Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2300 - Division of Planning and Policy
2311 - Long-Term Lease Policies and Practices
Section 2311-2.0 - Competitive Sealed Bid Process
Unless DelDOT seeks to proceed under 3.0 below, DelDOT will provide an opportunity for parties to publicly bid on the lease of the property through a competitive sealed bid process. DelDOT shall retain the right to reject all bids. Notice of the proposed leasing will be advertised at least twenty (20) days prior to bid opening in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the parcel is located. Conspicuous notice shall also be displayed on the property in question at least 20 days prior to bid opening. The second notice will be published approximately ten (10) days prior to bid opening in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the parcel is located. Department shall offer the property for lease beginning at not less than the lowest approved market value range established by a licensed fee appraiser.