6.1.1 General.
In order to remain in place, utility facilities along highways that are to be
relocated shall not be in the way of the highway reconstruction work. In
addition, their future maintenance shall not create a hazard for the traveling
public. Utility companies with affected facilities may request that existing
facilities be left in place. Utilities are not reimbursed by DelDOT for the
cost of adjusting or relocating their facilities except in accordance with
Sections 132 and 143, Title 17, Delaware Code and the 1963 Court of Chancery
Delaware Power & Light Co. v. Terry, 194 A.2d
553 (Del. Ch. 1963).
[A copy of the Court of Chancery's 1963 Decision,
194 A.2d 553 is provided in Appendix F, located at
6.1.2 Preconstruction and Construction
Coordination Concept Milestone Utility companies shall review and
provide input related to concept plans provided by DelDOT during the concept
milestone stage. Utility companies shall inform DelDOT of all existing and
proposed facilities within the existing or proposed right-of-way. This
information shall include facility types, sizes, locations, easements or other
property interest documentation, and proof of prior rights in addition to the
utility company's system improvements. A utility conflict matrix (UCM) may be
utilized by affected utility companies, at DelDOT's direction during this
phase, to provide evaluation and documentation of the potential conflicts
between the proposed design and existing utility facilities. It is the sole
responsibility of the utility to provide the documentation of a compensable
interest and not DelDOT's responsibility to seek it. All utilities shown on plans shall
be in color. Colors shall be in accordance with APWA designations and DelDOT
CADD standards.
Utility Designation Milestone
Utility companies shall respond to coordination efforts with DelDOT's project
manager and the DelDOT utility coordinator to determine whether adequate
utility designation insight can be gathered utilizing information obtained
through "Miss Utility" or a utility as-built submission (to determine if more
detailed utility designation is required). Utility companies shall coordinate
with DelDOT's project manager and the DelDOT utility coordinator to determine
if test holes are required, including the number and location of test holes
needed. The CI/ASCE 38-02
Guidelines shall be followed for the classification and depiction of subsurface
utility data. Utility
companies shall respond and provide information to DelDOT's SUE consultant or
SUE consultant subcontracting to an approved design consultant, operating at
DelDOT's direction, to acquire utility facility information. Utility companies
shall coordinate in advance of work with the SUE consultant upon notification
to the utility of pending exploratory activities of existing utility
facilities. In all cases,
utility companies shall coordinate with the SUE consultant to confirm the scope
and accuracy of SUE designation of all information obtained from the approved
tasks prior to transmittal to DelDOT's project manager, the approved design
consultant for the project, and the utility coordinator. Utility companies shall verify the
designation information on their facilities regardless of DelDOT's use of a SUE
Survey Milestone Affected utility
companies shall review survey plans, when provided by DelDOT, and provide
detailed responses to identify existing and known retired facilities on the
plans, indicating whether they are aerial, surface, or buried underground. The
utility company shall also include information indicating: The sizes of
pipes/conduits Number
of pipes/conduits
Approximate depths of facilities Private easements or other
property interest documentation Proof of prior rights Any private services that may be
affected The identity
of other utility company facilities if known (attached, housed, aerial, or
underground) Any other
information pertinent to the facilities Any planned alterations or
reconstruction of existing facilities or installation of new facilities within
the limits of the project. The utility company shall return
the required information, except easement, property interest and existing prior
rights, to the DelDOT Utilities Section within 30 days of receipt. Utility companies shall supply
DelDOT with easement, property interest, and existing prior rights
documentation within 60 days of the receipt of the survey plan
submission. Utility
company failure to provide the necessary information within the timeframes
discussed herein, or as agreed upon between parties, will trigger the
initiation of noncompliance procedures, at DelDOT's direction, as specified in
subsection 5.9.
Preliminary Plan Milestone Utility
companies shall review and provide comments in unison with their review of the
highway design when preliminary plans and a utility conflict matrix (UCM) are
provided by DelDOT. The utility company review shall include identification of
any potential conflicts or concerns. The utility company shall mark the
preliminary plans with existing facilities (if not shown or not shown
correctly), proposed facility relocations, and any additional right-of-way
necessary for relocation of facilities. The utility companies shall provide the
following with the marked Preliminary Plans: Suggested design modifications
that would eliminate relocation; Description of utility
relocations along with estimated timeframe for construction; List of stations and offsets
where test holes are needed; Identification of any permits
that may be required;
Information on any other utility's facilities located on its poles; Joint Use or third-party
installation requirements; To the best of its information,
verify that existing facilities and retired facilities are shown correctly on
the plans; Private
easements or other property interest documents (if applicable); Proof of prior rights (if
applicable); and
Request for field meeting, if needed. The utility company shall make the
DelDOT utility coordinator aware in any situation where a utility company may
be dependent upon another utility company's plans or actions in order to
complete their own work.
The utility company owning the pole, duct system, etc. shall perform necessary
coordination related to the relocation of any renters or lessees as required by
the Telecommunication Act of 1996. The utility company shall return
the preliminary plans provided by DelDOT with the required markup
electronically within ninety (90) days of receipt through the UPA. Coordination and Site Meeting.
