Connecticut Administrative Code
Title 16 - Public Service Companies
27 - Uniform System Of Accounts
Section 16-27-2 - Community antenna television utilities
Current through September 9, 2024
Part 1
When used in this system of accounts:
Part 2
Each Community Antenna Television Company or utility as defined in Section 16-1 of the 1965 Supplement to the General Statutes and each municipal Community Antenna Television Company utility or department thereof, subject to accounting regulation by the Commission, shall keep its records and accounts in conformity with this Uniform System of Accounts and in conformity with the definitions and instructions contained herein.
100-199 Assets and Other Debits.
200-299 Liabilities and Other Credits.
300-399 Plant Accounts.
400-432, 434-435 Income Accounts.
433, 436-439 Retained Earnings Accounts.
440-459 Revenue Accounts.
500-599 Production, Transmitting, Head End and Distribution Expenses.
900-949 Customer Accounts, Sales and General Administrative Expenses.
Each utility shall keep its books on a monthly basis so that for each month all transactions applicable thereto, as nearly as may be ascertained, shall be entered in the books of the utility. Amounts applicable or assignable to specific utility departments shall be so segregated monthly. Each utility shall close its books at the end of each calendar year.
To maintain uniformity of accounting, utilities shall submit questions of doubtful interpretation to the Commission for consideration and decision.
Lists of "items" appearing in the texts of the accounts or elsewhere herein are for the purpose of more clearly indicating the application of the prescribed accounting. The lists are intended to be representative, but not exhaustive. The appearance of an item in a list warrants the inclusion of the item in the account mentioned only when the text of the account also indicates inclusion inasmuch as the same item frequently appears in more than one list. The proper entry in each instance must be determined by the texts of the accounts.
It is the intent that net income shall reflect all items of profit and loss during the period with the sole exception of prior period adjustments as described in paragraph 7.1 below. Those items related to the effects of events and transactions which have occurred during the current period and which are not typical or customary business activities of the company shall be considered extraordinary items. Accordingly, they will be events and transactions of significant effect which would not be expected to recur frequently and which would not be considered as recurring factors in any evaluation of the ordinary operating processes of business. (In determining significance, items of a similar nature should be considered in the aggregate. Dissimilar items should be considered individually; however, if they are few in number, they may be considered in aggregate.) To be considered as extraordinary under the above guidelines, an item should be more than approximately 5 percent of income, computed before extraordinary items. Commission approval must be obtained to treat an item of less than 5 percent, as extraordinary. (see accounts 434 and 435).
7.1 Prior period items
Whenever a financial statement is required by the Commission, if it is known that a transaction has occurred which affects the accounts but the amount involved in the transaction and its effect upon the accounts cannot be determined with absolute accuracy, then the amount shall be estimated and such estimated amount included in the proper accounts. The utility is not required to anticipate minor items which would not appreciably affect the accounts.
The charges to utility plant, operating expenses and other accounts for services and expenses of employees engaged in activities chargeable to various accounts, such as construction, maintenance, and operations, shall be based upon the actual time engaged in the respective classes of work, or in case that method is impracticable, upon the basis of a study of the time actually engaged during a representative period.
Underlying accounting data shall be maintained so that the distribution of the cost of labor charged direct to the various accounts will be readily available. Such underlying data shall permit a reasonably accurate distribution to be made of the cost of labor charged initially to clearing accounts so that the total labor cost may be classified between construction, cost of removal, utility operating functions (source of supply, pumping, transmission and distribution, etc.) and nonutility operations.
Accretions to operating reserve accounts made by charges to operating expenses shall not exceed a reasonable provision for the expense. Material balances in such reserve accounts shall not be diverted from the purpose for which provided unless the permission of the Commission is first obtained.
Separate records shall be maintained by utility plant accounts of the book cost of each system owned including additions by the utility to plant leased from others and of the cost of operating and maintaining each system owned or operated. The term "plant" as here used means such items as head end equipment, transmission cable, distribution cable, amplifiers, power supplies, program origination equipment, etc.
If the utility also operates other utility departments, such as electric, gas, etc., it shall keep such accounts for the other departments as may be prescribed by proper authority and in the absence of prescribed accounts, it shall keep such accounts as are proper or necessary to reflect the results of operating each other department.
Each utility shall keep its accounts and records so as to be able to furnish accurately and expeditiously statements of all transactions with associated companies. The statements may be required to show the general nature of the transactions, the amounts involved therein and the amounts included in each account prescribed herein with respect to such transactions. Transactions with associated companies shall be recorded in the appropriate accounts for transactions of the same nature. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed as restraining the utility from subdividing accounts for the purposes of recording separately transactions with associated companies.
Contingent assets represent a possible source of value to the utility contingent upon the fulfillment of conditions regarded as uncertain. Contingent liabilities include items which may under certain conditions become obligations of the utility but which are neither direct nor assumed liabilities at the date of the balance sheet. The utility shall be prepared to give a complete statement of material contingent assets and liabilities (including cumulative dividends on preference stock) in its annual report and at such other times as may be requested by the Commission.
Part 3
The cost of construction properly includible in the utility plant accounts shall include, where applicable, the direct and overhead costs as listed and defined hereunder.
NOTE - The cost of individual items of equipment of small value (for example, $50 or less) or of short life, including small portable tools and implements, shall not be charged to utility plant accounts unless the correctness of the accounting therefore is verified by current inventories. The cost shall be charged to the appropriate operating expense or clearing accounts, according to the use of such items, or, if such items are consumed directly in construction work, the cost shall be included as part of the cost of the construction unit.
NOTE. - When a part only of a plant or project is placed in operation or is completed and ready for service but the construction work as a whole is incomplete, that part of the cost of the property placed in operation, or ready for service, shall be treated as "Utility Plant in Service" and interest thereon as a charge to construction shall cease. Interest on that part of the cost of the plant which is incomplete may be continued as a charge to construction until such time as it is placed in operation or is ready for service, except as limited in item 17, above.
