Delaware Administrative Code
Title 1 - Authorities, Boards and Commissions
400 - Delaware Economic Development Office
479 - Guidelines Governing the Administration of the Neighborhood Building Blocks Fund
Section 479-1.0 - Introduction
Current through Reigster Vol. 28, No. 6, December 1, 2024
1.1 Improving the quality and availability of housing is an essential component of any strategy to build and maintain strong neighborhoods. However, building and maintaining strong neighborhoods requires more than improving housing opportunities for residents. It also requires thoughtful and coordinated efforts of state and local governments, neighborhood associations, nonprofit and community organizations, and other stakeholders to enhance economic development, reduce crime, and otherwise improve the quality of life of residents in our communities.
1.2 The Neighborhood Building Blocks Fund is intended to support crime reduction, neighborhood revitalization, and economic development programs statewide, including without limitation programs in and around Downtown Development Districts and communities that are part of DOJ's Building Blocks Initiative.