Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
2000 - Department of Transportation
2300 - Division of Planning and Policy
2307 - Delaware Safe Routes to School
Section 2307-3.0 - Program Components
Current through Reigster Vol. 28, No. 6, December 1, 2024
3.1 SRTS Plan
A comprehensive program is established by developing a SRTS plan. The SRTS plan must identify safety hazards, current and potential walking and bicycling routes to school, and activities that will incorporate each of the 5 E's (Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Encouragement, and Evaluation) to create a comprehensive program. A plan must be created with a group representing different aspects of the school community. This group or committee must include students, parents, teachers, school officials, local transportation agencies, and law enforcement agencies. Partnering with a local health agency or recognized health organization, local civic associations, neighboring residents, and local governments are also encouraged. The committee works through a process to identify areas of concern or need, and then prioritizes activities and projects. SRTS program participants are encouraged to utilize the "Delaware Safe Routes to School Program Sourcebook" when developing a SRTS plan. The "Delaware Safe Routes to School Program Sourcebook" provides guidance on how to develop a SRTS plan and references other resources. It is available on the DelDOT website (URL address to be determined).
3.2 The "5 E's"
The program is divided into five elements, that include both infrastructure and non-infrastructure components. The "5 E's" are Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Encouragement, and Evaluation. A general description of the components that make up the "5 E's" is provided below.