Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 31 - Labor
272 - Registration and Rules of Conduct for Authorized Agents Providing Representation for a Fee
Section 31-272-8 - Misconduct
Current through December 12, 2024
It is misconduct for an authorized agent to:
(a) violate or attempt to violate the rules of conduct set forth in these regulations or knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or disobey an obligation under the rules of conduct or an order by the Board;
(b) commit a criminal act in the course of the representation;
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;
(d) engage in conduct which is prejudicial to the administration of the Unemployment Compensation Act;
(e) state or imply an ability to, or attempt to, improperly influence the Administrator or the Appeals Division, or improperly influence any other state agency or official in a matter before the Appeals Division.
(f) in dealing on behalf of a client with another party, to state or imply that the agent is disinterested when the agent knows or reasonably should know that the other party misunderstands the agent's role in the matter.