Where Materials May Be
Found.A. Copies of all materials
incorporated by reference are available for public inspection during normal
business hours from the Public Room Administrator at the office of the
Commission, 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 801, Denver, Colorado 80203.
B. Copies of all materials incorporated by
reference are also available at the office or website of the agency or
organization that issued the code, standard, guideline, or rule, as specified
C. Copies of any materials
that are not available to the public on the internet for no cost may be
examined at any state publications depository library.
Materials Incorporated.
A. Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment, Water Quality Control Commission ("WQCC"), Regulation Number 41,
The Basic Standards for Ground Water, 5 C.C.R. § 1002-41,
seq. (hereinafter "WQCC Regulation 41"). Only the version of WQCC
Regulation 41 in effect as of January 15, 2021 applies; later amendments do not
apply. WQCC Regulation 41 may be examined at the Colorado Department of Public
Health and Environment, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246, and is
available online at
B. Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment, Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission ("SHWC"), Regulations
Pertaining to Solid Waste, 6 C.C.R. § 1007-2,
et seq.
(hereinafter "SHWC Solid Waste Regulations"). Only the version of the SHWC
Solid Waste Regulations in effect as of January 15, 2021 applies; later
amendments do not apply. The SHWC Solid Waste Regulations may be examined at
the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 4300 Cherry Creek
Drive South, Denver, CO 80246, and are available online at
C. SHWC Regulations Pertaining to Hazardous
Waste, 6 C.C.R. § 1007-3,
et seq. (hereinafter "SHWC
Hazardous Waste Regulations"). Only the version of the SHWC Hazardous Waste
Regulations in effect as of January 15, 2021 applies; later amendments do not
apply. The SHWC Hazardous Waste Regulations may be examined at the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South,
Denver, CO 80246, and are available online at
D. Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment, Air Quality Control Commission ("AQCC"), Regulation No. 7, Control
of Ozone Via Ozone Precursors and Control of Hydrocarbons Via Oil and Gas
Emissions (Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds and Nitrogen Oxides), 5
C.C.R. § 1001-9,
et seq. (hereinafter "AQCC Regulation
No. 7"). Only the version of AQCC Regulation No. 7 in effect as of January 15,
2021 applies; later amendments do not apply. AQCC Regulation No. 7 may be
examined at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 4300
Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246, and is available online at
E. Colorado State Board of Examiners of Water
Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors, Rules and Regulations for
Water Well Construction, Pump Installation, Cistern Installation, and
Monitoring and Observation Hole/Well Construction, 2 C.C.R. § 402-2,
et seq. (hereinafter "State Engineer's Water Well Construction
and Permitting Rules"). Only the version of the State Engineer's Water Well
Construction Rules in effect as of January 15, 2021 applies; later amendments
do not apply. The State Engineer's Water Well Construction and Permitting Rules
may be examined at the Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1313 Sherman St.,
Suite 821, Denver, CO 80203, and are available online at
F. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Test
Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods (May 2019
edition) (hereinafter, "EPA SW-846"). Only the May 2019, "Update VI" edition of
EP SW-846 applies to this rule; later amendments do not apply. EPA SW-846 may
be examined at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, 1595 Wynkoop
St, Denver, CO 80202, and is available online at
G. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
40 C.F.R. §
60.5375a, What GHG and VOC standards apply to
well affected facilities? (2016) (hereinafter, "40 C.F.R. §
60.5375a"). Only the version of
40 C.F.R. §
60.5375a that became effective on August 2,
2016 applies to this rule; later amendments do not apply.
40 C.F.R. §
60.5375a may be examined at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, 1595 Wynkoop St, Denver, CO 80202,
and is available online at
H. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Regional Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Super Fund Sites (Nov.
18, 2020) (hereinafter, "EPA's RSLs"). Only the November 2020 version of EPA's
RSLs applies; later amendments do not apply. EPA's RSLs may be examined at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, 1595 Wynkoop St, Denver, CO
80202, and are available online at
I. Western Coordinating Committee on Nutrient
Management, Soil, Plant and Water Reference Methods for the Western Region (4th
edition, 2013). Only the 4th edition (2013) of the Soil, Plant and Water
Reference Methods for the Western Region applies to this rule; later amendments
do not apply. Soil, Plant and Water Reference Methods for the Western Region
may be examined at the Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Road,
Madison, WI 53711, and is available online at
J. Rocky Mountain Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Board, Rules (Dec. 3, 2010). Only the 2010 version of the
Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste Board's Rules apply to this Rule;
later amendments do not apply. The Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Board's Rules may be examined at Rocky Mountain Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Board, 999 18th St., Suite 2400 S, Denver, CO 80202, and are available online