Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing, Economic and Community Development
388 - Housing Infrastructure Fund
Section 8-388-3 - Eligible activities
Current through December 12, 2024
Any municipality undertaking a housing infrastructure development shall use any financial assistance received for planning, construction, or renovation of housing, and for any of the following, provided administrative costs directly related to such construction or renovation shall not exceed five percent (5%), when necessary to support the development of housing within such municipality in accordance with the Regional Fair Housing Compact:
(1) Sanitary sewer lines, including interceptors, laterals and pumping stations;
(2) Natural gas, electric, telephone and telecommunications, pipes, wires, conduits, waterlines and water supply facilities, except as required by any provisions of the general statutes or any special act, a regulation or order of the department of public utility control or a certificate of public convenience and necessity;
(3) Storm drainage facilities, including flood control facilities;
(4) Public roadways and related appurtenances; or
(5) Community septic systems approved by the Department of Environmental Protection.