Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2400 - Division of Transportation Solutions
2402 - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Part 2 - Signs
Section 2E.22 - Design of Freeway and Expressway Diagrammatic Guide Signs for Option Lanes
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 3, September 1, 2024
01 Diagrammatic guide signs (see Figure 2E-7) are guide signs that show a simplified graphic view of the exit arrangement in relationship to the main highway. While the use of such guide signs might be helpful for the purpose of conveying relative direction of each movement, Diagrammatic guide signs have been shown to be less effective than conventional or Overhead Arrow-per-Lane guide signs at conveying the destination or direction(s) that each approach lane serves, regardless of whether dedicated or option lanes are present.
02 Diagrammatic guide signs used where an option lane is present at a freeway or expressway split or multi-lane exit shall be designed in accordance with the following criteria:
03 Diagrammatic guide signs used on freeways and expressways should be designed in accordance with the following additional criteria:
04 Diagrammatic guide signs shall not be used at cloverleaf interchanges for the purpose of depicting successive departures from the mainline or separate downstream departures from a collector-distributor roadway. The use of Diagrammatic guide signs at cloverleaf interchanges shall be limited to the following cases:
05 Specific guidelines for more detailed design of Diagrammatic guide signs are contained in the "Standard Highway Signs and Markings" book (see Section 1A.11).
06 Where extra emphasis of an especially low advisory ramp speed is needed, an EXIT XX MPH (E13-2) sign panel (see Figure 2E-27) may be placed below the applicable destination legend to supplement, but not to replace, the exit or ramp advisory speed warning signs.