Delaware Administrative Code
Title 2 - Transportation
1000 - Department of Safety and Homeland Security
1300 - Division of State Police
1301 - Nonconsensual Towing
Section 1301-7.0 - Recovery Procedures at Scene of Accident
Current through Reigster Vol. 28, No. 6, December 1, 2024
7.1 Approved Towers shall not use sirens, mechanical or electronic, but shall use rotating beacons or strobes when in the actual process of recovering a vehicle from the scene of an accident, or while towing that vehicle under conditions that present a potential hazard to the public.
7.2 Approved Towers shall sweep all glass and remove all debris from the highway and the right-of-way promptly and prior to leaving the incident or collision scene. Approved Towers shall also spread sand or a commercial oil and grease absorber over small spills of oil, anti-freeze, or other fluids.
7.3 Approved Towers shall follow instructions issued by any on-the-scene Trooper with respect to the preservation of physical evidence that may be lost or contaminated where towing, removing or storage of any wrecked, disabled, or abandoned vehicle is involved.
7.4 When the owner or operator of a vehicle surrenders physical custody of a vehicle, the Trooper shall prepare a vehicle storage form with an inventory of its contents and a description of any damage to the vehicle or its contents. The inventory shall indicate whether the Trooper has instructed that the tower should withhold repossession or delivery of the vehicle to the rightful owner or the owner's agent.