NOTE A. - Significant gains or losses on sale of property, as determined by the Commission, shall be transferred to account 256, Deferred Gains from Disposition of Property or account 187, Deferred Losses from Disposition of Property and amortized to accounts 411.6, gains from Disposition of Utility Plant, or 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant, as appropriate.
NOTE B. - In eases where existing utilities merge or consolidate because of financial or operating reasons or statutory requirements rather than as a means of transferring title of purchased properties to a new owner, the accounts of the constituent utilities, with the approval of the Commission, may be combined. In the event original cost has not been determined, the resulting utility shall proceed to determine such cost as outlined herein.
NOTE-Significant gains or losses on sale of property, as determined by the Commission, shall be transferred to account 256, Deferred Gains from Disposition of Property, or account 187, Deferred Losses from Disposition of Property; and amortized to account 411.6, Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant, 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant, 421.1, Gain on Disposition of Property or 421.2, Loss on Disposition of Property, as appropriate.
NOTE.-Structures and Improvement accounts shall be credited with the cost of coal bunkers, stacks, foundations, subways, tunnels, etc., the use of which has terminated with the removal of the equipment with which they are associated even though they have not been physically removed.
NOTE.-Significant gains or losses on sale of property, as determined by the Commission, shall be transferred to account 256, Deferred Gains from Disposition of Property, or account 187, Deferred Losses from Disposition of Property; and amortized to accounts 411.6, Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant, 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant, 421.1, Gain on Disposition of Property or 421.2, Loss on Disposition of Property, as appropriate.
When property is transferred from one account for utility plant to another, from one utility department to another, such as from water to gas, from one operating division or area to another, to or from accounts 101, Utility Plant in Service Classified, 104, Utility Plant Leased to Others, 105, Property Held for Future Use, and 121, Nonutility Property, the transfer shall be recorded by transferring the original cost thereof from the one account, department, or location to the other. Any related amounts carried in the accounts for accumulated provision for depreciation or amortization shall be transferred in accordance with the segregation of such accounts.
Land, rights of way and structures used jointly for several functions, such as for transmitting and distribution purposes, shall be classified according to the major use thereof.
Part 4
The supervision and engineering includible in the operating expense accounts shall consist of the pay and expenses of superintendents, engineers, clerks, other employees and consultants engaged in supervising and directing the operations and maintenance of each utility function. Wherever allocations are necessary in order to arrive at the amount to be included in any account, the method and basis of allocation shall be reflected by underlying records.
NOTE.-The aggregate of the rents included in the functional operating expense accounts shall be included in the income statement in account 401, Operation Expense. However, where the rents are significant in amount, the aggregate thereof shall be shown separately in the income statement.
Part 5
NOTE. - Materials and supplies and normal spare capacity of plant in service shall not be included in this account.
At the end of the year or such other date as a balance sheet may be required by the Commission, this account shall include the total of the balances of work orders for utility plant which has been completed and placed in service but which work orders have not been classified for transfer to the detailed utility plant accounts.
NOTE. - See also account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified.
This account shall be credited with amounts charged to account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, for depreciation expense on property included in account 105, Property Held for Future Use. Include, also, the balance of accumulated provision for depreciation or amortization on property which may be transferred to account 105, Property Held for Future Use, from other property accounts.
NOTE. - Normally, this account would not be used for current depreciation provisions because, as provided herein, the service life during which depreciation is computed commences with the date property is includible in utility plant in service. However, if special circumstances indicate the propriety of current accruals for depreciation, such charges shall be made to account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income.
This account shall be credited with amounts charged to account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, for amortization expense on property included in account 105, Property Held for Future Use. Include also, the balance of accumulated provision for amortization on property which may be transferred to account 105, Property Held for Future Use, from other property accounts.
NOTE. - See also note to account 113, Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Property Held for Future Use.
This account shall be credited or debited with amounts which are includible in account 406, Amortization of Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustments, or account 425, Miscellaneous Amortization, for the purpose of providing for the extinguishment of amounts in account 117, Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustments, in instances where the amortization of account 117 is not being made by direct write-off of the account.
NOTE. - The provisions of this account shall not be construed as approving or authorizing the recording of appreciation of utility plant.
This account shall include the accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization applicable to property other than utility plant.
NOTE A. - Securities and advances of associated companies owned and pledged shall be included in this account, but such securities, if held in special deposits or in special funds, shall be included in the appropriate deposit or fund account. A complete record of securities pledged shall be maintained.
NOTE B. - Securities of associated companies held as temporary each investments are includible in account 136, Temporary Cash Investments
NOTE C. - Balances in open accounts with associated companies, which are subject to current settlement, are includible in account 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.
NOTE D. - The utility may write down the cost of any security in recognition of a decline in the value thereof. Securities shall be written off or written down to a nominal value if there be no reasonable prospect of substantial value. Fluctuations in market value shall not be recorded but a permanent impairment in the value of securities shall be recognized in the accounts. When securities are written off or written down, the amount of the adjustment shall be charged to account 426, Misc. Income Deduction, or to an appropriate account for provisions for loss in value established as a separate subdivision of this account.
NOTE A. - Securities owned and pledged shall be included in this account, but securities held in special deposit or in special funds shall be included in appropriate deposit or fund accounts. A complete record of securities pledged shall be maintained.
NOTE B. - Securities held as temporary each investments shall not be included in this account.
NOTE C. - See note D of account 123.
This account shall include the amount of cash and book cost of investments held in sinking funds. A separate account, with appropriate title, shall be kept for each sinking fund. Transfers from this account to account 134, Other Special Deposits, may be made as necessary for the purpose of paying matured sinking-fund obligations, or obligations called for redemption but not presented, or the interest thereon.
This account shall include the amount of cash and the book cost of investments which have been segregated in a special fund for the purpose of identifying such assets with the accumulated provisions for depreciation.
This account shall include the amount of cash and book cost of investments which have been segregated in special funds for insurance, employee pensions, savings, relief hospital, and other purposes not provided for elsewhere. A separate account, with appropriate title, shall be kept for each fund.
