Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing, Economic and Community Development
423 - Septic System for Municipalities
Section 8-423-2 - Program description
Current through December 12, 2024
(a) The Commissioner may enter into a contract for financial assistance in the form of a loan with a municipality which in turn shall use such loan to make grants to homeowners for costs incurred in the repair or reconstruction of faulty residential subsurface sewage disposal systems which were installed pursuant to improper municipal approvals.
(b) Eligible costs under this program include technical and installation expenses, and stabilization of top soil. Landscaping costs are not eligible under this program.
(c) The Commissioner may for good cause shown, if he deems it in the best interest of the state, waive any non-statutory requirement imposed by these regulations.
(d) Municipalities and eligible homeowners shall be required to comply with all rules and orders promulgated from time to time by the Commissioner and consistent with the Connecticut General Statutes and these regulations for this program.