Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 54 - Criminal Procedure
124a(j)(1) - Revocation and Rescission of Parole
Section 54-124a(j)(1)-12 - Counsel
Current through September 9, 2024
(a) Offenders subject to revocation proceedings and offenders in Effective Parole Status subject to rescission proceedings for serious misconduct may retain counsel of their choice to assist in the revocation or rescission process.
(b) The Chairperson shall appoint counsel to represent offenders subject to revocation proceedings and offenders in Effective Parole Status subject to rescission proceedings for serious misconduct in the following circumstances:
(c) Any request for appointment of counsel shall be in writing, directed to the Chairperson, and shall include:
(d) In the case of multiple charges, the Chairperson may dismiss a complex or difficult charge and decline to appoint counsel if the remaining charges are simple and amenable to resolution without the participation of counsel.
(e) If the Chairperson declines a request to appoint counsel, the reasons for such refusal shall be stated in writing with a copy delivered to the offender.