4.8.1 Preservation Utilities shall get a permit for
spraying, cutting, and trimming trees on public highways or street
rights-of-way. Where tree
removal is permitted, stumps shall be removed, and the resulting holes shall be
properly backfilled to limit settlement in accordance with the DelDOT Standard
Specifications. Note: Requirements for tree removal may be different within the
limits of a state-regulated dam and shall be coordinated with the DNREC Dam
Safety Engineer. When
working under a permit for spraying, cutting, or trimming trees, utilities
shall follow the ANSI Standard A300 (Part 1) 2017 entitled Tree Care Operations
- Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance - Standard Practices for
vegetation management. For
all future transportation projects and maintenance activities on existing
highway alignments, trees shall be replaced in accordance with Delaware Code
Title 17 Chapter 1 Section 7. Trees will not be allowed to be replanted within
the limits of a state regulated dam. Utilities shall ensure that
appropriate erosion control devices are in place before work starts and
properly maintained during construction. The surface area disturbed by utility
installations or relocations shall be kept to a minimum. Utility installations shall be
performed in such a manner as to not disturb the existing highway or private
drainage facilities. Any damage to the facilities by the utility company or its
subcontractors shall be repaired to the satisfaction of DelDOT at the utility
company's expense.
Utilities shall provide protection for all elements in the right-of-way and
shall repair anything damaged.
4.8.2 Restoration Damage to highway traveled way,
shoulders, and drainage features caused by utility installations or repairs
shall be immediately restored to their original condition unless conditions
such as cold weather warrant temporary restoration. The roadway shall be
immediately restored with asphalt pavement material and made flush with the
surface of the roadway or as directed by the District Public Works Office for
permit projects. The utility shall complete all permanent restoration within 30
days, or as directed by the Public Works Engineer. If utilities have not
completed restoration within 30 days, noncompliance regulations as discussed in
subsection 5.9 will take effect. Temporary patches from winter months shall be
permanently restored by May 15 before noncompliance action as outlined in
subsection 5.9 will be taken. Damage to roadside areas in the right-of-way
shall be repaired as specified by the District Public Works Section.
Restoration is also necessary when utilities are working on active construction
sites. The construction engineer will determine any necessary repairs and
timeframes for work associated with active highway construction projects. A
project is considered active until DelDOT's final acceptance, after which it is
considered complete.
Utilities shall restore any damaged areas to a state equivalent to or better
than roadway conditions prior to utility work. In all cases, the District
Public Works Section will determine the extent of restoration required for
permit projects. Utilities will conduct all such work at their expense and in
accordance with the appropriate DelDOT Standard Specifications and Standard
Construction Details. After
satisfactory completion, utilities shall maintain non-pavement restoration for
12 months. Furthermore, utilities must maintain pavement patches in areas
impacted by utility work including Pedestrian Access Routes (PAR) such as
sidewalks for a period of three years. Traveled way - General. To maintain
traffic, not more than one lane of traffic shall be closed at a time whenever a
traveled way is cut unless a detour plan is approved by DelDOT to allow the
road to be closed. All crossroad cuts for utilities will be made perpendicular
to the longitudinal centerline of the traveled way, and perpendicular to the
plane of the finished subgrade. All patches shall extend a minimum length of
three feet from either end of the cut (as measured along the roadway
centerline) and the full width of the lane or lanes disturbed. To ensure
integrity of the roadway and to minimize future maintenance issues, the
District Public Works or DelDOT Construction personnel may require pavement
restoration areas to be extended beyond what is outlined in the Standard
Construction Details if there are multiple cuts in roadways within proximity to
one another. DelDOT can require resurfacing of the roadway up to a maximum of
200 feet (as measured along the roadway centerline) on each side of a trench
crossing a highway to tie into an existing joint line. Any lane encroachment of
one foot or more requires restoration of the full lane width. Before reopening
the lane, the area shall be made usable for traffic. Flowable Fill. Flowable fill can be
used for restoration of crossroad cuts with approval from DelDOT. Flowable fill
shall meet the requirements of DelDOT's Standard Specifications. Flowable fill
shall not be used around flexible pipes unless stone is placed one foot around
and above the flexible pipe. Temporary Highway Patches If immediate repairs to the
traveled way are not feasible and if the District Public Works Section concurs,
a temporary patch may be used until permanent repairs are completed. The
minimum design requirements for temporary patches include at least eight inches
of compacted graded aggregate overlaid by at least two inches of Type C asphalt
pavement material. When weather conditions prohibit the use of such mix,
District Public Works may approve 10 inches of compacted graded aggregate
overlaid by at least two inches of cold patch mix in certain locations. In all
cases, greater patch sections may be required by the District, the Utilities
Engineer, or the Construction Section. Trench width and backfill
requirements shall meet those outlined for permanent patches in the DelDOT
Standard Construction Details and Standard Specifications. Surface Treatments and Asphalt
Pavement Materials The DelDOT
Standard Construction Details illustrate the requirements of permanent
crossroad or longitudinal utility patches for surface-treated asphalt pavement
roads and shoulders. Note that this is a minimum patch unless otherwise
directed by the District Public Works office for permits, or the DelDOT Utility