NOTE. - Amounts deposited with a trustee under the terms of an irrevocable trust agreement for pensions or other employee benefits shall not be included in this account.
Current and accrued assets are cash, those assets which are readily convertible into cash or are held for current use in operations or construction, current claims against others, payment of which is reasonably assured, and amounts accruing to the utility which are subject to current settlement, except such items for which accounts other than those designated as current and accrued assets are provided. There shall not be included in the group of accounts designated as current and accrued assets any item, the amount or collectibility of which is not reasonably assured, unless an adequate provision for possible loss has been made therefor. Items of current character but of doubtful value may be written down and for record purposes carried in these accounts at nominal value.
This account shall include the amount of current cash funds except working funds.
This account shall include special deposits with fiscal agents or others for the payment of interest.
This account shall include special deposits with fiscal agents or others for the payment of dividends.
This account shall include deposits with fiscal agents or others for special purposes other than the payment of interest and dividends. Such special deposits may include cash deposited with federal, state, or municipal authorities as a guaranty for the fulfillment of obligations; cash deposited with trustees to be held until mortgaged property sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of is replaced; cash realized from the sale of the accounting utility's securities and deposited with trustees to be held until invested in property of the utility, etc. Entries to this account shall specify the purpose for which the deposit is made.
NOTE. - Assets available for general corporate purposes shall not be included in this account. Further, deposits for more than one year, which are not offset by current liabilities, shall not be charged to this account but to account 128, Other Special Funds.
This account shall include cash advanced to officers, agents, employees, and others as petty cash or working funds.
This account shall include the book cost, not includible elsewhere, of all collectible obligations in the form of notes receivable and similar evidences (except interest coupons) of money due on demand or within one year from the date of issue, except, however, notes receivable from associated companies. (See account 136, Temporary Cash Investments, and account 145, Notes Receivable from Associated Companies.)
NOTE. - The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold or transferred, without releasing the utility from liability as endorser thereon, shall be credited to a separate subdivision of this account and appropriate disclosure shall be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions.
Utility Customers
Merchandising, Jobbing and Contract Work
Officers and Employees
NOTE A. - Accretions to this account shall not be made in excess of a reasonable provision against losses of the character provided for.
NOTE B. - If provisions for uncollectible notes receivable or for uncollectible receivables from associated companies are necessary, separate subaccounts therefor shall be established under the account in which the receivable is carried.
These accounts shall include notes and drafts upon which associated companies are liable, and which mature and are expected to be paid in full not later than one year from date of issue, together with any interest thereon, and debit balances subject to current settlement in open accounts with associated companies. Items which do not bear a specified due date but which have been carried for more than twelve months and items which are not paid within twelve months from due date shall be transferred to account 123, Investment in Associated Companies.
NOTE A. - On the balance sheet, accounts receivable from an associated company may be set off against accounts payable to the same company.
NOTE B. - The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold or transferred without releasing the utility from liability as endorser thereon, shall be credited to a separate subdivision of this account and appropriate disclosure shall be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions.
NOTE. - Where expenses applicable to materials purchased cannot be directly assigned to particular purchase, they shall be charged to account 163, Stores Expense.
This account shall include the book cost of materials and supplies held primarily for merchandising, jobbing and contract work. The principles prescribed in accounting for utility materials and supplies shall be observed in respect to items carried in this account.
This account shall include the book cost of materials and supplies held primarily for nonutility purposes. The principles prescribed in accounting for utility materials and supplies shall be observed in respect to items carried in this account.
NOTE. - A physical inventory of each class of materials and supplies shall be made at least every two years.
This account shall include amounts representing prepayments of insurance, rents, taxes, interest and miscellaneous items, and shall be kept or supported in such manner as to disclose the amount of each class of prepayment.
This account shall include the amount of interest on bonds, mortgages, notes, commercial paper, loans, open accounts, deposits, etc., the payment of which is reasonably assured and the amount of dividends declared or guaranteed on stocks owned.
NOTE A. - Interest which is not subject to current settlement shall not be included herein but in the account in which is carried the principal on which the interest is accrued.
NOTE B. - Interest and dividends receivable from associated companies shall be included in account 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.
This account shall include rents receivable or accrued on property rented or leased by the utility to others.
NOTE. - Rents receivable from Associated Companies shall be included in account 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.
At the option of the utility, the estimated amount accrued for service rendered, but not billed at the end of any accounting period, may be included herein. In case accruals are made for unbilled revenues, they shall be made likewise for unbilled expenses, such as for the purchase of energy.
This account shall include the book cost of all other current and accrued assets, appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each asset included herein.
If the utility desires to amortize any of the discount, expense, or premium associated with the issuance or redemption of the first issue over a period subsequent to the date of redemption, the permission of the Commission must be obtained; provided, however, that special permission of the Commission shall not be necessary, if the utility proceeds with a plan of disposition of the discount, expense, and redemption premiums associated with the refunded bonds, as follows:
NOTE. - The amount of preliminary survey and investigation charges transferred to utility plant shall not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to utility plant.
This caption shall include undistributed balances in clearing accounts at the date of the balance sheet. Balances in clearing accounts shall be substantially cleared not later than the end of the calendar year unless items held therein relate to a future period.
This account shall include amounts shown by work orders for plant installed for temporary use in utility service for periods of less than one year. Such work orders shall be charged with the cost of temporary facilities and credited with payments received from customers and net salvage realized on removal of the temporary facilities. Any net credit or debit resulting shall be cleared to account 451, Miscellaneous Service Revenues.
This account shall include losses from the sale or other disposition of property previously recorded in accounts, 101-104; in account 105, Property Held for Future Use or account 121, Nonutility Property, where such losses are significant and are to be amortized over a period of five years, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by debits to account 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant or account 421.2, Loss on Disposition of Property, as appropriate. Amounts recorded in this account shall be net of related income taxes. (See Utility Plant Instructions 5F, 7E and 10E.)
