Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 36a - The Banking Law of Connecticut
1 - Administrative Procedures
Section 36a-1-32 - Appearances and withdrawals
Current through December 12, 2024
(a) Attorneys duly admitted to practice law in the state of Connecticut and in good standing may represent others before the department.
(b) Attorneys in good standing from other jurisdictions may request and, for good cause shown, be allowed to appear in a contested case, provided an attorney admitted to practice in Connecticut is present during the entire proceeding, signs all pleadings and other papers filed in the proceeding and agrees to take full responsibility for supervising the conduct of the attorney.
(c) An individual may appear on his or her own behalf in a contested case; a partner, member or manager of a partnership or limited liability company may appear and represent the partnership or limited liability company; and a duly authorized officer, director or employee of any agency, institution, corporation or authority may appear and represent the agency, institution, corporation or authority.
(d) Each person making an appearance before the commissioner as counsel or representative in connection with any contested case shall promptly notify the commissioner or presiding officer in writing by filing a notice of appearance at or before the time such person submits papers or otherwise appears on behalf of a party in the contested case. The notice of appearance shall include a declaration that the individual is currently qualified as provided in this section and is authorized to represent and accept service on behalf of the represented party.
(e) Any party acting pro se shall so notify the commissioner or presiding officer in writing by filing a notice of appearance with the commissioner.
(f) After a notice of appearance is filed by a party, counsel or representative, copies of all subsequent pleadings, notices, rulings or decisions shall be provided to the person named in the notice of appearance and designated to represent the department.
(g) A person that has filed a notice of appearance may withdraw the notice of appearance by filing a written notice of withdrawal with the presiding officer and by providing a copy to all parties, intervenors and the department.