Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 26 - Fisheries and Game
306 - Endangered and Threatened Species, and Species of Special Concern
Section 26-306-4 - List of endangered species
Current through September 9, 2024
(a) The following mammal species are determined to be endangered:
Cryptotis parva |
Least shrew |
Myotis leibii |
Eastern small-footed bat |
Myotis lucifugus |
Little brown bat |
Myotis septentrionalis |
Northern long-eared bat |
Myotis sodalis |
Indiana bat |
Perimyotis subflavus |
Tri-colored bat |
(b) The following bird species are determined to be endangered:
Accipiter striatus |
Sharp-shinned hawk |
Ammodramus savannarum |
Grasshopper sparrow |
Asio otus |
Long-eared owl |
Bartramia longicauda |
Upland sandpiper |
Botaurus lentiginosus |
American bittern |
Chordeiles minor |
Common nighthawk |
Circus cyaneus Cistothorus platensis |
Northern harrier Sedge wren |
Eremophila alpestris |
Horned lark |
Gallinula chloropus |
Common moorhen |
Icteria virens |
Yellow-breasted chat |
Melanerpes erythrocephalus |
Red-headed woodpecker |
Podilymbus podiceps |
Pied-billed grebe |
Pooecetes gramineus |
Vesper sparrow |
Rallus elegans |
King rail |
(nesting population only) |
Sterna dougallii |
Roseate tern |
Tyto alba |
Barn owl |
Vermivora chrysoptera |
Golden-winged warbler |
(c) The following reptile species are determined to be endangered:
Crotalus horridus |
Timber rattlesnake |
Dermochelys coriacea |
Leatherback |
Glyptemys muhlenbergii |
Bog turtle |
Lepidochelys kempii |
Atlantic ridley |
(d) The following amphibian species are determined to be endangered:
Ambystoma laterale |
Blue-spotted salamander |
(diploid populations) |
Scaphiopus holbrookii |
Eastern spadefoot |
(e) The following fish species are determined to be endangered:
Acipenser brevirostrum |
Shortnose sturgeon |
Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus |
Atlantic sturgeon |
Lethenteron appendix |
American brook lamprey |
Lota lota |
Burbot |
Osmerus mordax |
Rainbow smelt (anadromous populations only) |
(f) The following invertebrate species are determined to be endangered:
Alasmidonta heterodon |
Dwarf wedgemussel |
Alasmidonta varicosa |
Brook floater |
Amblyscirtes vialis |
Common roadside skipper |
Anarta luteola |
Noctuid moth |
Apodrepanulatrix liberaria |
New Jersey tea inchworm |
Calephelis borealis |
Northern metalmark |
Callophrys hesseli |
Hessel's hairstreak |
Catocala herodias gerhardi |
Herodias underwing |
Celastrina neglectamajor |
Appalachian blue |
Chytonix sensilis |
Barrens Chytonix |
Cicindela lepida Cicindela puritana |
Dune ghost tiger beetle Puritan tiger beetle |
Epeoloides pilosula |
Macropis cuckoo |
Erynnis lucilius |
Columbine duskywing |
Erynnis persius persius |
Persius duskywing |
Eubaphe meridiana |
Little beggar |
Eubranchipus holmanii |
Fairy shrimp |
Euphyes bimacula |
Two-spotted skipper |
Grammia phyllira |
Phyllira tiger moth |
Grammia speciosa |
Bog tiger moth |
Haematopota rara |
Lace-winged horse fly |
Hemileuca maia maia |
Barrens buck moth |
Hybomitra longiglossa |
Horse fly |
Lampsilis cariosa |
Yellow lampmussel |
Magicicada septendecula |
Little 17-year periodical cicada |
Papaipema leucostigma |
Columbine borer |
Papaipema marginidens |
Brick-red borer moth |
Phyllonorycter ledella |
Labrador tea tentiform leafminer |
Schinia gracilenta |
Slender flower moth |
Speyeria atlantis |
Atlantis fritillary butterfly |
Tibicen auletes |
Northern dusk-singing cicada |
Williamsonia lintneri |
Ringed boghaunter |
Zale curema |
Black-eyed zale |
(g) The following plant species are determined to be endangered:
Abies balsamea |
Balsam fir |
(native populations only) |
Agalinis acuta |
Sandplain agalinis |
Agastache nepetoides |
Yellow giant hyssop |
Agastache scrophulariifolia |
Purple giant hyssop |
Ageratina aromatica |
Small white snakeroot |
Angelica lucida |
Sea-coast angelica |
Arceuthobium pusillum |
Dwarf mistletoe |
Aristida purpurascens |
Arrowfeather |
Aristida tuberculosa |
Beach needle grass |
Asclepias viridiflora |
Green milkweed |
Bidens eatonii |
Eaton's beggarticks |
Bouteloua curtipendula |
Sideoats grama-grass |
Carex alata |
Broadwing sedge |
Carex backii |
Back's sedge |
Carex barrattii |
Barratt's sedge |
Carex buxbaumii |
Brown bog sedge |
Carex castanea |
Chestnut-colored sedge |
Carex exilis |
Meager sedge |
Carex magellanica |
Boreal bog sedge |
Carex polymorpha |
Variable sedge |
Carex pseudocyperus |
Cyprus-like sedge |
Carex reznicekii |
Reznicek's sedge |
Carex schweinitzii |
Schweinitz's sedge |
Carex viridula |
Little green sedge |
Carex willdenowii |
Willdenow's sedge |
Castilleja coccinea |
Indian paintbrush |
Chamaelirium luteum |
Devil's-bit |
Cheilanthes lanosa |
