Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing, Economic and Community Development
336q - State Housing Trust Fund Program
Section 8-336q-2 - Project selection process
Current through December 12, 2024
(a) Applicants for financial assistance shall submit a written application to the commissioner which shall be reviewed on a competitive basis as required by the program. Applications shall be in such form and include such information as the commissioner may require. Failure to provide the required information shall be grounds for the rejection of the application. The commissioner may, at any time in the selection process, request and consider any additional information which, in the opinion of the commissioner, is required to properly evaluate the application.
(b) Pursuant to section 8-336q(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes, projects shall be selected by the commissioner on a competitive basis based on the criteria outlined in 8-336q-3 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies for rating applications or proposals.
(c) Applicants shall be advised whether their project shall be funded not later than the conclusion of the selection process for each funding round.
(d) Funding approvals shall be in writing and shall be contingent on the execution of an assistance agreement between the state and the applicant.
(e) The commissioner, in consultation with the advisory committee, shall develop a procedures manual, which outlines what information shall be requested of applicants. This manual shall be posted on the department's website.
(f) Notices of funding availability shall be posted on the websites of the department and the Department of Administrative Services. In addition, the department shall work with interested parties to share and distribute such notices.