This account may be charged with the excess of start-up operating costs over revenues received during the development period of the cable television system, or segment of the system, which are to be deferred during the preoperating and/or immediate post-operating period, for later amortization. Such start-up costs, at the option of the respondent, may be expended or deferred. Deferment shall cease, and a ten-year amortization period shall begin, at the earliest of (a) two years following completion of the system, or a segment of the system, or (b) subscriber saturation reaches 25% of potential homes passed, or (c) such system condition criteria as management may adopt, provided the deferral period is not longer than in part (a) above. Start-up costs are costs not includible in account 301, organization, account 302, franchises and consents, or account 107, construction work in progress. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by debits to account 407.2, amortization of deferred start-up costs.
NOTE: Completion occurs when (a) physical construction and testing have ceased, (b) the system or segment of a system is accepted by the company, and (e) the system or segment is capable of serving at least one subscriber.
NOTE. - When a levy or assessment, except a call for payment on subscriptions, is made against holders of capital stock, the amount collected upon such levy or assessment shall be credited to account 207, Premium on Capital Stock; provided, however, that the credit shall be made to account 213, Discount on Capital Stock, to the extent of any remaining balance of discount on the issue of stock.
This account shall include the balance of credits for donations received from stockholders consisting of capital stock of the utility, of cancellation or reduction of debt of the utility, and the cash value of other assets received as a donation.
This account shall include the balance of credits arising from a reduction in the par or stated value of capital stock.
This account shall include the balance of credits arising from the resale or cancellation of reacquired capital stock. (See account 217, Reacquired Capital Stock.)
This account shall include the balance of all other credits for paid-in capital which are not properly includible in the foregoing accounts.
NOTE. - Amounts included in capital surplus at the effective date of this system of accounts which cannot be classified as to the source thereof shall be included in this account.
NOTE. - Expenses in connection with the reacquisition or resale of utility's capital stock shall not be included herein.
This account shall include the amount of retained earnings which has been appropriated or set aside for specific purposes. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained under such titles as will designate the purpose for which each appropriation was made.
This account shall include the balance, either debit or credit, of unappropriated retained earnings arising from earnings. It shall not include items includible in any of the accounts for paid-in capital.
NOTE A. - See account 124, Other Investments, for permissive accounting treatment of stock reacquired under a definite plan for resale.
NOTE B. - The accounting for reacquired stock shall be as prescribed herein unless otherwise specifically required by statute.
This account shall include, in a separate subdivision for each class and series of bonds, the face value of the actually issued and unmatured bonds which have not been retired or canceled; also, the face value of such bonds issued by others the payment of which has been assumed by the utility.
NOTE. - Miscellaneous long-term debt reacquired shall be accounted for in accordance with the procedure set forth in account 222, Reacquired Bonds.
Current and accrued liabilities are those obligations which have either matured or which become due within one year from the date thereof; except, however, bonds, receivers' certificates and similar obligations which shall be classified as long-term debt until date of maturity; accrued taxes, such as income taxes, which shall be classified as accrued liabilities even though payable more than one year from date; compensation awards, which shall be classified as current liabilities regardless of date due; and minor amounts payable in installments which may be classified as current liabilities. If a liability is due more than one year from date of issuance or assumption by the utility, it shall be credited to a long-term debt account appropriate for the transaction, except, however, the current liabilities previously mentioned.
This account shall include the face value of all notes, drafts, acceptances, or other similar evidences of indebtedness, payable on demand or within a time not exceeding one year from date of issue, to other than associated companies.
This account shall include all amounts payable by the utility within one year, which are not provided for in other accounts.
These accounts shall include amounts owing to associated companies on notes, drafts, acceptances, or other similar evidences of indebtedness, and open accounts payable on demand or not more than one year from date of issue or creation.
NOTE. - Exclude from these accounts notes and accounts which state includible in account 223, Advances from Associated Companies.
This account shall include all amounts deposited with the utility by customers as security for the payment of bills.
This account shall include the amount of interest accrued but not matured on all liabilities of the utility not including, however, interest which is added to the principal of the debt on which incurred. Supporting records shall be maintained so as to show the amount of interest accrued on each obligation.
This account shall include the amount of dividends which have been declared but not paid. Dividends shall be credited to this account when they become a liability.
This account shall include the amount of long-term debt (including any obligation for premiums) matured and unpaid, without specific agreement for extension of the time of payment and bonds called for redemption but not presented.
This account shall include the amount of matured interest on long-term debt or other obligations of the utility at the date of the balance sheet unless such interest is added to the principal of the debt on which incurred.
This account shall include the amount of taxes, sewage charges or rentals, surcharges and the like collected by the utility through payroll deductions or otherwise for the account of, and pending transmittal to the proper taxing authority or political subdivision.
NOTE. - Do not include liability for taxes assessed directly against the utility which are accounted for as part of the utility's own tax expense.
This account shall include the amount of all other current and accrued liabilities not provided for elsewhere appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each liability.
This account shall include the total of the credit balances in the discount, expense and premium accounts, for all classes of long-term debt, including receivers' certificates. (See account 181, Unamortized Debt Discount and Expense.)
This account shall include advances by or in behalf of customers for construction which are to be refunded either wholly or in part. When a person is refunded the entire amount to which he is entitled according to the agreement or rule under which the advance was made, the balance, if any, remaining in this account shall be credited to the respective plan account.
This account shall include advance billings and receipts and other deferred credit items, not provided for elsewhere, including amounts which cannot be entirely cleared or disposed of until additional information has been received.
This account shall be credited and Account 411.3, Investment Tax Credit Adjustments, debited with investment tax credits deferred by companies which do not apply such credits as a reduction of the overall income tax expense in the year in which a tax credit is realized. There can be neither changes in accounting method for utility operations nor transfers from this account, except as authorized herein or as may otherwise be authorized by the Commission. (See Account 411.3.)
This account shall include gains from the sale or other disposition of property previously recorded in accounts 101-104; in account 105, Property Held for Future Use or account 121, Nonutility Property, where such gains are significant and are to be amortized over a period of five years, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by credits to account 411.6, Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant or account 421.1, Gain on Disposition of Property, as appropriate. Amounts recorded in this account shall be net of related income taxes. (See Utility Plant Instruction 5F, 7E, and 10E.)
