Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 19 - Public Health and Safety
488 - Standards for Certification of the Community Treatment Programs which may Administer Controlled Drugs
Certified Community Service Facilities or Services for Drug-dependent Persons
Section 19-488-22 - Discrimination prohibited
No facility or service shall discriminate or permit discrimination against any person or group of persons on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in any manner prohibited by the law of the United States or the state of Connecticut. Each such facility or service shall provide the commission on human rights and opportunities with such information as the commission may request concerning the employment practices and procedures of the facility as related to the provisions of this section. This certification is subject to the provisions of Executive Order Number Three of Governor Thomas J. Meskill, promulgated June 16, 1971, and as such the certification may be cancelled, terminated or suspended by the labor commissioner for violation of or noncompliance with said Executive Order Number Three or any state or federal law concerning nondiscrimination, notwithstanding that the labor commissioner is not a party to this certification. As a prerequisite of certifieation, agreement of the parties that said Executive Order Number Three is incorporated therein by reference and made a part hereof is presumed and it is further presumed that the parties agreed to abide by said Executive Order and agree that the labor commissioner shall have continuing jurisdiction in respect to nondiscrimination until the noted certification is terminated.