Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 26 - Fisheries and Game
142a - Commercial Fishing in the Inland and Marine Districts
Section 26-142a-1 - Inland commercial species
Current through September 9, 2024
Subject to the provisions of section 26-142a-3 a to section 26-142a-7 a, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, only the following species may be taken for commercial purposes in those areas of the inland district described in section 26-142a-2 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies:
(a) Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
(b) Common sucker (Catostomus commersonii)
(c) American eel (Anguilla rostrata)
(d) Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)
(e) Atlantic tomcod or "frostfish" (Microgadus tomcod)
(f) Hickory shad (Alosa mediocris)
(g) American shad (Alosa sapidissima)
(h) Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)
(i) Blueback (glut or river) herring (Alosa aestivalis)
(j) White perch (Morone americana)
(k) Yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
(l) Catfish species (Ictalurus spp.)
(m) Bait species. Only the following species of minnows and other bait species, except as provided in section 26-55-5 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, may be taken commercially for sale as bait:
(n) Any species of crustaceans, except as provided in section 26-55-5 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, provided lobsters and blue crabs shall meet minimum legal size requirements and be taken by legal methods, as specified in Title 26, Chapter 490 of the Connecticut General Statutes.