NOTE. - Recoveries or reimbursements for losses charged to this account shall be credited hereto; the cost of repairs to property of others if provided for herein, shall be charged to this account.
NOTE. - If employee pension or benefit plan funds are not included among the assets of the utility but are held by outside trustees, payments into such funds, or accruals therefor, shall not be included in this account.
NOTE. - This account includes only such reserves as may be created for operating purposes and does not include any reservations of income the credits for which should be carried in account 215, Appropriated Retained Earnings.
NOTE A. - The text of the accounts below are designed primarily to cover deferrals of federal income taxes pursuant to provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 but the accounts are also applicable to deferrals of State taxes on income.
NOTE B. - A utility which has more than one utility department and/or nonutility property and which has deferred taxes on income with respect thereto shall classify such deferrals in the accounts provided below so as to allow ready identification of items relating to each utility department and to Other Income and Deductions.
NOTE. - In determining appropriate use of this account as a basis of request to the Commission for authorization of its use, consideration shall be given to the relative importance of the amount involved, and to other items in the utility's accounts where "prepaid tax accounting" may be appropriate such as situations (a) where the time of taking a deduction in computing taxes on income is such that the tax deduction must be delayed or applied to a series of future years as opposed to earlier recognition of such item in determination of income in the general accounts of the utility, or (b) where inclusion of an income item is required for tax purposes but is to be recognized in whole or in part in the utility's income accounts of a subsequent year or years.
Part 6
This account shall include all fees paid to federal or state governments for the privilege of incorporation and expenditures incident to organizing the corporation, partnership or other enterprise and putting it into readiness to do business.
NOTE A. - This account shall not include any discounts upon securities issued or assumed; nor shall it include any costs incident to negotiating loans, selling bonds or other evidences of debt, or expenses in connection with the authorization, issuance and sale of capital stock.
NOTE B. - Exclude from this account and include in the appropriate expense account the cost of preparing and filing papers in connection with the extension of the term of incorporation unless the first organization costs have been written off. Where charges are made to this account for expenses incurred in mergers, consolidations or reorganizations, amounts previously included herein or in similar accounts in the books of the companies concerned shall be excluded from this account.
NOTE. - Annual or other periodic payments under franchises shall not be included herein but in the appropriate operating expense account.
This account shall include the cost of land and land rights used in connection with transmitting activities. (See Utility Plant Instruction 7.)
This account shall include the cost in place of structures and improvements used in connection with transmitting activities. (See Utility Plant Instruction 8.)
This account shall include the cost of electronic transmitting equipment.
This account shall include the cost installed of auxiliary transmitting apparatus.
This account shall include the cost installed of miscellaneous equipment in and about the transmitting station which is not properly includable in any of the foregoing accounts.
This account shall include the cost of land and land rights used in connection with head end operations. (See Utility Plant Instruction 7.)
This account shall include the cost in place of structures and improvements used in connection with head end operations. (See Utility Plant Instruction 8.)
This account shall include the cost of towers and antennas comprising the head end tower assemblies or arrays.
This account shall include the cost of head end receiving and signal processing equipment.
This account shall include the cost of all power supply and distribution equipment serving as or associated with the prime source of power used in head end operations. This account shall also include the cost of equipment used for the purpose of supplying emergency or auxiliary head end power.
This account shall include the cost of miscellaneous equipment devoted to general station use, and not properly includable in any of the other head end equipment accounts.
This account shall include the cost of land and land rights used in connection with distribution operations. (See Utility Plant Instruction 7.)
This account shall include the cost in place of structures and improvements used in connection with distribution operations. (See Utility Plant Instruction 8.)
This account shall include the cost installed of towers and poles together with appurtenant fixtures used for supporting overhead distribution conductors and service wires.
This account shall include the cost installed of underground conduit and tunnels used for housing distribution cables or wires.
This account shall include the cost installed of conductors and devices used for distribution purposes.
This account shall include the cost of all power supply and distribution equipment serving as or associated with the prime source of power used in signal distribution. This account shall include also the cost of power rectifiers or motor generator installations (not forming an integral part of the transmitting or head end stations) that are provided as a source of power for the distribution system.
This account shall include the cost installed of overhead and underground conductors locating from the pressure tap to the power of connection with the customers outlet or wiring. Conduit used for underground service conductors shall be included herein.
This account shall include the cost installed of equipment on customers' premises when the utility incurs such cost and when the utility retains title to and assumes full responsibility for maintenance and replacement of such property. This account shall not include leased equipment.
This account shall include the cost of equipment on customers' premises, leased or loaned to customers, but not including property held for sale.
NOTE. - The cost of setting and connecting such appliances or equipment on the premises of customers and the cost of resetting or removal shall not be charged to this account but to operating expenses account 566, Customer Installation Expenses.
This account shall include the cost installed of all other distribution system equipment not provided for in the foregoing accounts.
This account shall include the cost of land and land rights used for utility purposes, the cost of which is not properly includible in other laud and land rights accounts. (See Utility Plant Instruction 7.)
This account shall include the cost in place of structures and improvements usual for utility purposes, the cost of which is not properly includible in other structures and improvements accounts. (See Utility Plant Instruction 8.)
This account shall include the cost of transportation vehicles used for utility purposes.
This account shall include the cost of tools, implements, and equipment used in construction, repair work, general shops and garages and not specifically provided for or includible in other accounts.
This account shall include the cost of power operated equipment used in construction or repair work exclusive of equipment includible in other accounts. Include, also, the tools and accessories acquired for use with such equipment and the vehicle on which such equipment is mounted.
NOTE. - It is intended that this account include only such large units as are generally self-propelled or mounted on moveable equipment.
This account shall include the cost installed of telephone, telegraph and wireless equipment for general use in connection with utility operations.
This account shall include the cost of equipment, apparatus, etc., used in utility operations, and which is not includible in any other account.
