Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2300 - Division of Planning and Policy
2309 - Development Coordination Manual
This section outlines the procedures to be followed by developers and/or property owners in order to obtain approval of a commercial access or a State-maintained subdivision street, as illustrated in Figures 1.3a and 1.3b. Access applications, construction permits and procedures for residential units are outlined in Chapter 7. The estimated review time by DelDOT is based on a complete submission. Incomplete submissions will be returned to the developer for resubmission.
DelDOT reviews the Record Plan in accordance with this Development Coordination Manual. The initial stage fee as outlined herein shall be paid prior to review of the Record Plan. When the plan meets the requirements of DelDOT, a letter of "No Objection to Recordation" (LONOR) shall be issued to the governing land use agency.
DelDOT will also review construction plans for subdivision streets and/or entrances in accordance with this Development Coordination Manual. Construction/Entrance plans must be signed and sealed by a land surveyor or professional engineer registered in Delaware as outlined in Chapter 4.
The construction stage fee must be paid prior to review of the Entrance/Construction plan. Upon review and approval of the Entrance/Construction plan, DelDOT will issue an approval letter.
Any site being considered by DelDOT for access to a State-maintained roadway shall be evaluated to determine if it will also impact any other DelDOT programs. These programs include, but are not limited to, the Corridor Capacity Preservation Program (CCPP), the Capital Transportation Program (CTP), the Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program, the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), and the Pavement Rehabilitation Program. If a plan would have an effect on any of these programs, DelDOT will require additional reviews and additional requirements to be met.
Figure 1.3a Record Plan Review Process for Letter of No Objection to Recordation (LONOR)
Figure 1.3b Review Process for Entrance/Construction Plan Approval