Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 36a - The Banking Law of Connecticut
1 - Administrative Procedures
Section 36a-1-75 - Procedure after notice of intent to adopt regulations
Current through December 12, 2024
(a) All interested persons may submit data, views and arguments in writing to the commissioner not more than thirty days after notice of intent to adopt the regulation has been published. Oral presentations may be allowed by the commissioner in the commissioner's discretion, but an opportunity to present oral argument shall be granted if requested by fifteen persons, by a governmental subdivision or agency or by an association having not less than fifteen members, provided notice of such request is made to the commissioner not later than fourteen days after the date of publication of the notice of intent to adopt regulations in the Connecticut Law Journal. Upon completion of the hearing, the commissioner may permit additional written material to be filed during such period as the commissioner may determine.
(b) Upon reaching a decision whether to proceed with a proposed regulation or to alter its text from that initially proposed, the commissioner shall give notice as required by subsection (d) of section 4-168 of the Connecticut General Statutes.