NOTE. - Miscellaneous equipment of the nature indicated above wherever practicable shall be included in the utility plant accounts on a functional basis.
This account shall include the cost of tangible utility plant not provided for elsewhere.
Part 7
There shall be shown under this caption the total amount included in the operating revenue accounts provided herein and in similar accounts for other utility departments. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for each utility department.
There shall be shown under this caption the total amount included in the operation expense accounts provided herein and in similar accounts for other utility departments. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for each utility department.
There shall be shown under this caption the total amount included in the maintenance expense accounts provided herein and in similar accounts for other utility departments. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for each utility department.
NOTE A. - Depreciation expense applicable to property included in account 104, Utility Plant Leased to Others, shall be charged to account 413, Expenses of Utility Plant Leased to Others.
NOTE B. - Depreciation expense applicable to transportation equipment, shop equipment, tools, work equipment and power operated equipment and other general equipment may be charged to clearing accounts as necessary in order to obtain a proper distribution of expenses between construction and operation.
This account shall include amortization charges applicable to amounts included in the utility plant accounts for limited-term franchises, licenses, patent rights, limited-term interests in land, and expenditures on leased property where the service life of the improvements is terminable by action of the lease. The charges to this account shall be such as to distribute the book cost of each investment as evenly as may be over the period of its benefit to the utility. (See account 114, Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Utility Plant in Service.)
This account shall be debited or credited, as the case may be, with amounts includible in operating expenses, pursuant to approval or order of the Commission, for the purpose of providing for the extinguishment of the amount in account 117, Utility Plant Acquisition Adjustments.
This account shall be charged with amounts credited to account 182, Extraordinary Property Losses, when the Commission has authorized the amount in the latter account to be amortized by charges to operating expenses.
This account shall be charged with amounts credited to account 188, deferred start-up costs, when the utility has elected to amortize these costs over a ten-year period. (See account 188.).
NOTE A. - Special assessments for street and similar improvements shall be included in the appropriate utility plant or nonutility property account.
NOTE B. - Taxes specifically applicable to construction shall be included in the cost of construction. NOTE C. - Gasoline and other sales taxes shall be charged as far as practicable to the same account as the materials on which the tax is levied.
NOTE D. - Social security and other forms of so-called payroll taxes shall be distributed to utility departments and to nonutility functions on a basis related to payroll. Amounts applicable to construction shall be charged to the appropriate plant account.
NOTE E. - Interest on tax refunds or deficiencies shall not be included in this account but in account 419, Interest and Dividend Income or 431, Other Interest Expense, as appropriate.
This account shall include those taxes recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes which relate to utility operating income. This account shall be maintained so as to allow ready identification of taxes relating to Utility Operating Income (by department), Utility Plant Leased to Others and Other Utility Operating Income.
This account shall include those taxes recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes which relate to Other Income and Deductions.
NOTE A. - Taxes assumed by the utility on interest shall be charged to account 431, Other Interest Expense.
NOTE B. - Interest on tax refunds or deficiencies shall not be included in this account but in account 419, Interest and Dividend Income, or account 431, Other Interest Expense, as appropriate.
This account shall include the amount of those state and federal income taxes reflected in account 409, Income Taxes, which relate to utility operating income. This account shall be maintained so as to allow ready identification of tax effects (both positive and negative) relating to Utility Operating Income (by department) and Utility Plant Leased to Others.
This account shall include the amount of those state and federal income taxes reflected in account 409, Income Taxes, (both positive and negative) which relate to Other Income and Deductions.
This account shall include the reflected amount of those state and federal income taxes in account 409, Income Taxes, (both positive and negative) which relate to Extraordinary Items.
This account shall include the amount of those deferred income taxes reflected in account 410, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, which relate to Utility Operating Income (by department).
This account shall include the amount of those deferred income taxes reflected in account 410, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, which relate to Other Income and Deductions.
This account shall include the amount of those taxes deferred in prior years-credit, reflected in account 411, Income Taxes Deferred in Prior Years-Credit, which relate to Utility Operating Income (by department).
This account shall include the amount of those taxes deferred in prior years-credit, reflected in account 411, Income Taxes Deferred in Prior Years Credit, which relate to Other Income and Deductions.
This account shall include the amount of those investment tax credit adjustments reflected in account 411.3, Investment Tax Credit Adjustments, related to property used in Utility Operations (by department).
This account shall include the amount of those investment tax credit adjustments reflected in account 411.3, Investment Tax Credit Adjustments, related to property used in Nonutility Operations.
This account shall include amounts relating to gains from the sale or other disposition of utility plant recorded in accounts 101-104; or property recorded in account 105, Property Held for Future Use or account 121, Nonutility Property, which had previously been classified in the aforementioned utility plant accounts. Record income taxes on gains recorded in this account in account 409, Income Taxes.
This account shall include amounts relating to losses from the sale or other disposition of utility plant recorded in accounts 101-104, or property recorded in account 105, Property Held for Future Use or account 121, Nonutility Property, which had previously been classified in the aforementioned utility plant accounts. Record the reductions in income taxes attributable to losses recorded in this account in account 409, Income Taxes.
NOTE. - Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other than Income Taxes and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes, identified separately.
NOTE A. - Revenues and expenses of merchandising, jobbing, and contract work shall be reported in these accounts, if a state regulatory body having jurisdiction over the utility requires the net income therefrom to be reported as other income; but the revenues and expenses shall be reported in account 914, Revenues from Merchandising, Jobbing, and Contract Work, and account 915, Costs and Expenses of Merchandising, Jobbing, and Contract Work, if such regulatory body requires the net income to be reported as an operating income or expense item. In the absence of a requirement by a state regulatory body, the utility may use these accounts or accounts 914 and 915 at its option, in which case the practice of the utility must be consistent.
NOTE B. - Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes, and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes.
NOTE. - Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes.
NOTE. - Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes.
NOTE A. - Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes.
NOTE B. - Interest accrued, the payment of which is not reasonably assured, dividends receivable which have not been declared or guaranteed, and interest or dividends upon reacquired securities issued or assumed by the utility shall not be credited to the account.
