Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 2 - Signs
Section 2F.05 - Regulatory Signs for Toll Plazas
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
01 Toll plaza operations often include lane-specific restrictions on vehicle type, forms of payment accepted, and speed limits or required stops. Vehicles are typically required to come to a stop to pay the toll or receive a toll ticket in the attended and exact change or automatic lanes. Electronic toll collection (ETC) lanes with favorable geometrics typically allow vehicles to move through the toll plaza without stopping, but usually within a set regulatory speed limit or advisory speed. In some ETC lanes and in most lanes that accommodate non-ETC vehicles, a stop might be required while the ETC payment is processed because of geometric or other conditions.
02 Regulatory signs applicable only to a particular lane or lanes should be located in a position that makes their applicability clear to road users approaching the toll plaza.
03 Regulatory signs, or regulatory panels within guide signs, indicating restrictions on vehicle type and forms of toll payment accepted at a specific toll plaza lane should be installed over the applicable lane either on the toll plaza canopy or on a separate structure immediately in advance of the canopy located in a manner such that each sign is clearly related to an individual toll lane.
04 Section 2F.13 contains information regarding the incorporation of regulatory messages into guide signs for toll plazas.
05 Section 2F.16 contains information regarding the design and use of toll plaza canopy signs.
06 One or more Speed Limit (R2-1) signs (see Section 2B.13) should be installed in the locations provided in Paragraph 8 for an ETC-Only lane at a toll plaza in which an enforceable regulatory speed limit is established for a lane in which it is intended that vehicles move through the toll plaza without stopping while toll payments requiring stops occur in other lanes at the toll plaza. The speed limit displayed on the signs should be based on an engineering study taking into account the geometry of the plaza and the lanes and other appropriate safety and operational factors.
07 A Speed Limit (R2-1) sign should not be installed for a toll plaza lane that is controlled by a STOP (R1-1) sign or where a stop is required.
08 Speed limit signs may be installed over the applicable lane on the toll plaza canopy, on the approach end of the toll booth island, on the toll booth itself, or on a vertical element of the canopy structure. Down arrows or diagonally downward-pointing directional arrows may be used to supplement the speed limit signs if an engineering study or engineering judgment indicates that the arrow is needed to clarify the applicability of a sign to a specific lane or to improve compliance.
09 A STOP (R1-1) sign shall not be installed for a toll plaza lane that is operated as an ETC-Only lane and that is designed for tolls to be collected while vehicles continue moving.
10 A STOP (R1-1) sign may be installed to require vehicles to come to a complete stop to pay a toll in an attended or exact change lane, even if that lane is also available for optional use by vehicles with registered ETC accounts. A PAY TOLL (R3-29P) or TAKE TICKET (R3-30P) plaque (see Figure 2F-2), as appropriate to the operation, may be installed directly under the STOP (R1-1) sign for a toll plaza lane, if needed.
11 The mounting height of the STOP sign and any supplemental plaque may be less than the normal mounting height requirements if constrained by the physical features of the toll island or toll plaza.
12 The lateral offset of a STOP or other regulatory sign located within a toll plaza island may be reduced to a minimum of 1 foot from the face of the toll island or raised barrier to the nearest edge of the sign.
13 If used, a STOP (R1-1) sign for a toll plaza cash payment lane should be located in a longitudinal position as near as practical to the point where a vehicle is expected to stop to pay the toll or take a ticket.
14 A Toll Rate (R3-28) sign (see Figure 2F-2) may be installed in advance of the toll plaza to indicate the toll applicable to the various vehicle types.
15 If used, the Toll Rate (R3-28) sign should be located between the toll plaza and the first advance sign informing road users of the toll plaza.
16 The R3-28 sign should not contain more than three lines of legend. Each lines that shows a toll amount should display only a single toll amount.
17 Additional toll rate information exceeding three lines of legend may be displayed on the toll booth adjacent to the payment window of an attended lane or the payment receptacle of an exact change or automatic lane where it is visible to a road user who has stopped to pay the toll, but is not visible to approaching road users who have not yet entered the toll lane.