Current through December 12, 2024
The type of warning statement required on self-pressurized
dispensers shall be determined by the performance of the contents of such
dispensers when tested by Methods I, II and III outlined below. When by Method
I a flame projection exceeding 18 inches is obtained with the valve open full,
or flashback is obtained at any valve opening, the container shall be labeled:
"Warning (or Caution)- Do not use near fire or flame." Materials yielding flash
points below 80°F. by Method II shall be labeled "Warning (or
Caution)-Flammable. Do not use near heat or flame." When Method III shows any
significant propagation of flame through the vapor-air mixture in the open drum
test, or any explosion or burning of the vapor-air mixture sufficiently rapid
to cause the hinged cover to move in the closed drum test, the container shall
be labeled: "Warning (or Caution)-Do not use near heat or flame."
Method I (Flame Projection
Apparatus. The
apparatus consists of:
(i) A base composed of
a flat strip of wood or metal, four inches wide and two feet long, cross-ruled
at six-inch intervals;
(ii) a ruler
thirty inches long, marked in inches, supported horizontally to one side of the
base and about six inches above it; and
(iii) a plumber's candle, of such height that
the top third of its flame will be at the same level as the ruler, placed on
the zero marking of the base.
Procedure. (This test
requires two operators, one to manipulate the dispenser and the other to take
readings. Tests should be conducted in an area that is draft-free and capable
of ventilation after each test.) Light the candle. Let one observer hold the
dispenser being tested in such a position that it is six inches from the candle
flame, with its nozzle so pointed that any spray will pass at right angles
through the top third of the flame and extend lengthwise of the base and ruler.
This observer shall operate the spray device of the dispenser for fifteen to
twenty seconds, while the other observer records the horizontal extension of
the candle flame. The test shall be repeated two more times, and the three
readings averaged.
Method II (Modified Tagliabue Open Cup Test).
Apparatus. The apparatus
consists of a standard Tagliabue open cup tester, a Tag gas flame testing
burner, a flash test thermometer, and a heat source.
(2) .
Procedure. Place the
container in an upright position and pierce its top with a fine-pointed
instrument. In a few moments, when most of the gas has escaped, enlarge the
hole. Finally, when there appears to be no further gas evolution, cut open the
top of the container and let it stand until the temperature of the contents
reaches 60°F. Then pour sufficient of the contents into the tester cup to fill
it to the test line, immerse a thermometer in the liquid, and apply heat at the
rate of 2°F. per minute. As the heating proceeds, apply the test flame at
intervals until either a flame flashes completely across the top of the cup or
the height of the liquid has dropped one-fourth inch below the test line. If
flashing is obtained before the maximum permissible evaporation has taken
place, record as the flash point the temperature of the liquid at which such
flashing occurred.
(c) .
Method III (Drum Test).
Apparatus. The apparatus consists of a fifty-five gallon open-head
drum which has been modified as follows:
A hinged cover, arranged so that it will open readily under a pressure of five
pounds, is fitted over the open head,
(ii) three circular openings, one inch in
diameter, are bored through the base, about two inches from the edge, in such
position that when the drum is on its side one hole will be at the top, one at
the bottom, and one halfway down one side;
(iii) a shutter capable of being readily
opened and closed is fitted over each of these holes; and
(iv). a six-inch square opening is cut
through the center of the base and securely covered with a piece of safety
(2) .
Procedure. Lay the modified drum on its side out in the open, at a
time when the temperature is between 60° and 80°F. Stand a plumber's candle (or
similar flame source) inside the drum half way from each end. For the open drum
test, proceed as follows: Fully open the hinged cover, close all three
shutters, light the candle, direct a spray from the dispenser (valve fully
open) for one minute into the upper half of the open end of the drum and above
the candle flame, and watch for propagation of the flame through the vapor-air
mixture away from the candle. For the closed drum test, proceed as follows: (i)
Light the candle, drop the hinged cover down so that it rests free against the
edge of the drum, open the top shutter on the other end, jet a spray from the
container being tested (valve fully open) into the drum through this opening
for one minute, and observe whether sufficient explosion or rapid burning of
the vapor-air mixture takes place to cause the hinged cover to move; (ii) after
clearing the atmosphere in the drum each time, repeat this test twice as
before, except to spray in turn from the side and bottom