This account shall include all revenue and expense items, except taxes, properly includible in the income account and not provided for elsewhere. Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes.
This account shall be credited with the gain on the sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of property other than that property recorded in, or previously recorded in, accounts 101-104. (See utility plant instructions 5F, 7E and 10E.) Income Taxes on Gains recorded in this account shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes. (See account 411.6, Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant.)
This account shall be charged with the loss on the sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of property other than that property recorded in, or previously recorded in, accounts 101-104. (See utility plant instructions 5F, 7E and 10E.) The reduction in income taxes attributable to losses recorded in this account shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes. (See account 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant.)
This account shall include amortization charges not includible in other accounts which are properly deductible in determining the income of the utility before interest charges. Charges includible herein, if significant in amount, must be in accordance with an orderly and systematic amortization program.
This account shall include miscellaneous expense items which are nonoperating in nature but which are properly deductible before determining total income before interest charges.
NOTE. - This account shall not include interest on nominally issued or nominally outstanding long-term debt, including securities assumed.
This account shall include in each accounting period all interest charges not provided for elsewhere.
This account shall include concurrent credits for interest charged to construction based upon the net cost for the period of construction of borrowed funds used for construction purposes and a reasonable rate upon other funds when so used. (See utility plant instruction 3 (17).)
This account shall be credited with nontypical, noncustomary, infrequently recurring gains, which would significantly distort the current year's income computed before Extraordinary Items, if reported other than as extraordinary items. The applicable income tax effects of this account shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes, identified separately. (See general instruction 7.)
This account shall be debited with nontypical, noncustomary, infrequently recurring losses, which would significantly distort the current year's income computed before Extraordinary Items, if reported other than as extraordinary items. The applicable income tax effects of this account shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes, identified separately. (See general instruction 7.)
Part 8
This account shall include the net credit or debit transferred from income for the year.
This account shall include appropriations of retained earnings.
Part 9
This account shall include the net billing for service supplied for residential or domestic purposes.
This account shall include the net billing for service supplied which is billed under distinct multiple extension rates.
This account shall include the net billing for services supplied to municipalities or divisions or agencies of federal or state governments, under special contracts or agreements or service classifications applicable only to public authorities.
This account shall include service revenues not provided for in accounts 440 through 442 derived from the Operation of property, the investment in which is included in utility plant accounts, including revenues arising from special fees imposed to obtain programs not obtainable by means of regular subscription fees.
This account shall include the amount of discounts forfeited or additional charges imposed because of failure of customers to pay their service bills on or before a specified date.
This account shall include revenues for all miscellaneous service and charges billed to customers which are not specifically provided for in other accounts.
NOTE. - Do not include in this account rents from property constituting an operating unit or system. (See account 412, revenues from Utility Plant Leased to Others).
This account shall include revenues derived from utility operations which are not includible in any of the foregoing accounts.
Part 10
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the operation of transmitting facilities. (See operating expense instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of electricity purchased, the cost of fuel and other supplies used, and the expenses incurred in the generation, conversion, and storage of current for operating the transmission equipment.
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in operating transmitting facilities and their auxiliary apparatus to the point where signals leave for distribution.
This account shall include all rents of property of others used, occupied or operated in connection with transmitting operations. (See operating expense instruction 3.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred which are not specifically provided for or are not readily assignable to other transmitting expense accounts.
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the maintenance of transmitting station apparatus. (See operating expense instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in maintenance of transmitting structures the book cost of which is includible in account 311, Structures and Improvements. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the amount of expenses incurred in maintaining equipment, the cost of which is includible in account 312, Electronic Transmitting Equipment and account 313, Accessory Transmitting Equipment. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in maintenance of other transmitting equipment, the book cost of which is includible in account 314, Other Equipment. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the operation of the head end facilities. (See operating expenses instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in operating the receiving and signal processing equipment and their auxiliary head end apparatus to the point where signals leave for distribution.
This account shall include the amounts of expenses incurred in supplying power for the operation of the head end station. This includes the cost of power purchased, the cost of fuel and other supplies consumed, and other expenses incurred in the generation, conversion and storage of current for operating the head end equipment.
This account shall include costs of copyright fees and royalties paid for broadcast and similar rights.
This account shall include all rents of property of others used, occupied or operated in connection with head end operations. (See operating expense instruction 3.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the operation of the head end station which are not specifically provided for or are not readily assignable to other head end expense accounts.
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the maintenance of the head end station apparatus. (See operating expense instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of head end structures, the book cost of which is includible in account 321, Structures and Improvements. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in maintenance of plant includible in account 322, Towers and Antennas. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in maintenance of apparatus, the book cost of which is includible in account 323, Electronic Receiving and Signal Processing Equipment, and account 324, Power Supply Equipment. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in maintenance of plant, the book cost of which is includible in account 325, Other Head End Equipment. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of the operation of the distribution system. (See operating expense instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in the operation of overhead and underground distribution lines.
This account shall include the cost of power for distributing signals. This includes the cost of electricity purchased, the cost of fuel and other supplies used, and the expenses incurred in the generation, conversion, and storage of current for operating the signal distribution equipment.
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in work on customer installations in inspecting premises and in rendering services to customers of the nature of those indicated by the list of items hereunder.
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used, and expenses incurred in distribution system operation not provided for elsewhere.
This account shall include rents of property of others used, occupied, or operated in connection with the distribution system. (See operating expense instruction 3.)
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general supervision and direction of maintenance of the distribution system. (See operating expense instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in maintenance of structures, the book cost of which is includible in account 361, Structures and Improvements. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of overhead distribution cable facilities, the book cost of which is includible in account 362, Towers, Poles and Fixtures, account 364, Electronic Conductors and Devices, account 365, Distribution System Power Supply, and account 366, Services. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of underground distribution cable facilities, the book cost of which is includible in account 363, Underground Conduit, account 364, Electronic Conductors and Devices, account 365, Distribution System Power Supply, and account 366, Services. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in maintenance of plant, the book cost of which is includible in account 367, Installation on Customers' Premises, and account 368, Leased Property on Customers' Premises, and any other plant, the maintenance of which is assignable to the distribution function and is not provided for elsewhere. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general direction and supervision of customer accounting and collecting activities.