Hairy lip-fern |
Cirsium horridulum |
Yellow thistle |
Coeloglossum viride |
Long-bracted green orchid |
Crassula aquatica |
Pygmyweed |
Cryptogramma stelleri |
Slender cliff-brake |
Cypripedium reginae |
Showy lady's-slipper |
Desmodium cuspidatum |
Large-bracted tick-trefoil |
Dichanthelium scabriusculum |
Tall swamp rosette-panicgrass |
Diplazium pycnocarpon |
Narrow-leaved glade fern |
Dryopteris campyloptera |
Mountain wood-fern |
Echinodorus tenellus |
Bur-head |
Eleocharis equisetoides |
Horsetail spikesedge |
Eleocharis quadrangulata var. crassior |
Square-stemmed spikesedge |
Equisetum pratense |
Meadow horsetail |
Equisetum scirpoides |
Dwarf scouring rush |
Eriocaulon parkeri |
Parker's pipewort |
Eupatorium album |
White thoroughwort |
Eurybia radula |
Rough aster |
Floerkea proserpinacoides |
False mermaid-weed |
Galium labradoricum |
Bog bedstraw |
Gentianella quinquefolia |
Stiff gentian |
Hudsonia ericoides |
Golden-heather |
Hydrastis canadensis |
Goldenseal |
Hydrocotyle umbellata |
Water pennywort |
Hydrocotyle verticillata |
Whorled pennywort |
Isotria medeoloides |
Small whorled pogonia |
Lachnanthes caroliniana |
Carolina redroot |
(native populations only) |
Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis |
Saltpond grass |
Ligusticum scoticum |
Scotch lovage |
Linnaea borealis ssp. americana |
Twinflower |
Linum sulcatum |
Yellow flax |
Liparis liliifolia |
Lily-leaved twayblade |
Ludwigia sphaerocarpa |
Globe-fruited false-loosestrife |
Lycopodiella alopecuroides |
Foxtail clubmoss |
Lythrum alatum |
Winged loosestrife |
Malaxis brachypoda |
White adder's-mouth |
Malaxis unifolia |
Green adder's-mouth |
Milium effusum |
Tall millet-grass |
Minuartia glabra |
Mountain sandwort |
Moehringia macrophylla |
Large-leaved sandwort |
Moneses uniflora |
One-flower wintergreen |
Muhlenbergia capillaris |
Long-awn hairgrass |
Myriophyllum alterniflorum |
Slender water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum pinnatum |
Cutleaf water-milfoil |
Oclemena nemoralis |
Bog aster |
Oligoneuron album |
Prairie goldenrod |
Oligoneuron rigidum |
Stiff goldenrod |
Onosmodium virginianum |
Gravel-weed |
Ophioglossum pusillum |
Northern adder's-tongue |
Ophioglossum vulgatum |
Southern adder's-tongue |
Packera anonyma |
Small's ragwort |
Packera paupercula |
Balsam groundsel |
Pellaea glabella |
Smooth cliff-brake |
Pinus resinosa |
Red pine |
(native populations only) |
Piptatherum pungens |
Slender mountain ricegrass |
Pityopsis falcata |
Sickle-leaved golden aster |
Platanthera blephariglottis |
White-fringed orchid |
Platanthera ciliaris |
Yellow-fringed orchid |
Polygala cruciata |
Field milkwort |
Polygala senega |
Seneca snakeroot |
Polymnia canadensis |
Small-flowered leafcup |
Potamogeton confervoides |
Tuckerman's pondweed |
Potamogeton friesii |
Fries' pondweed |
Potamogeton hillii |
Hill's pondweed |
Potamogeton ogdenii |
Ogden's pondweed |
Potamogeton strictifolius |
Straight-leaved pondweed |
Pycnanthemum torrei |
Torrey mountain-mint |
Ranunculus ambigens |
Water-plantain spearwort |
Ranunculus cymbalaria |
Seaside crowfoot |
Rhynchospora capillacea |
Needle beaksedge |
Rhynchospora scirpoides |
Long-beaked beaksedge |
Ribes triste |
Swamp red currant |
Rubus dalibarda |
Dew-drop |
Sabatia stellaris |
Marsh pink |
Sagittaria cuneata |
Northern arrowhead |
Sagittaria teres |
Quill-leaved arrowhead |
Salix exigua |
Sandbar willow |
Salix pedicellaris |
Bog willow |
Saururus cernuus |
Lizard's tail |
Scheuchzeria palustris ssp. americana |
Pod grass |
Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana |
Few-flowered nutrush |
Scleria reticularis |
Reticulated nutrush |
Scleria triglomerata |
Whip nutrush |
Scutellaria integrifolia |
Hyssop skullcap |
Scutellaria parvula var. missouriensis |
Small skullcap |
Senecio suaveolens |
Sweet-scented Indian-plantain |
Sparganium fluctuans |
Floating bur-reed |
Sparganium natans |
Small bur-reed |
Sporobolus clandestinus |
Rough dropseed |
Sporobolus heterolepis |
Northern dropseed |
Sporobolus neglectus |
Small dropseed |
Stachys hyssopifolia |
Hyssop-leaf hedge-nettle |
Taenidia integerrima |
Yellow pimpernel |
Trichostema brachiatum |
False pennyroyal |
Triosteum angustifolium |
Narrow-leaved horse gentian |
Triphora trianthophora |
Nodding pogonia |
Trisetum spicatum |
Narrow false oats |
Utricularia resupinata |
Resupinate bladderwort |
Uvularia grandiflora |
Large-flowered bellwort |
Vaccinium myrtilloides |
Velvetleaf blueberry |
Viola adunca |
Hook-spurred violet |
Viola brittoniana |
Coast violet |
Viola renifolia |
Kidney-leaf white violet |
Waldsteinia fragarioides |
Barren strawberry |
Xyris smalliana |
Small's yellow-eyed |
Zizia aptera |
Golden Alexanders |