Section or DelDOT Construction for work associated with highway projects. If
the existing roadway has a thicker cross section than indicated in the detail,
it will be replaced with the same cross section or will be repaired as directed
by the District Public Works Section for permit work, or the DelDOT Utility
Section or DelDOT Construction for highway projects. The compaction requirements for
both the patch material and the backfill material are covered in DelDOT's
Standard Specifications. Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Portland cement concrete (PCC)
streets and roads shall be patched as described in the DelDOT Standard
Specifications and in accordance with the DelDOT Standard Construction
Details. An approved
concrete saw shall be used to make a vertical, full depth cut in the concrete
pavement to ensure a straight, clean, vertical surface. Asphalt Pavement Overlays on PCC
Pavements Utility patches made in PCC pavements with asphalt pavement overlays
shall comply with the DelDOT Standard Specifications and gain approval of the
District Public Works Section (for permit work) or DelDOT Construction (for
highway projects). The required patch layout is illustrated in DelDOT's
Standard Construction Details. Roadsides All areas disturbed in the
right-of-way shall be restored to conditions at least equivalent to those
existing prior to construction or utility work. The restoration shall occur as
soon as the work is completed. For projects that are longitudinal, the
restoration shall occur in order with installation. Areas not restored within
30 days of disturbance (weather permitting) will be considered
Trenching, pipe bedding and permanent patching shall be done in accordance with
the DelDOT Standard Construction Details. Trenches shall be backfilled or
covered immediately after installation of the utility facility. They may not be
left open overnight because they pose a hazard to the public. Steel Plates may
be utilized in accordance with the DelDOT Standard Details including
restrictions on dates of use. The backfill material and
compaction method shall meet the requirements of the DelDOT Standard
Excavated material not meeting the requirements for backfill shall be removed
from the area immediately after excavation. Material that is satisfactory for
backfill shall be stockpiled in a safe and orderly manner. For permit work,
District Public Works can approve storage on the roadway if necessary. For work
related to a highway project, DelDOT Construction can approve. Material
stockpiled in the immediate work area shall not pose a hazard to the traveling
public. All materials shall be stockpiled in accordance with the rules
established by the DE MUTCD. For Highway projects and permit
work, the utility company shall be responsible for the removal and disposal of
all unsuitable material. The Utility company shall be responsible for supplying
and installing suitable material. Manholes and Valve Boxes Where manholes or valve boxes are
repaired in pavement areas, backfill shall be placed in 8-inch layers (loose
measurement) and thoroughly compacted - the same as for trenches in pavement
areas. The backfill material (Type C Borrow) and compaction method shall meet
the DelDOT Standard Specifications. During construction, areas around
manhole lids and valve boxes shall be dug by a non-destructive method. The
details of proper roadway patching around manhole lids are shown in Appendix G,
located at
https://deldot.gov/Business/drc/manuals/utilities-manual-2022/appendix-g.pdf. Test Holes Test holes shall be performed in
accordance with the ASCE 38 standard. Test holes shall be dug by a
nondestructive method such as by vacuum removal in a hole less than 36 square
inches. The repair shall be only the size of the hole. The fill shall be
compacted in lifts, and the same amount of stone, asphalt pavement, concrete,
etc., as the existing roadway, shall be replaced in accordance with the
Standard Specifications. Hydro excavation of test holes may not be permitted
within the right-of-way.
Small holes (up to two inches in diameter) bored in the surface for any type of
utility testing or maintenance shall be repaired with a flexible embedding
sealer (cold poured resilient type epoxy joint sealer) or standard methods
approved by the District Public Works Section. Depending on the quantity and
location of the test holes, additional restoration may be required as directed
by Public Works, the Utility Engineer, or DelDOT Construction. Similarly, if a
restored test hole is not holding up within timeframes outlined in subsection, additional restoration shall be required as directed by the District
Public Works office for permits, or the DelDOT Utility Section or DelDOT
Construction for work associated with highway projects. Key holing of test holes may be
permitted upon approval by Public Works for permit work, the Utilities Engineer
for DelDOT projects in design or the DelDOT Construction Engineer for DelDOT
projects in construction. Highway Construction Projects The restoration requirements
defined in this chapter apply to the placement of utilities on existing
roadways and rights-of-way. Where utility relocations and adjustments are made
in conjunction with a highway improvement project, some portions of the
restoration by the utilities may be unnecessary. In these circumstances the
DelDOT Utilities section or DelDOT construction section will direct which
portions of the restoration requirements may be waived. The utility company is responsible
for restoring all sedimentation and erosion control measures to their original
conditions and for maintaining temporary patches. Sidewalks and Shared Use Paths Temporary patches of sidewalk and
shared-use paths shall be of a material that is firm, stable and
slip-resistance. The
DelDOT Standard Construction Details illustrate the requirements of sidewalks
and shared-use paths. Note that this is a minimum patch unless otherwise
directed by the District Public Works office for permits, or the DelDOT Utility
Section or DelDOT Construction for work associated with highway projects. If
the existing sidewalk or path has a thicker cross section or is wider than
indicated in the detail, it shall be replaced with the same cross section or
width or will be repaired as directed by the District Public Works Section for
permit work or the DelDOT Utility Section or DelDOT Construction for highway