Following the distribution of preliminary plans, utility companies shall attend
a site meeting at DelDOT's direction. The utility company shall return
preliminary plans at the site meeting or within thirty (30) days of the meeting
or the remainder of the 90 days as specified in subsection, whichever
is greater. Reimbursable
Work Utility companies with
utility relocation work that is eligible for reimbursement shall provide the
DelDOT utility coordinator with a detailed cost estimate for preliminary
engineering in order to be evaluated for eligibility as reimbursable by DelDOT.
The preliminary engineering work shall not be reimbursable if started prior to
issuance of a notice to proceed from DelDOT. Within ninety (90) days of the
issuance of the notice to proceed and receipt of preliminary plans, the utility
company shall electronically supply a plans, specifications, and estimate
(Utility PS&E) package, consisting of plans, specifications, details, and
estimate, and one set of marked color-coded plans. Electronically submitted
color-coded plans shall be printable on standard DelDOT plotting size paper as
specified in the DelDOT CADD Standards Manual. These plans shall indicate
utility features as: Existing to
remain; Existing to
remove; Proposed
reimbursable; and
Proposed non-reimbursable. Utility company failure to
provide the necessary information within the timeframes discussed herein, or as
agreed upon between parties, will trigger the initiation of noncompliance
procedures, at DelDOT's direction, as outlined in subsection 5.9. Refer to subsection 6.3 for
further details on plan preparation and reimbursable
Semifinal Milestone. Utility companies shall review semifinal documentation
such as plans, cross sections or a UCM, when provided by DelDOT. Utility
company shall provide the DelDOT utility coordinator with marked-up semi-final
documents for all utilities within the project limits, including the utility
company's proposed utility statement (resume of proposed work).
[A sample
Utility Statement is provided in Appendix E, located at
https://deldot.gov/Business/drc/manuals/utilities-manual-2022/appendix-e.pdf.] The following items shall be
included with the marked semifinal plans: Written concurrence for ROW shown
on construction plans provided by DelDOT Detailed cost estimate of
reimbursable work: including necessary relocations and adjustments, with
sufficient detail for discrete elements eligible for reimbursement. Cost estimate for providing
electric power service to traffic signals, roadway lighting, and ITS
facilities. The
utility statement (resume of proposed work), submitted by the utility company,
shall contain: A description of
the existing facilities
Any proposed changes, adjustments, or relocations The location of the changes shall
include station count and offsets. Quantities of borrow Type C if
necessary. Activity
based schedules and the proposed duration (in calendar days) for completing the
alterations, adjustments, or relocations for each phase of the project's
sequence of construction/ maintenance of traffic (MOT) or temporary traffic
control Plan. Any work
or outage restrictions
A description of the proposed MOT needed to perform utility work; plans may be
required if MOT requires more detailed planning than what is provided through
the Typical Applications of the DE MUTCD. A description of all materials
with long lead times (lead times greater than three months) for ordering, if
applicable. A
description of any anticipated permits required to allow the Utility to move
forward with the relocation work, including the timeframe the Utility
anticipates it will take to obtain said permits. Any other information that may
impact DelDOT's contractor. The utility company shall return
an electronic set of semifinal plans with the changes marked, the proposed
relocation plan, and their proposed utility statement to the DelDOT utilities
engineer through the UPA within ninety (90) days of receipt of semifinal plans
from DelDOT, unless a coordination meeting is scheduled. If a coordination
meeting is scheduled, the plans should be returned within thirty (30) days of
the meeting or the remainder of the 90 days. A coordination meeting will be
scheduled, at DelDOT's direction, with affected utility companies to review the
utility statements and sequencing bar chart. Utility companies shall modify
their utility statements based on the coordination meeting. Utility companies
shall submit their updated utility statements to DelDOT fourteen (14) days
following the meeting so that a revised DelDOT utility statement can be
prepared. Utility company
failure to provide the necessary information within the timeframes discussed
herein, or as agreed upon between parties, will trigger the initiation of
noncompliance procedures, at DelDOT's direction, as outlined in subsection
5.9. Final Plans.
Utility companies shall review final plans, construction schedules, and related
documentation, when provided by DelDOT. Utility company shall provide the
DelDOT utility coordinator with responses within (30) days of receipt of final
plans and anticipated final construction schedule unless a coordination meeting
is scheduled. Written concurrence on
final utility statement and activity-based bar chart construction
schedule. Signed
reimbursement agreement
Request for NTP for advanced relocation Request for NTP to order materials
with long lead times (lead times greater than three months) Request for NTP to start
environmental permitting Should
the necessary information not be provided by the utility company within the
timeframe discussed herein or as agreed upon between parties, then DelDOT may
initiate noncompliance procedures outlined in subsection 5.9. The utility company shall not
begin work on advance relocations required for the highway project until an NTP
is issued by the Utilities Engineer authorizing commencement of work. The
utility company shall provide DelDOT with notification to ensure that the
advanced relocation work is coordinated with and inspected by DelDOT
construction. Utility companies shall coordinate directly through the District
Public Works office for a utility construction permit, when determined by
DelDOT that additional inspection personnel are
required. Construction Phase. The utility
company shall attend the preconstruction meeting scheduled for the project. If
utility company disputes the ability to attend the proposed preconstruction
meeting, the utility company shall provide notice to the DelDOT construction
engineer, and the utility coordinator assigned to the project. The NTP issued
by DelDOT to highway contractor shall serve as the authorization and notice to
utility companies for relocation work that is to occur concurrent to the
highway project.