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in work on customer applications, contracts, orders, credit investigations, billing and accounting, collections and complaints.
This account shall be charged with amounts sufficient to provide for losses from uncollectible utility revenues. Concurrent credits shall be made to account 144, Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts-Cr. Losses from uncollectible accounts shall be charged to account 144.
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred not provided for in other accounts.
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in the general direction and supervision of sales activities, except merchandising. Direct supervision of a specific activity, such as demonstrating, selling, or advertising shall be charged to the account wherein the costs of such activity are included. (See operating expense instruction 1.)
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in promotional, demonstrating, and selling activities, except by merchandising, the object of which is to promote or retain the use of utility services by present and prospective customers.
This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in advertising designed to promote or retain the use of utility service, except advertising the sale of merchandise by the utility.
NOTE. - Exclude from this account and charge to account 930, miscellaneous General Expenses, the cost of publication of stockholder reports, dividend notices, bond redemption notices, financial statements, and other notices of a general corporate character. Exclude also all institutional or goodwill advertising. (See account 930, Miscellaneous (General Expenses.)
NOTE A. - Revenues and expenses of merchandising, jobbing and contract work shall be reported in this account, if a state regulatory body having jurisdiction over the utility requires shall income to be reported as an operating expense items; but the revenues and expenses shall be reported in accounts 415 and 416 if such regulatory body requires such income to be reported as nonoperating income. In the absence of a requirement by a state regulatory body, the utility may use these accounts or accounts 415 and 416 at its option, in which case the practice of the utility must be consistent.
NOTE B. - Related operating taxes shall be recorded in account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes, and income taxes shall be recorded in account 409, Income Taxes.
NOTE. - Office expenses which are clearly applicable to any group of operating expenses other than the administrative and general group shall be included in the appropriate account in each functional group. Further, general expenses which apply to the utility as a whole rather than to a particular administrative function shall be included in account 930, Miscellaneous General Expenses.
This account shall be credited with administrative expenses recorded in accounts 920 and 921 which are transferred to construction costs or to nonutility accounts.
NOTE. - Do not include inspection and brokerage fees and commissions chargeable to other accounts or fees and expenses in connection with security issues which are includible in the expenses of issuing securities.
NOTE A. - The cost of insurance or reserve accruals capitalized shall be charged to construction either directly or by transfer to construction work orders from this account.
NOTE B. - The cost of insurance or reserve accruals for the following classes of property shall be charged as indicated:
NOTE C. - The cost of labor and related supplies and expenses of administrative and general employees who are only incidentally engaged in property insurance work may be included in accounts 920 and 921, as appropriate.
NOTE A. - Payments to or in behalf of employees for accident or death benefits, hospital expenses, medical supplies or for salaries while incapacitated for service on or lease of absence beyond periods normally allowed, when not the result of occupational injuries, shall be charged to account 926, Employee Pensions and Benefits. (See also note B of account 926.)
NOTE B. - The cost of injuries and damages or reserve accruals capitalized shall be charged to construction directly or by transfer to construction work orders from this account.
NOTE C. - Exclude herefrom the time and expenses of employees (except those engaged in injuries and damages activities) spent in attendance at safety and accident prevention educational meetings, if occurring during the regular work period.
NOTE D. - The cost of labor and related supplies and expenses of administrative and general employees who are only incidentally engaged in injuries and damages activities may be included in accounts 920 and 921 as appropriate.
NOTE A. - The cost of labor and related supplies and expenses of administrative and general employees who are only incidentally engaged in employee pension and benefit activities may be included in account 920 and 921, as appropriate.
NOTE B. - Salaries paid to employees during periods of nonoccupational sickness may be charged to the appropriate labor account rather than to employee benefits.
NOTE A. - Franchise taxes shall not be charged to this account but to account 408, Taxes Other Than Income Taxes.
NOTE B. - Any amount paid as initial consideration for a franchise running for more than one year shall be charged to account 302, Franchises and Consents.
NOTE A. - Exclude from this account and include in other appropriate operating expense accounts, expenses incurred in the improvement of service, additional inspection, or rendering reports, which are made necessary by the rules and regulations, or orders, of regulatory bodies.
NOTE B. - Do not include in this account amounts includible in account 302, Franchises and Consents, account 181, Unauthorized Debt Discount and Expense, or account 214, Capital Stock Expense.
This account shall include concurrent credits for charges which may be made to operating expenses or to other accounts of the utility for the use of utility service from its own supply. Include, also, offsetting credits for any other charges made to operating expenses for which there is no direct money outlay.
This account shall include the cost of labor and expenses incurred in connection with the general management of the utility not provided for elsewhere.
NOTE.-The cost of any advertising for the purpose of influencing public opinion as to the election of public officers, referenda, proposed legislation, proposed ordinances, repeal of existing laws or ordinances, approval or revocation of franchises, or for the purpose of influencing the public or its elected officials, in respect to political matters shall not be included herein but charged to account 426, Other Income Deductions.
This account shall include rents properly includible in utility operating expenses for the property of others used, occupied, or operated in connection with the customer accounts, sales and general and administrative functions of the utility. (See Operating Expense Instruction 3.)
This account shall include the cost assignable to customer accounts, sales and administrative and general functions of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of property, the book cost of which is includible in account 390, Structures and Improvements, account 391, Office Furniture and Equipment, account 397, Communication Equipment, and account 398, Miscellaneous Equipment, and of similar property leased from others. Include, also the cost of repairing for reuse materials which previously were included in those accounts. (See Operating Expense Instruction 2.
NOTE.-Maintenance of plant included in other general equipment accounts shall be included herein unless charged to clearing accounts or to the particular functional maintenance expense account indicated by the use of the equipment.
Use of the term "Revised" in the section history note changed to "Amended" (November 24, 2014)