Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 25 - Water Resources, Flood and Erosion Control
33b - Program of Loans and Grants to Private and Municipal Water Companies
Section 25-33b-1 - Purposes and definitions
Current through September 9, 2024
(a) Purpose.
The purpose of these regulations is to implement the provisions of the following sections of the General Statutes: 25-33a, 25-33b and 22a-471, as amended, establishing a program of loans to investor-owned and municipally owned water companies and grants to municipally-owned water companies for the planning, design, modification or construction of drinking water facilities necessary to enable these companies to comply with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 or with an order of the Department of Health Services deeming the water supplies by such companies to be inadequate and establishing a program of grants to water companies which have less than ten thousand customers and which own, maintain, operate, manage, control or employ a water supply well which is rendered unusable for potable drinking water. Section 25-33a, of the Connecticut General Statutes, also provides for emergency assistance grants to investor-owned water companies where facility or equipment failure has caused the company to be unable to provide water.
(b) Definitions