |
Delaware County | SI-2-DE | 2H.04 | 30 x 9 | 30 x 9 |
* The size shown is the maximum size for the corresponding roadway classification. The size of the sign and acknowledgement logo should be appropriately reduced where shorter legends are used.
** The size shown is for the typical sign illustrated in the figure. The size should be determined based on the amount of legend required for the sign.
*** Where limited space is available, a smaller version of the sign may be installed.
03 Except for political boundary signs, General Information signs shall have white legends and borders on green rectangular-shaped backgrounds.
04 An information symbol sign (I-5 through I-9) may be used to identify a route leading to a transportation or general information facility, or to provide additional guidance to the facility. The symbol sign may be supplemented by an educational plaque where necessary; also, the name of the facility may be used if needed to distinguish between similar facilities.
05 The Advance Turn (M5 series) or Directional Arrow (M6 series) auxiliary signs shown in Figure 2H-1 with white arrows on green backgrounds may be used with General Information symbol signs to create a General Information Directional Assembly.
06 Guide signs for commercial service airports and non-carrier airports may be provided from the nearest Interstate, other freeway, or conventional highway intersection directly to the airport, normally not to exceed 15 miles. The Airport (I-5) symbol sign along with a supplemental plaque may be used to indicate the specific name of the airport. An Airport symbol sign, with or without a supplemental name plaque or the word AIRPORT, and an arrow may be used as a trailblazer.
07 Adequate trailblazer signs shall be in place prior to installing the airport guide signs.
08 Location and placement of all airport guide signs depends upon the availability of longitudinal spacing on highways.
09 The Recycling Collection Center (I-11) symbol sign may be used to direct road users to recycling collection centers.
10 The Recycling Collection Center symbol sign should not be used on freeways and expressways.
11 If used on freeways or expressways, the Recycling Collection Center symbol sign shall be considered one of the supplemental sign destinations.
12 When a sign is used to display a safety or transportation-related message, the display format shall not be of a type that would be considered similar to advertising displays. Messages and symbols that resemble any official traffic control device shall not be used on safety or transportation-related message signs.
13 The pictograph of a political jurisdiction (such as a State, county, or municipal corporation) may be displayed on a political boundary General Information sign.
14 If used, the height of a pictograph on a political boundary General Information sign shall not exceed two times the height of the upper-case letters of the principal legend on the sign. The pictograph shall comply with the provisions of Section 2A.06.